Sunday, December 4, 2022

Profile - Zeke Allard & Lugor Van Ness


"Witch spotted! Time for their painful elimination!" - Zeke Allard 

"And don't think about running. Once Zeke and I set you in our sights, you're as good as dead!" - Lugor Van Ness 

Name: Zeke Allard & Lugor Van Ness

Age: Zeke (45) Lugor (47)

Country: Zeke (France) Lugor (Britain)

Species: Zeke (Human) Lugor (Beasterian)

Height: Zeke (5'9) Lugor (6'2)

Weight: Zeke (145 Pounds) Lugor (248 Pounds)

Skin Color: Zeke (Fair) Lugor (Grayish Purple)

Hair Color: Zeke (Blonde) Lugor (Naturally grayish purple but dyed his mohawk blonde)

Powers: Zeke can summon a magical gun thanks to his power called The Negative. The gun allows Zeke to inflict great damage on targets and it's especially strong against Sages who are deemed as Witches. Zeke also possesses extraordinary aim, movement, and durability. However, it should be noted that his durability isn't on par with that of a demon or a Sage/Witch that possesses super strength; just more proficient than the average person. Lugor possesses wolf like senses, agility, regenerative abilities, sharp strikes with his claws, and is skilled in hand-to-hand combat.

Allies: Kekoa, August Starfinder, Vritra, Goldie, Boniface

Likes: Zeke - Lugor, his family, killing witches, memories of his grandmother, the color red, baskets (please don't ask him why cause even he doesn't know his infatuation with baskets comes from), traveling, money

Lugor - Zeke, adventuring, Zeke's parents, the taste of blood from his enemies, blueberries, grilled fish, reading poetry, electronica music

Dislikes: Zeke - Witches, licorice, his parents scolding, when Lugor is grouchy

Lugor - Zeke when he goes on a verbal tirade, waterbugs, difficult targets, licorice


Zeke's mother, Petunia, has had it! Last night, Zeke had once again accidentally activated his magical powers known as The Negative and summoned a gun. He then proceeded to accidentally shoot his mother's expensive vase that she purchased from China years before giving birth to him. After Zeke got bopped on the head and had to clean up the broken glass, Petunia told Zeke first thing in the morning after breakfast that he had to travel to his grandmother's house. The reason was for him to gain control over his magic before he accidentally harmed his father, mother, or himself. After getting dressed and eating breakfast, Zeke received traveling money from his mother to visit his grandmother who lived in a secluded cabin in the Rouge Forest located in France. Giving his parents a hug and a kiss, the young boy headed out to visit his grandmother. Zeke caught the bus in Dijon and began his journey, reaching the Rouge Forest about three hours later. Zeke took a moment to pause his music on his cellphone, removing his earbuds as he observed his surroundings. Two years ago, Zeke came to the Rouge Forest with his parents and felt a sense of uneasiness within this gothic forest. Nevertheless, Zeke wasn’t one to let a bit of uneasiness deter him from his objective. The lad came here to see his grandmother, and that's what he planned on doing in order to get his awakened powers in check.

Entering deeper into the forest, Zeke suddenly heard the sound of rattling not too far from where he stood. Knowing that he only saw a few rabbits, a single skunk, and a purple raven, Zeke was quite certain that it couldn't be anything dangerous waiting ahead of him. At least, he hoped not. Venturing farther into the forest as he was halfway to his grandmother's cabin, Zeke stumbled upon the corpse of what appeared to be a tall and burly man dressed like a hunter with several slashes around his body and a fatal slash around their neck. Now on edge, Zeke became worried not only about himself but for his grandmother's safety. Before the boy could make his next move, jumping out of the bushes was a tall werewolf beasterian with a feral appearance that was obviously responsible for the corpse Zeke encountered seconds ago. Staring at the beasterian in horror, all Zeke could do was stand frozen and hope that his death would be swift because everyone knows death is never painless. Instead, upon approaching the lad, the werewolf beasterian simply wrapped his arms around him and placed his nose around the scared lad's neck. Giving him a soothing lick near his Adam's Apple, the beasterian then sniffed him before removing his arms from around him. The beasterian then stared back at Zeke with a relieved look on its face before saying to him "So, you are indeed Gretchen's grandson... thank the Gods! No need to be afraid of me, dude... my name is Lugor Van Ness. I ran away from home a few months ago and met your grandmother while exploring France. She took me in and I have lived here ever since."

