A blog dedicated to my FORBIDDEN fantasy world along with reblogs of other various interest. Please enjoy the blog and tell your friends about it
Saturday, July 29, 2023
Art For Potential FORBIDDEN Characters
Wednesday, July 26, 2023
Tuesday, July 25, 2023
Friday, July 21, 2023
Thursday, July 20, 2023
FORBIDDEN: Necessary
The Necessary
by Onyxe Blade
Somewhere in a grotesque alley within the fifth level of the Underworld, after an intense battle, Hellin Strongs just finished killing a female demon named Ahrai. The reason this battle took place was because Ahrai, an assassin hired by a yet unknown benefactor, attempted to assassinate Mihoshi Strongs-Rojas, the elder sister of Hellin, while on a business trip in South Snowlia, one of the seventy-five states of Mayland. Ahrai was way over her head when confronting Mihoshi, whose bitchy attitude and lightning manipulation powers proved too much for the assassin and forced her to retreat. Unfortunately, like a yellow jacket, Mihoshi remembered the face of those she despised. Ahrai was no exception despite wearing a concealing black outfit for assassinations. Upon learning the news, Othello, the Queen of Babylon and the biological mother of Mihoshi and Hellin as well as the adoptive mother of Orsela Geno, immediately decided that such actions could not go unpunished and that they would hunt down this Ahrai person and make her pay. Using their resources, with Orsela being the greatest of them all, she managed to learn one of Ahrai’s hideouts in the Underworld. Hellin was then tasked to find and eliminate her sister's would-be killer.
While both Hellin and Mihoshi held great animosity towards each other, even to the point of wanting to kill the other, as the daughters and potential heirs of Othello's queendom, Babylon, an attack on either of them was an attack on Babylon, and must be dealt with both swiftly and harshly. Having eliminated Ahrai and her injuries during the battle having already healed themselves, Hellin received a text from Ozzy, one of her mother's servants, to hurry back home. Once upon a time, such a thing would have been nearly a day’s journey for Hellin. After so many years of being unable to create her own portals, Hellin was now able to get home in seconds as she opened a portal before her. Normally, she would have needed to dispose of what remained of Ahrai. Considering how dangerous the fifth level of the Underworld was, as it crawled with many scavenger-like demons, Hellin knew one of those demons would surely encounter the assassin's corpse and make it their meal.
Seconds later, a portal opened in Babylon with Hellin stepping out wearing what has become her signature red catsuit with dark blue accessories, which she received from her ally, Lea Stallard, back in Plutonia almost a year ago during the events known as Red Ambitions. Standing in front of her was her mother, Othello, dressed in sultry purple attire. Also standing there was Orsela wearing her usual black and turquoise straitjacket-like apparel. And then there was Ozzy with his usual Jheri curls and colorful shades dressed like a pimp meet circus clown. Hellin knew instinctively that something was up and that something was taking place in the Mortal Realm. Hellin awaited as her mother began to speak.
Othello: Welcome back, daughter. I'm assured of your success in ridding us of that bitch, Ahrai. Anyway, Orsela and you are needed in Mayland. Onyx just hit me up a few minutes ago about two cyclopses running rampant on Delancey Street near the Avarice Market Place. Needless to say, your help is required and whoever else Onyx is sending to that location. So, without further explanation, get your gorgeous asses to the Mortal Realm immediately and save a bunch of lowly mortals or whatever.
Hellin immediately grabbed hold of Orsela's hand and opened a portal leading them to their needed location. Arriving to Delancey Street seconds later, the two demon women step out of the portal. Hellin and Orsela immediately spotted their comrades: Trevyn Aliyu, August Starfinder, Lea Stallard, and Scylla Baros. Along with them was the trio known as Team Passionfruit, which consisted of the half-human and half-beasterian Nevin Silvers who was a light peach skinned chap with spiky blonde hair with a patch of purple perfectly placed above his forehead. He had a great physique and was dressed in black attire akin to that of a male stripper. The next was Addison Reed, a bald black man wearing blue shades and yellow overalls with the crouch of his outfit being risque along with his yellow and blue colored gloves. He wore shoes that matched his outfit. Lastly, the leader of the trio was simply named Mona. She was a native woman who had beautiful ebony hair with traces of violet mixed in, especially visible on her signature bangs. She wore a sky blue long sleeved crop jacket that exposed the lower part of her breast, but also wore a fishnet shirt underneath to make the upper part of her outfit slightly less revealing, along with a denim skirt, white pantyhose, and a pair of sky blue platform boots with multiple straps to complete her ensemble.
