Wednesday, November 29, 2023

FORBIDDEN - The Demon Of The Wedding

 FORBIDDEN - The Demon of the Wedding

Story By Onyxe Blade

It was 4:17 AM in Mayland as King Onyx rested peacefully in his bed. Suddenly, his eyes popped open and began to glow as he swiftly performed a spell that instantly covered his naked body in his usual wear. A portal opened into his bedroom and to both his relief and annoyance, it was none other than Unloyal, his alternate universe self wearing his signature purple and black colored wear. Onyx sighed to himself, knowing that utter bullshit was assured with Unloyal's arrival.

Onyx: Damn you, Logan! Why in the hell are you in my world once again?

Unloyal: Is that how you greet a fellow Onyx, you asshole!

Onyx: I guess it depends on the Onyx or Onyxe I would meet that exists in the Onyxeverse, but most certainly not you! Now what the fuck do you want from my life this time ? Make it fast cause Yura and James are already heading to my room.

Unloyal: I'll make it quick and simple then, although it hardly ever really is simple. Basically, I have a friend who resides in Earth 57 and I need to fuck up his wedding! Better yet, ruin his wedding and without his parents disowning him for being gay.

Onyx: Wait, what? Why would somebody be disowned for being gay? Being gay is normal.

Unloyal: In your universe it is, but there are many universes where a ugly thing called homophobia exists. I don't think you need to be a telepath to understand what I mean when I say "homophobia". So, are you gonna help a fellow Onyx out or not?

Onyx fully intended on answering Unloyal's question with a "yes". Before he could answer, both Yura and James arrived at his room. In mere seconds, another portal opened within Onyx's bedroom. None other than Hellin Strongs stepped out dressed in her typical combat wear. She sensed a disturbance within Onyx despite residing in the Underworld because of the mental connection they shared. Hellin felt neither joy nor anger seeing James and Yura in Onyx's room. Laying her eyes on Unloyal definitely caused rage to bubble up inside of her, knowing for certain whenever he appeared bullshit was to follow. Onyx sensing Hellin's anger, sent her a telepathic message to calm herself.

About A Half Hour Later

Unloyal, with Onyx's aid, explained the situation to Hellin, James, and Yura. Both James and Yura immediately rolled their eyes in annoyance because they felt Unloyal, yet again, was bothering Onyx with problems that didn’t even involve their world, and thus excused themselves. Meanwhile, Hellin remained in order to better grasp the situation.

Hellin: So, you have a friend in Thailand of Earth 57 who is being pressured to get married to a woman he doesn't love? Yet, he's doing this so his family doesn’t find out he's gay cause such a thing is taboo in that particular world?

Unloyal: You really are a smart cookie.

Hellin: I'll fucking murder you where you stand, you piece of shit!

Onyx: Temper, Hellin. Unloyal do not insult Hellin again unless you do not wish to return to your world. As a gay man myself, I sympathize with your friend's situation. At the same time, I made myself very fucking clear that I do not want to be bothered with problems that do not concern my world. Especially one as minuscule as a man marrying someone he doesn't love for his parents’ approval. My friends and I deal with real crises, not some television drama-like nonsense! So forgive me if I'm not gung-ho about traveling with you to another world to telepathically force two strangers into accepting their gay son. I don't use my telepathic powers to force people in my world on a mere whim nor do I fancy the idea of doing such to other beings from another world.

Unloyal: Don't fucking telepaths like you two use your powers all the time against the unwilling?

Hellin: To save fucking lives, and neutralizing assholes like yourself! Neither Onyx nor I use our telepathy on someone just so they can see things from our perspective. If that were the case, many of the politicians Onyx has to associate with wouldn't hate his guts for being a half-demon. And I wouldn’t have to tolerate half the shit I do if I just used my powers flippantly. Anyway, I cannot stand the sight of you and since Untrue isn't with you, I do not have to mince my words. However, since you've already disturbed us yet again, I will accompany you, instead of Onyx, to this world of your friend's to solve his dilemma. However, and I'm saying this in front of Onyx so you know I'm fucking serious: If you ever come to either him or me with such a bullshit nothing ass problem, considering the hell both he and I go through on a regular basis, I will fucking rip out your spine and beat you with it! Do I make myself clear, Unloyal?

