Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Nara Asamura - The Tri Eyed Powered Darken



Name: Nara Asamura

Age: 24

Race: Human (Darken)

Height: 5'10

Weight: 213 Pounds

Favorite Food: Sweet & Sour Pork

Likes: His father, his stepfather, his allies Xiaoyu and Apollyn

Dislikes: Dealing with his Darken powers, long journeys, weak adversaries, almonds

Powers: Nara is a user of the magical ability known as "Aya's Gift"

Mind Reader - Nara's eyes turn from brown to lavender. Nara gains the ability to read minds and sometimes able to foresee his target(s) next move

Cold Zap - Nara's eyes turn from brown to Cerulean as he gains the ability to manipulate electricity with a chilly after effect

Negative Zone - Nara's eyes turn from brown to Eminence (a shade of purple) and gains the ability to manipulate gravity 

Darken State - When Nara gets into a enraged mindset he gives in to the Darken powers within him which gives him demonic like strength, speed, and stamina. Along with access to all three of his gifts at once

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 VAIN Artwork by Anne_Luc