The heroes were already engaged in battle with the two cyclopses who were almost as tall as the twin towers located in lower Manhattan. One of the cyclopses was tangerine skinned with various black stripes and the other was a grayish-blue color. The two cyclopses suddenly began wreaking havoc, and, fortunately, only caused injuries to nearby civilians and destruction to several buildings before the heroes arrived. Mona and Trevyn combined their healing abilities to aid the injured civilians. Lea teleported civilians away from the wreckage while Scylla, August, Addison, and Nevin used their combined powers to fight against the cyclopses with Scylla doing most of the heavy lifting within the battle. Orsela immediately summoned Nox Asrai and commanded the watery monster to use her powers to aid Scylla and the others against the cyclopses. Meanwhile, Hellin sensed another presence not too far from where the battle was taking place.
Orsela: Sis, is everything okay?
Hellin: I might be tripping, but I'm quite certain that I sense someone else within our vicinity.
Orsela: Do you think this potential individual is responsible for the two cyclopses going wild in New York?
Hellin: Only one way to find out. SCYLLA!
Scylla: WHAT, STRONGS?! My hands are kinda full dealing with these two behemoths. Speaking of which, why haven't you knocked these fuckers out already? Isn't that what you do best?
Hellin: FUCK OFF, OCTOPUS! Anyway, I need Orsela, you, and the others to keep the cyclopses busy, but do not strike to kill. I think there's someone else responsible for this sudden attack on Delancey Street.
August: So, ya telling me someone intentionally sent these tall bastards to cause all of this havoc?
Hellin: Exactly what I'm saying, cowboy. Now enough small talk, I got a hunch I need to go confirm before shit gets worse.
Hellin blitzed off and went to find the strange presence within the perimeter to confirm if what she sensed was correct. She watched from a distance as the heroes continued battling against the cyclopses. She spotted a pale-skinned man with a short yellow mohawk wearing a dark purple cloak with an open-button gray shirt and black pants and sneakers. The man had a shitting grin as he watched the two young men who he used his magic on to transform them into cyclopses. These weren't just any men, either. The two men were young black sage siblings named Bruce and Denzel. The two brothers recently out-performed this envious sage at a magic showcase event in Blue Jay City, and he’s been plotting revenge on them. He located the two brothers near their home of 103 Orchard Street and followed them on their way to Delancey Street. Once the brothers were in range, the envious witch used his magic to trigger the brothers’ magical abilities to go haywire and thus transformed them. The mysterious mohawk man's plan was for the brothers to be deemed witches and to be slain by whatever sage(s) forced to stop them. Unfortunately for him, his plans were about to come to ruin as Hellin Strongs appeared behind him without him even noticing she was there.
Hellin: Found you, faggot!
(Author's note - The word "faggot" simply means "punk" in Earth 135 and doesn't have any negative connotation towards homosexual men).
Swiftly, before the man had a moment to react, Hellin grabbed him by the neck and pinned him to the nearest wall within his little hideout, controlling herself not to choke the life out of him or simply rip his head clean off. Instead, Hellin decided to take a "nicer" approach in dealing with the troublemaker.
Mysterious Man: (gasping) Who the fuck are you?
Hellin: A bitch you don't want to piss off any more than you already have. So now, tell me why you caused this havoc to take place in New York. Or, I can just read your fucking peanut brain for the answer.
Terry: My name is Terry Glimewood and I wanted payback on those two bastards for upstaging me in Blue Jay City and taking the prize money that should’ve been mine! Besides, how in the fuck did you find me, demon! I used a damn concealing spell to mask my presence... but leave it to a demon to scope me out!