Unloyal: Clear as my asshole after a good douching.

Hellin: You insufferable lowlife son-of-a---

Onyx: Make sure to heed Hellin's warning cause I definitely will not do anything to save you, Logan! Now open a portal to Earth 57 and make this a quick journey for Hellin and bring her back to me immediately after your business is handled. Otherwise, there's going to be one less Onyx existing within the Onyxeverse!

Unloyal stuck his tongue out at Onyx defiantly as he reluctantly grabbed Hellin's arm while opening a portal to Earth 57. The two instantly disappeared from Onyx's room as Onyx shook his head in annoyance. The portal opened and Hellin stepped outside and saw it was daylight in this particular world. Unloyal followed behind her as he closed the portal. The two arrived at Earth 57's Thailand near the venue where Unloyal friend's wedding was taking place. Hellin looked around with a rather despondent look on her face.

Unloyal: Welcome to Thailand of Earth 57. So, how does it feel to visit a world that’s not your own?

Hellin: This fucking place is gaudy as fuck! The Thailand of my universe easily supersedes anything this place has to offer. It looks so damn plain. Anyway, I didn't come here for sightseeing, but to stop a fraudulent wedding from happening. Using my telepathy, I sense all one thousand guests within that venue, not including the bride and groom. By the way, what is your friend's name?

Unloyal: His name is Theodore, but I call him Ted. He keeps saying call him "P'Ted" but I'm not trying to be bothered with all these Thai-based honorifics and shit. Don't ask me about his last name. I can't pronounce that shit to save my life. Anyway, that's not what's important cause we are here to stop a wedding.

Hellin: Agreed, but I do have one question and you better answer correctly. Why exactly do you care about stopping your friend's false wedding? Do you harbor feelings for him?

Unloyal: FUCK NO! I just want to see the disappointed look on both his and the bride's parents’ faces when they find out their children are LGBTQ.

Hellin: What? The bride is also gay?

Unloyal: The correct term is lesbian and, well, YES!

Hellin: So your fucking reason for stopping this wedding isn't to help Ted, but to get a rise out of seeing his and his "bride's" family's reaction? You really are a piece of shit!

Unloyal: My grandma refers to me as "Snuggles".

Hellin: What? Never mind! Let's get this over with, so I can return to my world and pretend this stupid situation never happened.

The wedding commenced as all guests awaited the arrival of the bride while the groom tried his best to hide his true feelings. He would rather be with his lover than forcing himself to marry his childhood friend in order to appease their parents. The bride appeared looking stunning as ever while also hiding her true feelings. The couple stood in front of each other as the Minister prepared to start the wedding ceremony. Everything came to a halt upon the arrival of Unloyal and Hellin. Everyone turned around to see the two strangers. The groom and bride recognized Unloyal, but the woman with him was also a stranger to them.

Ted: Logan... what the fuck?

Unloyal: Ted, you’ve been bitching to me these past few months about how you don’t want to get marry, so you can be with your true love, Sailom. Rejoice, my nagging friend, as I bring your and Maya's salvation in the form of a demon from another world.

Hellin: This wedding is cancelled!

Only a few guests could somewhat understand the words coming out of the foreigners’ mouths. Everyone else stared at them while feeling both clueless and angry that these strangers interrupted such a sacred day.

Unloyal: Oh yeah, this is where the telepathy part comes into play. These fuckers don't understand a lick of English, well most of them. So, I need you to do whatever you do and make them understand you.

Hellin: Of course.

Using her telepathic powers on everyone at the wedding, despite speaking English, the words that came out of Hellin’s mouth automatically translated to Thai.

Hellin: Ted and Maya are not in love with each other. They are only marrying each other to appease their families and everyone else in attendance. The truth of the matter is Ted is gay and Maya is a lesbian. They do not love each other the way you people here would desire. They would rather be with their true loves. Also, before anyone tries to object... I want you all to understand that I can kill literally all of you in here without so much as breaking a sweat.

Hellin changed her face from human form into demonic as she ignited small flames in her left palm. Unloyal ran over to where Ted and Maya stood, letting them know that despite Hellin's frightening appearance, she didn’t have any intention of killing anyone... hopefully.

