Thursday, September 28, 2023



Story by Onyxe Blade

Another miserable yet financially successful day ended for the owner of Rogue Town Pharmacy located in Rogue Town, of course; one of the seventy-five states that made up Mayland. With the owner was two of her workers, Raj and Minnie. Raj brought the owner the money made from lottery while Minnie brought the money made from both pharmaceutical goods and over-the-counter items. The owner firmly grabbed the money and receipts before telling the workers to get their checks off the desk and lock up behind themselves when they exit. After Minnie and Raj left the store for the day, the owner sat alone in her office, away from all the annoying customers whose worth was valued by the amount of money they spent at her establishment. 

This was one of many businesses she owned. The majority were in the Underworld while only five were within the Mortal Realm. Two were in Italy and were fashion-based, a factory in China, a restaurant in France, and lastly, this pharmacy that she reluctantly opened in Rogue Town upon her mother's demand. Since she had no experience running a pharmacy, the owner hired an intelligent mortal woman named Minnie Tan who was the head pharmacist of Green-Rite, which she bought out of business then hired Minnie to work for her. Minnie was also the store manager whenever the actual manager wasn't around because of her hectic life as a princess and, on occasion, an assassin. 

This woman was none other than Mihoshi Strongs-Rojas, the eldest daughter of Queen Othello Strongs and elder sister of Hellin Strongs and Orsela Geno. Wearing a beige sweater dress with matching boots with her hair in its signature lightning-shaped style, Mihoshi quickly counted the money and saw that everything was in order before putting it in the safe in her office. Getting ready to exit her store, the demon sensed something unsettling was about to take place. Probably another attack by some type of kaiju or something similar was about to attack the city. Fortunately for her that wasn’t her problem. Unlike her younger sisters, Mihoshi didn’t give a single fuck about what happened to Mayland and tonight was no exception. She entered her security codes and locked her store for the night. Mihoshi prepared to open a portal back to her home in the Underworld, Babylon, only to hear her cellphone ringing inside her expensive silver purse from Milani. With an irritated look on her face, Mihoshi grabbed her phone from her purse and saw it was Onyx calling her. Without a second thought, she hung up her phone and opened a portal to return home. 

Arriving home, the Queendom of Babylon, Mihoshi appeared in her mother's throne room. Not to her surprise. Othello was dressed in a see-through lavender robe while being fucked by a completely naked male demon sitting on her throne. Turning her head in her daughter’s direction while still riding the demon, Othello calmly asked her daughter if she received a phone call from Onyx. Mihoshi immediately realized not only was the call from Onyx a request, but it was an order from her mother. Lying to her mother would be futile. Not because Othello was a telepath. Simply put, Othello could read her daughters well and her maternal instincts let her know when one of her three girls were lying to her. Mentally gathering herself before responding to her mother's question, to get the best result for herself and not get slapped across her face, Mihoshi looked directly at her mother. She skillfully ignored the demon barebacking her mother on her throne chair while making a mental note to have him killed. Mihoshi put on a charming smile as she responded.

Mihoshi: Yes, Mother, Onyx did call me, but I assumed he accidentally dialed me when he meant to call Hellin or one of his other friends. Do you wish for me to call him back? 

Othello: It would have been better if you responded to him the first time, Mihoshi! You are aware of the threat of Cthullu and his unwarranted invasion in our world many years ago. Ever since, that alien fucker has been plotting to take over everything. Thankfully we have been able to thwart his attempts thus far. However, that bastard just launched another attack within Mayland not too long ago. His minions have taken over several dragons and transformed them into even more powerful creatures. Your sisters, Onyx, and many of the other warriors are already combating them in their respective areas. However, there's one heading towards Rogue Town that Onyx wanted you to handle with my permission, of course. I wanted to spank his ass for even asking me that, knowing my answer would be yes! Since you wanted to be an uppity bitch and dismiss his call, now you gotta hurry your ass back to Rogue Town and combat the fucking pest that's tearing up the place. If that pharmacy of yours or your employees end up being a casualty, I'm going to be very cross with you! So hurry your ass back to Rogue Town immediately and no outfit changes. Do I make myself clear?

Mihoshi: Very, Mother. I'll head back to the realm of mortals now.