Relieved that the beasterian, Lugor, was not a danger to him, but was also a friend of his grandmother, Zeke quickly introduced himself to him before telling him his age of thirteen-years-old. Lugor told Zeke that he was two years older than him before explaining the situation around the dead Hunter lying in front of them. Upon learning that Lugor and his grandmother have been fighting off Hunters these past few weeks, Zeke became even more concerned about his grandmother's safety and demanded that Lugor carry him on his back and take him to see her. Lugor was shocked by how only seconds ago the lad was terrified of him, but was now giving him orders. Yet, there was something about Zeke that Lugor was unable to refuse as he placed Zeke on his back before rushing to the grandmother's cabin. Moments before reaching the cabin where his grandmother resided, both Zeke and Lugor saw sickly green colored flames within the house. The two men threw caution to the wind and entered the house. Once inside the house the two men witnessed a gravely injured Gretchen and across from her was a red-skinned witch dressed in dominatrix-like fashion. Rushing to his grandmother's side, Zeke began crying as he saw his grandmother in such bad shape. Lugor stared angrily at the witch while taking an offensive stance. Gretchen, in her dying breath, explained to Zeke that the witch before them had come seeking revenge after Gretchen had killed her lover a month prior for causing trouble in Bayonne. The witch had also hired rogue Hunters to try to kill Lugor and her as well. Gretchen then said how much she loved Zeke and regretted that she wouldn’t be around to see him grow up and that she was proud of her daughter for giving birth to such a fine grandson. Tears ran down Zeke's face as he was forced to watch his grandmother take her final breath. The sickly green colored flames started closing in on them as the witch watched on in glee.

Enraged by the death of his grandmother, Zeke's powers activated as he summoned a magical gun into his hand. Immediately without any warning, Zeke fired several rounds into the body of the witch. The bullets struck both of her arms, three in her stomach, and one in her heart. Zeke then ordered Lugor to grab his grandmother's dead body and escape the cabin before an explosion took place. The witch's body jittered in agony; each of the bullets that pierced her body exploded and tore away at her limbs. The witch was mere moments from death as the bullet in her heart exploded, which caused the cabin to blow up as well. Zeke and Lugor escaped the explosion as Lugor held the dead body of Gretchen in his arms. Tears of sadness ran down Lugor's eyes while tears of anger ran down Zeke's. It was very unfortunate that it took the death of his grandmother to miraculously give Zeke control over his inherited powers, and now he'll have to explain to his parents the tragedy that took place. Zeke then turned to Lugor and told him to promise him to always be by his side. Lugor turned to Zeke and assured him that they would always be together.


Now much older and a happy couple, Zeke and Lugor became a dynamic duo of Witch Hunters, taking jobs specifically to track and kill Witches; former Sages that decided to use their powers for evil or simply lost control of their magic. Remembering the pain of losing his grandmother, Zeke, along with Lugor, decided from that very day to become strong enough to combat Witches wherever they may be, but the duo is mainly stationed in France. Every Sunday, unless they are away in another country, Zeke and Lugor go to see his parents, Petunia and Cien, for a wonderful Sunday dinner.


Zeke and Lugor are inspired by The Little Red Riding Hood fable. Zeke taking the role of Red and Lugor is the wolf. Unlike the traditional story where Red and the Wolf are enemies, Zeke and Lugor are lovers.

Zeke and Lugor are the very first cross-species couple that I ever created for FORBIDDEN that wasn't a mortal and demon. Zeke being the human/mortal and Lugor the beasterian.

Zeke's penis can be seen through his crotch area of his outfit. This is because of my desire to bring more erotically designed male characters to FORBIDDEN. Ideas such as these are influenced as a fan of the series, Queen's Blade, which have the majority of their women dressed in risque battle attire. Seanix Del Soto, Jame Del Soto, and King Onyx designs were also influenced by such ideas. Of course, if FORBIDDEN ever takes off for me, I fully expect to censor that part of Zeke's design for certain medias.

Zeke and Lugor are drawn by two different artists which is another first for my FORBIDDEN couple characters. Zeke was drawn by the artist Suzume while Lugor was drawn by Pondersleuth/Aron who was the artist of my official book cover for FORBIDDEN.

Lugor was also supposed to have a risque design but due to his artist not feeling comfortable drawing a character in such a manner, I settled for a more tamed appearance for Lugor. In the future, Lugor may receive an equally risque outfit as his lover. 

While other couple characters exist in FORBIDDEN examples King Onyx/Sung Jin, Da-Xia/Eaton, Xavian/Chia-hao, Theo/Turbine, Gabrielle/Gladys. Zeke and Lugor are literally a two-in-one special as no matter the media, I will always want those two characters fighting together. Whereas the other couple characters are more than acceptable fighting on their own or being individuals.

Zeke's love for baskets is also inspired by The Little Red Riding Hood fable as Red was tasked with bringing a basket of essentials to her grandmother.

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