Hellin: Now that you all are able to understand the words coming out of my mouth, I have a message specifically for Ted and Maya's parents. I do not give two fucks about your personal beliefs on homosexuality nor do I intend to force you to change your views. However, if you turn your back on your children for being themselves, I will make it my business to find you and give you the most painful death you could ever imagine. So, do take my warning to heart and make sure to love your children just as they are. Trust and believe, there are worse things they could be in life and being gay isn't one of them. Unless any of you wish to ever see me again, I highly suggest you all just make the most of this day and not allow whatever bigotry you have to affect your better judgment. Because while I do not take any pleasure preying on the weak, I do not tolerate any form of defiance once I have given my command; regardless to the fact that this is not my home world. Now that fucker in the purple and black hoodie is going to send me back to my world while you all handle this among yourselves. Remember, I will be back if I so much as hear a shred of disrespect towards either child for being themselves. Lastly, please do better with the architect of this place. It is so painfully dull.

Minutes later, a portal opened in the dinning room of Onyx's castle. Stepping out was none other than Hellin and, thankfully, only her. Onyx put his bowl of fresh fruits down and ran over and hugged her. 

Onyx: Thank goodness you're back and not a single hair out of place.

Hellin: You know damn well the only danger I faced was keeping myself from killing Unloyal. That fucker just wanted to cause drama. He had no real plan of helping his friend with his dilemma. Second thought, he did have enough sense to get you and me involved. Yet, it's disappointing to know there are worlds where homosexuality is a no-no or at least not as accepted. Thankfully, no such thing exists in our world.

Onyx: So now that you're back, feel like accompanying me to Paraben Town? I just received a report not too long ago of some witches causing trouble.

Hellin: After having to spend time around Unloyal, I'm definitely in the mood to beat the living shit out of something. Count me in!

Friday, November 24, 2023

Profile: Untrue


"I find it odd that in life we ​​as humans are encouraged to populate the earth by continuously having children. However, once the child is here, they are often neglected and forced to endure the same hardships as their parents. It’s even worse for children who were never wanted by their parents and were only birthed to maintain a status quo. It's those children who often receive the worst out of life and that's if they even make it to their fifth birthday. I don't write this as a whimsical quote for one of my characters. Instead, I write it as an angry uncle who misses his nephew dearly. No matter how hard I cry, beg, or scream, my nephew isn't coming back to me, and it's all because the person who should have prioritized his safety the most didn't give a damn. It's even sadder to know my nephew isn't the only child in the world who lost his life due to neglect. My heart has become much colder ever since his passing and I resent so many parents who take their children for granted.

I know parenthood isn't easy. My mother raising my brothers and me is a testament of the trials and tribulations, but at least she fucking cared enough to do right by us even when we didn't deserve it. I just wish my nephew and so many other children were given the same grace. Rest In Paradise, Aisyn, and I will do my damnedest to keep your memory alive through both my actions and my work." - Love, Uncle Onyxe 

Left (Unloyal) Right (Untrue)

Art by Nico_Artoo 

Name: Untrue (Given name by Unloyal)

Age: Untrue doesn't have a true age, but appears as a five-year-old toddler

Species: Vengeful Spirit, but gained a physical form after befriending Unloyal

World Origin: Earth 211

Hair Color: Brown

Eye Color: Hazel sometimes turns red when powers are activated 

Skin Color: Fair Skin

Height: Toddler Size

Weight: Lovable Weight

Powers: Untrue wields undetermined God-like powers but upon transforming into a toddler, Untrue's divine powers are suppressed, but that only remains if he's in a happy environment or mental state. If triggered, he will have full access to his divine powers. Thankfully he acts more like a sidekick/nephew figure to Unloyal, thus only uses his powers at Unloyal's command.

