Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Profile: Kelsey Lambert


"The look of disdain from those who lay eyes on me is common so I don't take it personal. I learned long ago that every living thing, whether it be mortal or demon, fears the unknown. Me and the unknown are one of the same" - Kelsey 

Art by Nico_Artoo

Name: Kelsey Lambert (If that's really her name)

Alias: The Violet Traveler, The Siren Of Calamity 

Age: Remembers being about 115 years old but can possibly be older

Country: Originates from Romania currently resides in Mayland

Hair Color: Rose Gold

Eye Color: Forest Green

Skin Color: Medium Tan

Height: 5'10

Weight: 133 Pounds


Powers: Kelsey practices a mystical magic called "Ars Goetia" which allows Kelsey to perform the following feats

- Demon Summoning
- Mystical Flame Manipulation
- Time Freeze
- Mineral Manipulation
- Translocation
- Mind Reading

Likes: Black Tea, meditating, nail care, grilled salmon, creating potions.

Dislikes: Hearing Eugene talk, nightmares, weak opponents.


The woman who calls herself "Kelsey Lambert" is a mysterious woman who found herself in Mayland during the tail end of a catastrophic war, known as The Five Year War, started by a spiteful God named Akodomal. Kelsey had personally encountered the mortal hating God two weeks prior to his demise at the hands of the heroes of the Mortal Realm. Akodomal, despite his vast powers, wanted nothing to do with Kelsey since he felt something was "off" about her and decided to act like their meeting never happened. Kelsey would travel throughout various parts of Mayland until she ended up within the state of Ariso and made it her home. Kelsey found herself becoming something of a fortune teller in order to take care of herself

Born somewhere in Romania, Kelsey's parents were nomads who traveled throughout Europe selling various potions and trinkets to anyone kind enough to notice them. Unbeknownst to Kelsey whose name was something else at the time, both her parents and the fellow travelers were in reality human servants of a demon named Vassago. Every night the travelers would visit those they sold items to and sacrifice them in order to appease Vassago. The Travelers continued doing this until one day they would unintentionally sell a potion to a powerful sage, completely unaware the sage sensed their wickedness and plotted to punish them. That night, The Travelers visited the home of the sage which was a camp set out in the middle of a forest located in Bratislava. Upon arriving at the camp preparing to claim their next victim, the Sage who had set them up in his own trap used his magic to annihilate The Travelers. In the end, only a young Kelsey and her father remaining. Refusing to allow himself to be killed by the Sage, Kelsey's father grabbed her and ran deep into the forest until they reached a cliff. Without a second thought the father chanted a prayer before throwing Kelsey and himself off the cliff. The Sage watched them plunge off the cliff and despite a child unfairly losing their life as well, the Sage felt the child born from evil is not worth saving and returned to his camp. The next day while Kelsey's father died upon impact, the young girl would fall into a river. Despite being submerged in water for hours, she ended up being found alive by two female sages who would end up taking the girl in and named her Kelsey. The two women would teach Kelsey the culinary arts as well as making potions for their various customers. While neither of Kelsey's caretakers taught her any magic outside of what they felt was necessary for her protections, every night Kelsey would have various nightmares. These nightmares were of people screaming and sometimes they would become so intense that she would unintentionally conjure up a fire within her room or cause a magnitude. Yet upon waking up, Kelsey could barely recall what she had seen in her dream if at all. The older Kelsey got, the worse the nightmares had become which began building disdain towards her from her caretakers. Thanks to Kelsey's growing powers, she sensed her caretakers growing disdain towards her and decided it was best if she just left them alone. On that evening, Kelsey would pack her traveling bag and run away from home and never look back.

Kelsey would end up in a forest somewhere in Ukraine, where she encountered a demon in search of human prey. The demon transformed from its humane (human) form into its ferocious looking true self, ready to devour Kelsey. Unfortunately for the demon, Kelsey's dark powers manifested and she instinctively summoned a fist of a demon to strike down the demon, destroying his entire upper body with one strike. Kelsey would then hear a sinister voice of a man inside her mind saying "The blessings of Vassago, Ars Goetia". Realizing that there was something unnatural about her, the young girl decided that she was better off staying to herself. Many years have gone by and Kelsey only grew colder towards the world but never allowed her inner emotions to affect her from associating with people beneficial to her. Over the years, Kelsey associated with various beings of all walks of life in order to ensure her own survival. The more dangerous ones Kelsey would ensure to let them know their partnerships were limited and not to cross any boundaries. The woman's main goal was to never owe anybody nor to form enemies that she couldn't eliminate with ease. The older Kelsey grew the greater her magical powers grew as she was able to not only summon demons and read minds. Kelsey was able to manipulate minerals, wield mystical fire, translocate, and even freeze time around her for a limited time. All of these various abilities ensured that Kelsey would be able to defend herself in any situation. However after spending many years living in various places in Europe, Kelsey decided it was time for a change of scenery especially since her home town was being ravaged by the ongoing war caused by the Sinister God Akodomal.

Eventually Kelsey would end up traveling to the country Mayland. After Akodomal's death which brought the end of the Five Year War and traveling through many of Mayland's states, Kelsey would end up making Ariso her new home. Thanks to the currency she had collected over the years, Kelsey would open up a shop in Maroon Village and work as a fortune teller and portion maker. Kelsey's life would remain uninterrupted until one night an unhappy patron along with two of his friends had intended to ravage Kelsey's shop during the night. The patron would remain unaware that Kelsey sensed the man's intentions earlier when he came to her shop requesting a refund on a potion he had partially used. The biggest surprise was when Kelsey had prepared to confront the would-be attackers, instead they were defeated by a trio of sages named Capella, Deon, and Wendy. Kelsey thanked the trio and offered them some free potions for their troubles. However Capella would instead ask Kelsey to join her guide sensing that she possessed immense powers and could have easily handled herself against the troublemakers. Kelsey did not truly desire to join Capella's group, but felt joining them would allow her to use her powers in combat more often. Furthermore if she becomes bored of them well it wouldn't be the first time she ditched those she called "friends".


Kelsey Lambert design wise is inspired by Dolores from The King Of Fighters XV.

Kelsey's design influences also take from nomads and shamans.

The creation behind Kelsey was to create a character with an air of mystery who can be implemented in other characters stories if necessary.

Kelsey was intended at one point to be a Darken like Nara Asamura, Bain Vasquez, and Gennifer Blix. However I ultimately decided to keep Kelsey human while having demon like capabilities.

Kelsey's last name "Lambert" is a surname given to her by a man she met in Czech Republic who disliked the fact she didn't have a last name. Kelsey had asked the man why "Lambert" and the man energetically responded "Cause it's the name of my favorite singer, Lime Lambert"

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