Hellin: It's my job to be able to find those who want to be hidden. Now I'm going to go against my better judgment and remove my hand from around your neck. Upon me doing so, you release whatever spell you have on those two siblings before they get killed or kill someone. If either of those two things end up happening, I will make sure you regret your existence!
Terry: Just kill me now, you fucking demon! That's what your kind does best, isn't it?
Hellin knew she was being taunted by this lowly mortal, but relished in her thoughts on the many brutal ways she could kill him. However, recently, Hellin was dealing with a personal turmoil within herself. One she hasn't even shared with either Orsela or Onyx. Ever since Hellin was able to conjure up her first fireball as a child, she was taught how to kill. While she is a princess by birth right, she was raised by her mother in the ways of an assassin. Many years prior to her first meeting with Onyx and becoming a dependable ally of his to combat various forms of evil in his world, Hellin thought nothing of killing and took extreme pleasure in such cruel acts. After all, it's what demons do best, but as she gained friends and learned more about morality, Hellin became conflicted about her role in life. Is she a hero or an assassin? It was a question that had been nagging at her for quite some time. Nevertheless, she had zero intention of giving in to Terry's taunting; at least not until he undid his spell on the two brothers.
Hellin: You don't give me orders, you fucking asswipe! Now undo your spell on the brothers, unless you wish to experience the worst headache known to man.
Terry stared venomously at Hellin, but knew the demon was capable of following through with her threat. Accepting that his nefarious schemes had been thwarted, Terry undid his spell. Immediately, the chaos on Delancey Street ceased as Bruce and Denzel morphed back into their human selves.
August: Looks like our gal found the real culprit.
Orsela: My sister was right! There was someone responsible for this sudden attack. Now we have to make sure those two innocent sages aren't harmed or punished for acting out against their will
Scylla: Well, whoever is responsible for all this, I want them dead! I swear Hellin better not have killed whoever was responsible for this shit already or I might have to take my frustrations out on her.
A portal opened and it was none other than Hellin with Terry in her hand being dragged like a bag of garbage. She tossed Terry onto the floor in front of the rest of her allies. Meanwhile, both Bruce and Denzel reverted back to their normal selves and were naked because their clothes were destroyed during their transformation. Lea then teleported in with Mona and Trevyn, who all finished doing their part in aiding the situation. Hellin, not wanting to waste precious time, telepathically shared her confrontation with Terry, which allows everyone, including Bruce and Denzel, to know how all the events transpired and informed them of Terry's petty revenge. Denzel immediately made a gesture to attack Terry, but Bruce placed a hand on his little brother's shoulder and signaled for him to calm himself. Lea then walked over to the naked siblings and teleported them away. Hellin and the others knew that Lea would take good care of them before bringing them back to New York. All that was left was for the heroes to decide what to do with Terry.
Nevin: So, you're the little shithead that caused all this mess.
Addison: All of this cause you lost a fucking contest? You asshole! If I didn't have better self-restraint, I would use my green flames to fry your ass, you sorry excuse of a man.
Mona: Terry is a terrible human being, but none of us here should stoop to his level.
Scylla: Then speak for yourselves. I'm just glad Hellin didn't kill him... so that I can.
With a snap of her finger, Scylla enveloped Terry's head in a ball of water and he began to suffocate. The others watch in shock and horror as they never expected Scylla to actually be serious with her threat. Hellin, who quickly regained her composure, used her telepathy on Scylla to deactivate the ball of water used to suffocate Terry. Released from his potential watery death, Terry began gasping heavily for oxygen. Angered, Scylla walked over to Hellin and began berating her.
Scylla: How fucking dare you, Strongs! Did you really fucking use your powers on me to save that asshole?! I could fucking slap you!
Hellin: Slap me, Scylla, and I'll break every bone in your body! We didn't come here to kill anyone, just to resolve a situation. The brothers have been saved from wrecking New York and the culprit has been found and captured. Now all that's left is to bring him to the authorities and go about our fucking lives.
