Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Profile: Wendy Brinefall


"Fighting injustice takes a lot out of a girl. Well nothing like a yummy sweet volcano sundae with fries to feel like myself again" - Wendy Brinefall

Art by Nico_Artoo

Name: Wendy Martha Brinefall

Age: 24 Years Old

Race: Human

Country: Mayland

Hair Color: Whitish silver with traces of cerulean

Eye Color: Cerulean

Skin Color: Pearl (White)

Height: 5'5


Author: Wendy weights 147 Pounds

Powers: Water manipulation

Allies: Capella Germanotta, Deon Santos, Eugene Toffee, Kelsey Lambert, Karen Brinefall 

Likes: Her friends, junk food, swings, butterflies, carnivals

Dislikes: Long journeys, dragons, injustice, bullies, vegetables with the exception of carrots, scary stories


Wendy Brinefall is a young and talented water sage hailing from Blue Fall, Rain City. It's one of the seventy five states of Mayland and is also known as the state where rain never ceases since it rains on a regular basis. The state is also the home of many water sages and the Brinefall family is no exception. Wendy, alongside her two elder siblings, Ellen and Rowen are the children of Sebastian and Gaby Brinefall. Growing up the siblings were trained by their parents to excel in water magic so they can become of help to the fellow citizens as they grew older to maintain Rain City and control it's over abundance of water. While Ellen and Rowen proved to be proficient learners of water magic, Wendy was struggling to even master the basics. Concerned, both of Wendy's parents decided that she needed to go live with her grandmother Karen who resided in Ariso, which was several states over from Rain City in order to improve her learning in water magic more proficiently. Karen being one of the most skilled water sages to reside throughout Mayland, there were only a few others capable of wielding water at her level. While Karen managed to somewhat help Wendy improve in learning water magic, the girl still tackled some difficulties in using more advanced spells. However while Karen was an amazing water sage, she was practically just as proficient in culinary arts. Every Sunday Karen would make delicious treats for Wendy after a long week of regular schooling and learning magic. However whenever Wendy would eat non healthy foods before training. Karen noticed that Wendy would successfully perform more advanced water spells. Thus she would begin promising Wendy desserts every night if she mastered a more challenging spell. This would prove to be the ultimate motivator in transforming Wendy from a novice water sage to one on part with sages who were in their early two hundreds.

Wendy would eventually have a great handle on her magic, but at the cost became a bit chubby compared to other young sages around her. Sometimes it would even cause her to be ridiculed for her weight by others. While the mean comments did hurt Wendy's feelings, nothing would ever deter her from enjoying her grandmother's delicious desserts. One evening while coming home from school, while chowing down on a cheeseburger she purchased on her way home, two female sages along with a male cambion began to bully Wendy about her weight as they called her "cow" and "lard girl". Wendy began to tear up as the urge to use her magic against them began running through her head, but she remembered her grandmother's lessons to never attack others over trivial things. Trying to just go home the three bullies began to pursue her and continue to mock her. Feeling herself slowly losing her cool, Wendy nearly conquered up a ball of water and planned to throw it at them. Fortunately two young men would arrive named Capella Germanotta and Deon Santos. The boys didn't like the three strangers bullying Wendy over her weight and told them if they kept bothering her, that they were going to regret it. The three bullies decided to back off and go on their way. Wendy thanked the two young men for coming to her aid and after their meeting, Wendy would regularly hangout with them whenever she wasn't busy helping her grandmother. Eventually when Capella decided to start his own guild, he immediately recruited both Deon and Wendy to his team and the three of them would become adventurers and protectors of Mayland as so many before them. Wendy was truly grateful to have friends who appreciated her and she would do all in her power to protect them


Wendy is my first non-typical built female character. Prior to creating Wendy every other female regardless if they were human, demon, fairy, etc all possessed the "ideal" figure for a woman. Wendy breaks the mold by being more on the chunky side but not obese

Wendy is a full blown water user but not the first water wielding sage created for my FORBIDDEN series. Characters such as King Onyx, Scylla Baros, Dorothea, Mona, Pranai, and others proceed her.

Wendy is a big lover of junk food and hates whenever she is ordered by her grandmother to eat healthy foods such as cheese, meat, and vegetables.

Wendy hardly uses curse words but will say them when extremely upset.

Despite her size Wendy is rather agile especially when engaged in combat.

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