Allies: Unloyal, Queen G, Unloyal's younger brothers

Likes: Unloyal, fire truck, going to the park, cereal, chicken nuggets, fire truck (yes it's listed twice get over it), cookies, Ipad, running around, world jumping

Dislikes: Naps, the sound of thunder, when Unloyal doesn't take him to the park, vegetables, Unloyal cursing, horror movies 


Don't be tricked by Untrue's lovable appearance and innocent demeanor. Truth is, he is an eldrich-like wraith. Originating from Earth 211, Untrue is the manifestation of a multitude of innocent children who lost their lives because of their parents’ neglectful actions. The wraith took the form of a red-colored behemoth and began causing death and destruction in his world's version of New York. While the red monster was rampaging within New York, a man in a purple themed outfit appeared from another world. The man was ordered by his boss/mother to observe the destruction taking place as he chowed down on food brought from his world. The monster continued causing death and destruction until it noticed the purple clad man watching from a rooftop several miles away. The monster teleported in front of him, but instead of instantly attacking him, the monster just observed him. 

The purple clad man offered one of his chicken tenders to the monster and the monster grabbed a piece. Upon eating the piece of chicken, the monster felt the strange emotion of giddiness, like a child who felt appeased by the actions of a caring parent. The monster suddenly transformed into a toddler before the man and leaped into his arms. The man then decided to take the monster, now toddler, back with him to his world. Before doing so, he named him "Untrue" because his name was Unloyal.

Untrue became Unloyal's sidekick, joining him in most of his world-hopping quests. Untrue also became something of a nephew figure to Unloyal's uncle figure. The two made for a dynamic duo because of their otherworldly abilities to overcome whatever chaos that was thrown their way. While Untrue behaved as a loving child and was very protective of Unloyal, Queen G, and the rest of Queen G's sons, one must always remember that Untrue is a fearsome wraith. If ever triggered or heartbroken, the precious young boy will revert back into his true destructive self.


1. Like Caden Baustista, Untrue is based on my nephew, Aisyn Zade Emerson-Gonzalez.

2. Untrue also takes inspiration from Eldrich mythology and the character Nursery Rhyme from the FATE series.

3. While Untrue's age is truly undetermined because it is a vengeful spirit of neglected children, Untrue takes the form of a five-year-old child.

4. Untrue loves a fair variety of foods, but his go-to meals are cereal, chicken nuggets/tenders, and french fries. He also loves soda; often drinking Unloyal's weekly supply in two days. It's okay, though, because Unloyal often steals sodas from supermarkets anyway.

5. Untrue is obsessed with the sound of fire truck sirens.

6. Like Unloyal, Untrue's name is also inspired by Summer Walker's song "Unloyal" .


Friday, November 17, 2023

FORBIDDEN - Team Hellin Versus Dorak The Hideous PART TWO

 FORBIDDEN - Team Hellin Versus Dorak The Hideous PART TWO

Story By Onyxe Blade

Shortly after encountering their target, DORAK THE HIDEOUS, Hellin and her team began combating the legendary demon. Despite their best efforts, Dorak proved to be beyond their joint fighting abilities. Not wanting to risk Scylla or Lea dying at the hands of such a powerful demon, Hellin used her telepathic powers to make Lea teleport both Scylla and herself out of the Underworld, leaving only Orsela and herself to deal with the threat. Orsela ordered Nox Granny Apple Pie to hand her one of her healing apple pies in order to feed it to Hellin.

Orsela: Hellin, please take a bite of this pie. It's healing properties will help speed up your natural regenerative abilities.

Hellin: I don’t much care for pie at the moment, but I won't let my stubbornness get the better of me.

Hellin grabbed the pie from Orsela's hand and quickly gulped it down. The healing properties from the pie helped accelerated Hellin's regenerative abilities that were hindered by the acidic blood from her opponent. Rising back to her feet, Hellin thanked Orsela before ordering her to stand back while she readied herself to show her target what's she really capable of when pissed off!


Hellin ignited her hands in flames once again. Instead of a singular reddish orange color, the fire surrounding her hands was now rainbow colored. Hellin's face also transformed from human form into demonic as she charged towards Dorak with malicious intent. Hellin threw a flurry of strikes. Unlike the last time, Dorak was only able to dodge the first few attacks before getting struck by a fiery punch that melted off his lower jaw, forcing him to reel back in pain. The demon's mouth began to regenerate, but a surge of anger boiled inside him. He realized that his opponent became stronger than she was minutes ago. Hellin no longer had to worry about her mortal allies dying, and she was able to go all out. Dorak, while not at full strength thanks to the seal placed upon him many millennia ago, the legendary demon knew that his opponent required his true power if he planned to emerge victorious.