Scylla: Since when did you become a woman of such morality? Just last week you killed several troublesome goblins without a second thought!
Hellin: You and I both killed them and those goblins were far too corrupted by the demon who cursed them to do their bidding. I couldn't save them if I tried, and I made sure to kill the demon responsible for such actions.
Scylla: You're a killer, Hellin, and that's all you'll ever be.
Orsela: Scylla! You're going too damn far now. That's my sister and while she's far from perfect, she's a hero and shouldn't be viewed as anything else.
Hellin: Both of you are wrong. I'm neither a killer nor a hero. I have been searching for an answer to my own dilemma for a minute now, and today I finally found the answer. What I am is neither good nor evil. I'm simply the necessary! I'm not ashamed to admit I have done things that many would deem evil, but I have also done more than my share of good; whether it be for Onyx, others, or myself. I don't want to be perfect and I will forever be a monster in the eyes of my enemies and even some allies. Nonetheless, I'm what the situation requires of me and I will always do what is deemed necessary! Now unless you all would rather waste time standing around here like a bunch of mannequins, let's bring this fucker in to custody already so we can go about our day.
Trevyn: Sounds good to me. Besides, I want to get back to Nigeria asap! My chef is making Jollof Rice and Egusi Soup tonight and it's so much better eaten freshly cooked.
August: Mind if I tag along, Prince?
Trevyn: I would love your company, August. Hell, you're all invited if you want.
Mona: Oh, thank you, Prince Aliyu, but my comrades and I need to get to the Royal Lands to assist a client of ours on a minor mission.
Orsela: I would love to, Trevyn, but I promised to help out Madame Xi after this situation was handled. So, I need to get back to Babylon asap.
Hellin: And I'm guessing you just want to get back to your folks in Greece, right, Scylla?
Scylla: Did you need to use your telepathy to figure that one out?
Hellin: Okay, I'll gladly get you all to your desired destinations before taking Scylla back to Greece.
Mona: Thank you so much, Hellin. I'm really happy you're able to create portals now like your mother and Onyxe.
Hellin: Thank you, Mona.
Terry: Okay, enough with this sappy, friendly shit! Can I just go to jail already?
Monday, July 17, 2023
Artwork For Future FORBIDDEN Characters
Below are my original drawings for my future FORBIDDEN characters. Course expect some changes from my initial drawing of the characters versus when they are drawn by a professional
Sonia Brightwood
Sunday, July 16, 2023
Future FORBIDDEN Characters Coming In 2023-2024
Future FORBIDDEN Character List
Hey everyone just wanted to say "thank you" for all the support shown to my blog. Anyways here are the names of the future FORBIDDEN characters I plan on having worked on later this year and early 2024
1. Cecelia Kovalenko (Mid August/In Progress)
2. Trixie Meringue (Mid August/In Progress)
3. Kelsey Lambert (Late Summer/Early Autumn)
4. Sonia Brightwood (Autumn)
5. Gina Wyler (Late Autumn/Early Winter)
6. Uriah (Late Autumn/Early Winter)
7. Desmond Mateo (Autumn)
8. Steven "Psyke" Cambrian (Late Autumn)
9. The Avatar Of Loneliness (Winter)
10. Yara Marrella (Late Autumn/Early Winter)
Also Clarice Baranello will also be worked on around the late Autumn/Early Winter time period. Especially since she has ties to JJ and Candy Sin
BTW if there's any FORBIDDEN characters not mentioned that anyone would love to see sooner. Feel free to let me know in the comments. Course this is for characters only mentioned but no official artwork
Saturday, July 15, 2023
Friday, July 14, 2023
Wednesday, July 12, 2023
Profile: Deon Santos
"My past may haunt me from time to time, but I will never allow it to get in the way of my legendary future." - Deon Santos
Skill Set - Kelsey Lambert
Monday, July 10, 2023
Saturday, July 8, 2023
Friday, July 7, 2023
Wednesday, July 5, 2023
Wendy Brinefall - Skill Set
Wendy Brinefall's Skill Set
Profile: Kelsey Lambert
"The look of disdain from those who lay eyes on me is common so I don't take it personal. I learned long ago that every living thing, whether it be mortal or demon, fears the unknown. Me and the unknown are one of the same" - Kelsey
Profile: Wendy Brinefall
"Fighting injustice takes a lot out of a girl. Well nothing like a yummy sweet volcano sundae with fries to feel like myself again" - Wendy Brinefall
Author: Wendy weights 147 Pounds
Tuesday, July 4, 2023
Sunday, July 2, 2023
FORBIDDEN - The Main Event
FORBIDDEN - The Main Event
Written by Onyxe Blade
It's 9:35 PM in the Patterson Stadium, which is located in Devillion, Rogue Town. The audience of 22,358 just finished enjoying the epic battle between Darin The Vampire and Aahan Pandey inside the Quartz Arena, where Darin emerged victorious after a hard-fought battle. The clean-up crew swiftly wiped the blood out of the ring from the previous fighters. The arena was now ready for the final bout of the night, also known as the MAIN EVENT!