Opening a portal in front of herself, Mihoshi's body sizzled with electricity, showing her displeasure in having to return to a realm she sincerely didn’t give two shits about outside of the money she made from it. Othello ignored her daughter's little tantrum as she watched her return to Rogue Town before she resumed enjoyment with her concubine. Reappearing at her pharmacy in Rogue Town, Mihoshi was elated to see her store untouched as she heard commotion from several blocks away. She quickly texted Minnie just to ensure she was okay. Not that she really cared, but she wanted to save her ass from her mother's wrath. Mihoshi planned to check in on Raj and the other employees afterwards. Now she swiftly changed from her boots into the running shoes she kept inside her purse. Mihoshi then headed towards the source of the commotion. A cobalt blue colored dragon was seen wreaking havoc within a shopping district of Rogue Town. Many civilians were seen trying to escape the dreaded beast. Walking beside the creature was a neon green-skinned woman with soulless black eyes, wearing a white bodysuit that somewhat resembled an astronaut’s uniform just more defined. Instantly, a bolt of lightning appeared from the sky and struck the dragon, killing the beast. The neon green woman wore a look of utter shock on her face right as Mihoshi appeared before her with palpable annoyance oozing from her posture.

Mihoshi: The dragon is dead, so I guess this is the part where you fuck off and return to whatever shithole you came from, alien!

T-Sye (pronounced TEE-SIGH): I, T-Sye, servant of Lord Cthullu, have no interest in running from the enemy. I shall aid my master in this realm's ruination and you do not strike fear in me, demon. This dragon is merely a tool that has more usages than one.

Mihoshi: Look, Teirra, I don't give a fuck about you or your master! I don’t want to even be in this damn place! So, fuck off before you really piss me off!

T-Sye: Strange behavior from a hero of this world. Wait… you aren't like the others fighting to protect this place. Someone has ordered you to be here right now. Otherwise, you would be off doing your own thing. Regardless, I have zero intention of backing down. If you decide to follow the orders of whatever insignificant creature demands you to obstruct my master's will, I will have no problem bringing upon your end!

Mihoshi: FUCK YOU, TYRA! You speak as if the one who ordered me to be here is on the same level of the scum that you foolishly serve! My mother asked me to be here, and I'll murder you ten times over for speaking so lowly of her! I hope your master is worth the agonizing death you're about to experience!

T-Sye: My name is T-SYE! It doesn't matter anyway, demon, ‘cause you'll be dead soon enough.

T-Sye unzipped her uniform down to her navel as her body changed from solid mass to a liquid gelatin substance. The alien oozed over to the dead dragon's body and merged with it. Mihoshi watched cautiously yet unamused as T-Sye fused with the deceased dragon's body, transforming into a grotesque alien-like dragon as the once cobalt colored winged-beast now became a neon green color with black eyes and various tentacles sprouting from its body. Immediately, T-Sye launched several of her tentacles towards Mihoshi. 

Standing fearlessly in her position right as the tentacles were about to strike, a veil of high voltage electricity surrounded Mihoshi's body as the tentacles struck, causing her no damage, but sending a painful shock towards T-Sye, who let out an agonizing scream. Able to withstand the shock of Mihoshi's defense, T-Sye launched several purple colored fire blasts towards Mihoshi, only for each attack to be absorbed by Mihoshi's veil of electricity. Mihoshi then unleashed a shockwave of electricity towards T-Sye, but the alien hurriedly took to the air, dodging the demon's attack. Realizing that the demon was stronger than she anticipated, T-Sye prepared a devastating attack that would obliterate a great portion of Rogue Town and, hopefully, take Mihoshi with it.

T-Sye: Annoying demon cur! Both you and this place shall pay for your transgressions against my Master... JUDGMENT CANNON!

Terror fell upon Mihoshi's face as T-Sye unleashed an atomic bomb level blast towards her that was guaranteed to destroy a massive portion of Rogue Town and all its surrounding citizens who were still running for safety. Normally, the lives of innocent mortals wouldn't cause Mihoshi to lose a wink of sleep, but because of the orders from her mother, Mihoshi knew she couldn’t allow T-Sye's destructive attack to succeed. Mihoshi's face turned demonic as she hurried to create a wall of electricity to insulate both her surroundings and herself. T-Sye launched her attack directly and struck down Mihoshi along with her surroundings. Once the dust settled from what should have been an attack resulting in destruction and casualties, Mihoshi stood with all of her surroundings completely unharmed from the alien's devastating attack. Her electric barrier both absorbed and neutralized most of the attack. The only damage taken was by Mihoshi herself, with several rips in her expensive dress. The wounds on her body already healed themselves seconds after being struck by the blast because of her regenerative abilities. 