Dorak: SUCCUBUS! You and your comrades attempted to wipe me out before I could regain my full strength. However, even without my full powers being accessible, the powers I do possess shall be more than enough to write your epitaph! Prepare to witness the power of a legendary demon!

Dorak transformed right before Hellin and Orsela's very eyes, changing from a humanoid-looking demon into a gigantic sized bot fly/Komodo dragon hybrid grotesque monstrosity. The mere presence of Dorak in his true form caused a fear effect. Hellin was able to withstand it, but tears fell down Orsela's face as she dropped to her knees. The fear also forced Orsela's remaining Nox Creature, Nox Granny Apple Pie, to retreat back to the Nox Dimension. Seeing Orsela in such a vulnerable state caused Hellin great concern, but she knew she needed to deal with Dorak before it was too late. Charging at her opponent once again, Hellin unleashed several scorching hot colorful blasts of fire at her target along with a devastating punch to its torso. While her attacks caused Dorak harm, they weren’t quite enough to put the demon down. 

Dorak retaliated by unleashing a stream of purple acid towards Hellin, but she easily dodged the attack. Growing more enraged by the second, Hellin felt a part of her that desired to transform into Vixen, but she decided to hold onto that trump card a bit longer. She was still confident that she could defeat Dorak in her current form. The battle waged on despite each demon's best effort to kill the other. Neither had been able to land a finishing blow. Growing frustrated, Dorak decided to shift his focus from Hellin to Orsela, who was still under his fear effect.

Dorak: Enough time has been wasted on you, succubus! Let's see how your dear sister fairs against me!

Hellin: NO!

Overcome by emotion, Hellin charged recklessly towards Dorak. He quickly struck Hellin down into the bloodfall using his tail. Now focusing his attention on Orsela, Dorak prepared to end her life by unleashing a stream of purple acid onto her. Orsela sensed the demon's intent on attacking her, but the demoness was too frozen with fear to move out of harm's way. Dorak's acid flew at Orsela at high speed as the demoness's life was about to come to a close... or so she thought! 

Fortunately, this was where Hellin's decision to force Lea to teleport Scylla and herself away earlier came into play. Right before the acid hit Orsela, a portal opened up and a figure dressed in pink sprung out from the portal and rushed towards Orsela to move her out of harm’s way right before the acid could hit. Orsela opened her eyes, having prepared herself for certain death. Instead, she found herself in the arms of none other than Onyx. Stepping out of the portal behind him is not only Lea and Scylla, but also August Starfinder, Vritra, Trevyn Aliyu, Romeo N'al, James Del Soto, and Sung Jin. Hellin sprung out from the bloodfall soaked in blood. She was shocked to see not only was Orsela safe and sound in Onyx's arms, but the rest of her allies stood there as well.

Lea: Hellin, you bitch! I'm about sick of you possessing my mind without my consent!

Hellin: Shut the fuck up, Stallard! I did it to save your and Scylla's lives! I probably should have let your sorry asses die!

Scylla: Well, you made a surprisingly good call since we were able to get the others to come help.

Sung Jin: Babe... is that grotesque monster a legendary demon?

Onyx: Exactly as legends have foretold, my love. This is just one of many.

James: My mother told me stories about these fuckers. They are some of the most dangerous motherfuckers to ever exist in the Underworld.

Trevyn: As scary as it looks, all of us together should be able to take this fucker down.

Hellin: NO! Now that Orsela is safe, I want all of you to stay the fuck out of my way! I'm going to kill this son-of-a-bitch by myself!

Fueled by anger, Hellin prepared to unleash a DIVINE RUINATION level attack against Dorak. Shrouding her entire body in rainbow colored flames, Hellin moved faster than the speed of sound as she charged towards Dorak like a missile. Dorak attempted to unleash another stream of acid. Before the demon could make a move, Hellin managed to pierce his chest, targeting his heart. Thanks to the flames surrounding her body, Hellin gained immunity to Dorak's acidic blood while she burned the demon alive from within starting at its heart. Dorak screamed in agony, but nothing could change the demon's fate. Within minutes, Hellin managed to burn Dorak from the inside out, thus bringing the legendary demon to an end.