The first fighter approached the ring along with his best friend and coach Peter Pepolino. Peter dressed in a blueish white track suit. He had slick blond hair and wore almond colored shades. Walking down the ramp towards the arena was his fighter, a tall and muscular medium tan skinned Thai man with a purple crewcut, wearing blue and red shorts and blue shoes suitable for combat. The man also had a crescent moon tattoo with three stars on his left pectoral. The man entered the ring as his friend and coach waited on the outside and cheered him on for good luck tonight. Once inside the ring, the Thai man awaited his opponent.
Approaching the ring appeared a lion-type Beasterian with light green fur and various black stripes, similar to a tiger, and a silver mane. The Beasterian wore nothing but bandages around his arms and black pants with a bit of silver on the side of the legs. The audience watched on in amazement because the approaching Beasterian brawler was none other than the famous fighter Rodrigo Seval, a powerful martial artist who infused nature-based magic into his attacks. Folks were still talking about Rodrigo's epic battle against Braddock Aster two months ago.
Peter watched his friend, who maintained his composure near the referee in the arena. While confident in his friend's skills as a rising fighter, Peter knew that Rodrigo was one of the strongest non-demon fighters in the world. Nonetheless, Peter, having seen his friend defeat many great fighters, remained hopeful that Rodrigo would just be another stepping stone as they continued making a name for themselves in the fighting circuit. In the meantime, all he could do was watch from the sidelines and hope for the best as Rodrigo entered the arena. Once both fighters were inside, the referee directed them to stand in position as the announcer began to speak.
Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen, get ready for our main event! On the right is the young fighter from Thailand who has six wins and one loss and is the Brightest Brawler in the Galaxy... STAR MOOLLISAN!!! And on our left is a fighter who truly needs no introduction. Seventeen wins and only three losses and is known as Nature's Wrath himself... RODRIGO SEVAL!!!
Now that the fighters were formally introduced, they prepared for battle. The referee told both men to have a good and respectable fight. Rodrigo said good luck to Star in a respectful tone while letting his stance alert the young fighter that he wouldn’t be going easy on him. Star nodded in the same respectful manner as he stared intently at Rodrigo with his bright yellow eyes, not allowing Rodrigo's many successful battles inside of this arena to rattle his confidence. The two fighters then shook hands before backing away from each other and preparing for combat. The referee swiftly activated a protection spell in order to ensure his safety while the fighters unleashed their fury against each other in front of an audience of thousands.
Star: I know how strong you are, Seval, but I'm here to make a name for myself, not to advance your legacy. I may not have always won my battles, but this time I cannot afford to lose... not to you!
Rodrigo: Big words from such a promising fighter, and I admire your resilience. Unfortunately, the chances of you claiming victory here tonight are nonexistent! I have no intention of giving anything less than my all and I hope your fists bring a greater fight than your mouth. Now, young warrior, show me the might of your resolve.
Rodrigo entered his battle stance and Star did the same as the two fighters readied for battle. Immediately, Star charged towards Rodrigo as he raised his right knee in front of him, preparing to perform one of his many powerful techniques.