T-Sye stared at Mihoshi in utter shock, unable to process how she managed to overcome the deadly attack. Before T-Sye could get another word out, Mihoshi screamed at the alien hovering in the air. Upon hearing the demon's scream, T-Sye lost control of her ability to sync with the dragon's corpse and immediately was forced out of her host. T-Sye had fallen under the effect of one of Mihoshi's signature attacks... BOSSY! (Bossy was an attack where Mihoshi screamed at her target and if their willpower was weaker than hers, Mihoshi was able to order them to do as she pleased; akin to having telepathic abilities, but the person following Mihoshi's orders was aware of their actions but possessed zero control over themselves. Like a boss ordering around their employee and the employee having no choice but to obey). The dragon's corpse thudded to the ground and T-Sye followed suit. Her body turned solid once again, but she was unable to fight because of a combination of exhaustion and being under Mihoshi's will. T-Sye placed herself in a fetal position as she prepared for death at the hands of the demon. Unaware that what Mihoshi planned for her was much more sinister than dying. 

Originally, Mihoshi was going to kill the alien then go about her night. However, during the cumbersome battle and having seen T-Sye's abilities, Mihoshi remembered an associate from the Underworld named Shyheim, who was looking for a slime-like creature to become his new "play thing". Knowing that Shyheim would pay handsomely for someone like T-Sye, Mihoshi devilishly began licking her lips and even began playing with herself in front of T-Sye as she imagined the big payout she would receive from selling the alien. Not many things gave Mihoshi pleasure in this life, but money made her aroused beyond mortal or demonic comprehension. Walking over to the defeated alien, Mihoshi looked down at her with a malicious smile. Her mind was already made up as to what she was going to do with the alien.

T-Sye: Jus… just kill me already! I…do not fear…death.

Mihoshi: Ever heard of the saying "Money is time and time is money?" Well, since you wasted my precious time, it's only right that I make some fucking money off of you. I know a man who will pay nicely to have a gal like you in his collection. No point in resisting as if that's even possible right now. Soon enough you will be calling another man your master! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!

T-Sye stared at Mihoshi with her soulless black eyes, unable to show her horror as she sensed the demon's twisted intentions for her. It was the very first time in the alien's life that she felt the emotion of regret. 

The next day life was relatively back to normal in the Mortal Realm as renovations throughout Mayland took place; along with burying the few unfortunate casualties in last night's attack. Fortunately, the heroes of Mayland, along with other heroes from other parts of the world, managed to easily quash the destruction from a surprise attack from the evil being known as Cthullu, who still eluded his enemies. 

Meanwhile, after having spent the morning making sure her employees at her pharmacy were alright, Mihoshi met up with Shyheim in the fourth level of the Underworld. She dressed in heels, an exquisite emerald green dress with a matching green crown, like the big hats that old black grandmothers wore to Sunday service, and had a metal suitcase in tow. Sitting across from Shyheim, who was dressed like a seedy pastor, the two demons enjoyed a glass of blood-infused wine before discussing business.

Mihoshi: Well, Shyheim, as you already know, I'm not the type of girl who engages in needless chitchat, so let's get down to business.

Shyheim: While I do enjoy your company, Princess Strongs-Rojas, what I really love about you is that you don't beat around the bush. I'm betting you’ve got something real nice for me in that suitcase. Something I’ve been wanting to have for quite some time.

Mihoshi: Of course, handsome, but you know how a girl like me gets down. Ain't nothing free and everything has a price.

Shyheim: Understood. Whatever price you're going to demand from me, I first need to make sure it's worth every penny. Otherwise, we're going to have a problem, and I hate problems.

Mihoshi: And so do I. You have my word that this treat I have in this suitcase has been tried and tested. I know you will love having her in your collection.

Shyheim: The way you’re making it sound it’s as if you’ve got Hellin stuffed inside that suitcase.

Mihoshi: If it were my dearly despised sister, you don't have enough money for the price I would ask for her. Regardless, I'm confident that you won't regret your purchase. I put my mother's Queendom on it!

Shyheim: Well, you certainly have me convinced. Well then, how much you want for her?

Mihoshi put her right hand between her breast and pulled out a piece of paper before handing it to Shyheim. Shyheim read the paper and nodded his head in agreement. Mihoshi handed him the suitcase and the demon, Shyheim, looked inside. Inside the suitcase was a bounded up T-Sye, who had been stripped of her will by nefarious means. A sadistic smile crossed Shyheim's face as he called for one of his henchmen to bring him a suitcase full of money. The suitcase was then handed over to Mihoshi who counted the money to make sure everything was legit. Mihoshi then walked over to Shyheim and placed a kiss on his right cheek before taking her leave. Mihoshi hoped to never have to aid Mayland or any part of the Mortal Realm any time soon, preferably never again. At least this time, it was worth her while. 


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