Star: Shooting Star!
Star's right knee illuminated in a blinding yellow light and he was seconds away from striking his opponent. Instead of dodging the attack as any fighter would in such a situation, Rodrigo stood his ground and held out his hands in a defensive position. Both of the Beasterian's hands glowed in a verdant light as he blocked Star's attack. Naturally, the Thai fighter was both stunned and agitated that Rodrigo easily stopped the attack. Star attempted to use his left fist to strike Rodrigo's face, but Rodrigo swiftly used his right hand to parry Star's incoming attack and lifted him off the ground. The Beasterian then tossed Star away from him, but the young fighter managed to land on his feet instead of crashing onto the iron bars as his opponent intended. Rodrigo stared at Star with intimidating eyes and began to provoke him.
Rodrigo: Those techniques may serve you well fighting in the Underground, but you're in the big leagues now, kid. Best act like it, otherwise this is going to be a humiliating end for you.
Star: SHUT UP! Just because you're a celebrity around these parts and got more wins under your belt that doesn't make my chances of kicking your cocky lion ass any less. Now get ready to taste the might of Shooting Muay Thai!
Star zipped around the arena at an abnormal speed in order to confuse Rodrigo, as he awaited the right opportunity to strike his opponent. The crowd was fully engaged in the combat happening in front of them while Peter rooted for his friend just outside the arena. The announcers built up the hype of the match with their colorful commentary as Star continued moving like a raging wasp inside the arena. Rodrigo took a deep breath and closed his eyes and meditated as he calmly assessed his opponent's attack and planned an attack of his own. Prepared to make his move, Star took to the air with his right knee downward as he was several feet above where Rodrigo stood. A fiery red and orange aura surrounded Star's knee as he shouted out ASTEROID CRASH! Star rushed towards Rodrigo like a train without brakes as he was only seconds away from striking him down.
Rodrigo, having prepared for the incoming attack, unleashed one of his own as leaves appeared from out of nowhere and swiftly swirled around the light green lion-type Beasterian. Rodrigo then spun himself along with the leaves and created a twister inside the arena that intercepted Star, before he could land his attacks, and enveloped Star. The crowd, referee, and announcers watched in awe as Star was mercilessly spun inside the twister. Peter watched on outside the ring in panic while barely able to hold his position because of the heavy wind inside the ring. Several seconds later, Rodrigo ceased the twister as Star uncontrollably hurled down from the air. Knowing his opponent was unable to defend against any incoming attacks, Rodrigo surrounded his right fist in verdant energy, preparing to put an end to this fight.
Star's body hurled downward towards Rodrigo as the Beasterian delivered a devastating punch to his abdomen, using his verdant glowing fist. Star was sent crashing into the merciless iron gates of the arena. Blood sprouted out of Star's mouth before he made a hard thud on the mat. The referee, having witnessed all of the devastation within the ring leading up to this moment, started to count and was fairly certain that the young Thai fighter wouldn’t beat his ten count. Peter screamed outside for his friend to get up as the referee continued counting. Rodrigo, believing the battle had been won, began to relax, but felt a spike of energy within his opponent. Barely beating the ten count, Star rose to his feet as blood trickled down his forehead.
Star: Do you really think that's all the fight I have in me? I may not be your Gina Wyler, Frankie Vance, or even your Hellin Strongs; however, I'm Star Moollisan and I'm going to make sure I'm remembered as one of the greatest fighters to ever live. I won't allow you to stand in the way of my goal! Now prepare to feel the true extent of my abilities... RAGING STAR!
A golden aura as bright as his namesake covered Star’s body as he charged furiously towards Rodrigo. Unable to react in time to defend himself against Star's incoming attack, Rodrigo was struck beneath his chin by a rising knee strike from Star. The young fighter followed up with an uppercut. Before Rodrigo could be sent flying into the air, Star pulled him back down then struck him several times with various traditional Muay Thai fist and leg strikes. Star ended his attack with a devastating uppercut, which sent Rodrigo flying into the air before crashing to the ground. Star was exhausted having used the remainder of his strength to finish off the mighty Beasterian.
Peter joyously shouted out his friend's name. He was confident that Star had put an end to this battle and shouted at the ref to start the count. The majority of the crowd gasped in shock that such a startup fighter could have possibly defeated Rodrigo. The announcers voiced the sentiment of the onlookers. Star barely managed to keep himself from crumbling to the ground as he keenly watched the referee count to ten. Before the referee counted to six, Rodrigo sprung onto his feet as blood dripped from various parts of his face and upper body.
The Beasterian now had a feral look on his face, much like that of a lion ready to devour its prey. Rodrigo charged towards Star, grabbing him by his neck before monstrously slamming him on the mat. Using his other hand to absorb nature-based energy in order to perform a devastating attack that one could refer to as a DIVINE RUINATION (Divine Ruination is a devastating attack that a Sage, or any other combatant, possesses that is used in battle. Think of it as their ultimate attack or trump card). Unable to resist against the juggernaut pressure exerted from beneath Rodrigo's palm, Star mentally prepared himself for the worse while Peter screamed out for Rodrigo to let go of his friend. Meanwhile, the announcers began to comment whether Rodrigo was going to kill Star while the audience watched on in anticipation of what's going to happen next.
Rodrigo: I had no intention of sending you to the morgue, kid, but you really managed to piss me off! So in return, I shall grant you a fighter's death!
Right before Rodrigo could deliver his intended attack, a mysterious blonde woman with peach skin, wearing a carnation pink blazer with black slacks and shades, appeared in the ring holding Rodrigo's other hand. The woman then chanted a spell, which put an end to the devastating energy that Rodrigo was gathering in his free hand to strike down Star. One would expect Rodrigo to react poorly to such a disturbance, but this woman wasn't just any woman... it was his girlfriend, Marisol Vinson. Upon seeing his girlfriend standing beside him, Rodrigo's entire demeanor changed as he immediately released Star from his grasp.
Rodrigo: HEY BABE! Fancy seeing you here... I thought you were going to miss my match tonight due to work?
Marisol: Well, it's a good thing I showed up when I did, otherwise you would have surely murdered this young man. Fortunately for you, this fight is over, and don't any of you fools watching think otherwise.
Peter: C'mon, Star, get up! There's no way you can let it end like this, pal?
Marisol: HEY BOY! Shut your mouth and pay attention with your eyes. Your friend is in no condition to continue this fight. Had I not shown up when I did, my boyfriend would’ve covered this arena with your friend's blood and organs. I suggest you cut the bullshit and accept that tonight wasn't what either of you hoped and accept your loss.
Peter angrily slammed his shades onto the floor. He couldn’t argue with the situation Marisol presented to him, considering that since the Sage had miraculously teleported to the arena not once did Star make a move as he lay unconsciously on the mat. Rodrigo was declared the winner of the match as the arena door was opened, allowing Peter to go inside and grab his friend along with the help of two medics. The overwhelming majority of the audience enjoyed this main event match within the Quartz Arena so much that mere seconds later it was the talk of social media. The next day, Star awoke in the Zaden Hospital of Keith Port, Rogue Town with Peter by his side, enjoying a cup of macchiato while scrolling through social media. Still sore from his battle with Rodrigo the night before, but it would have been ten times worse had his body not been tended to by a healer who helped with a lot of the injuries Star received during his battle. Wearing a guilty expression on his face, Star reluctantly turned over to face his friend and coach.
Star: Sorry I didn't win last night's match, Peter.
Peter: It's cool, dude, and you were fucking impressive in the match against Rodrigo. Yeah, you lost, but social media was on fire last night thanks to your performance. You managed to bring out a side of Rodrigo that is hardly seen in his matches. I'm just glad that Beasterian didn't end up killing you... thanks to the intervention of his damn witch.. I mean the Sage of a girlfriend. Anyway, it ain't the first time I've seen you take an L in a fight, so don't think I'm going to stop being your best friend because you took another loss. Win or lose, it doesn't matter as long as you don't ever give up. Now, what do you want to have for breakfast before we catch a plane back to Thailand?