The next day, Hellin accompanied her mother, Othello, to the meeting of the Demon Warlords. Upon their arrival, Johanna thanked Hellin for singlehandedly defeating Dorak The Hideous. Othello smugly said to her fellow Demon Lords that she knew that Hellin was capable of defeating Dorak on her own and that all the precautions they took were unnecessary. Apollyn gave Hellin a big hug. Hellin literally had to pry Apollyn off of her. Ivan gave Hellin a fist bump for a job well done. Leviathan and Koga, although quiet, both men nodded approvingly at Hellin's accomplishment. Lisa-Alice, while asleep, also congratulated Hellin.

Hellin: I appreciate the gratitude, but I didn't do it quite on my own. Onyx and the others did come to my aid. I did defeat Dorak, alone, but not without the support of my friends... as fucking corny as it sounds.

Lisa-Alice: Nothing wrong with having friends in your corner, but that doesn't change the fact that you alone slew Dorak. Therefore, we are very thankful for your services, Princess Hellin. Despite your age, you possess the fighting prowess of demons five times your age. Thank you for always being reliable when your realm needs you the most. In the future, be prepared for even stronger threats to arise.

Hellin: Understood, Lady Lisa-Alice. Anyway, if I'm not needed here, I have a party to attend at Onyx's castle.

Johanna: You are graciously dismissed, Princess Hellin. Enjoy the rest of your day

Othello: Mama is so proud of you, baby girl. Truly my golden child. I couldn't be prouder.

Hellin gave her mother a kiss on the cheek before taking her leave to join Onyx and the others in Mayland.

FORBIDDEN - Team Hellin Versus Dorak The Hideous PART ONE

FORBIDDEN - Team Hellin Versus Dorak The Hideous PART ONE

Story By Onyxe Blade

Hellin Strongs along with her adopted sister and best friend, Orsela Geno, as well as her comrades Scylla Baros and Princess Lea Stallard are tasked with tracking down a legendary demon known as Dorak The Hideous. The girls were short of teammates August Starfinder who was on a mission of his own and Prince Trevyn Aliyu who was busy accompanying his mother on a business trip to India. Normally, the girls received their tasks from Onyx. This time they were hired by Lady Johanna Lucifera, the descendant of Satan himself and current leader of the Underworld's Demon Warlords; her position was the Demon Warlord of Pride, the highest of the ranks. 

Two days ago, Johanna sensed a powerful presence brewing within the sixth level of the Underworld. The level of power she felt would have frightened a lesser demon. Nevertheless, such a powerful presence could only mean a legendary demon had somehow broken out of its seal and soon would wreak havoc within the Underworld if not swiftly dealt with. After a short investigation, Johanna discovered the demon that broke free from its seal was named DORAK THE HIDEOUS.

Many centuries ago, Johanna was told stories of certain demons that needed to be sealed away so they would not cause chaos within their own realm or venture into the human realm, otherwise the results would be catastrophic. Upon realizing this, Johanna immediately called a meeting among her fellow Demon Lords. After a long discussion, Othello, believing in the growing powers and fighting abilities of both her daughters, volunteered to have Hellin and Orsela go and take care of the awakening demon.

Johanna agreed to allow Hellin and Orsela to track down the demon only if they were accompanied by at least two others in case the two of them weren't enough. Both Ivan and Apollyn offered to assist Hellin, but Lisa-Alice shutdown the idea and instead suggested that Hellin and Orsela seek aid from the Mortal Realm. Johanna surprisingly agreed with Lisa-Alice's suggestion and ordered Othello to tell Hellin and Orsela to gather allies from the Mortal Realm before venturing out to track down the sinister presence lingering within the sixth level of the Underworld. Hellin and Orsela considered seeking aid from Shanna, a half-demon who resided in Jerusalem and served as a nun at her mortal grandfather's Catholic Church. The girls even thought about seeking out Monique Sulfur, the Power Witch, knowing that her immense strength would come in handy. However, Monique was off somewhere on a mission and Shanna was unavailable. 

They then turned to Onyx for help. Onyx and none of his Royal Guards were available to assist the two women because of prior engagements of their own. Onyx contacted August, Trevyn, Scylla, and Lea. Trevyn and August were unavailable, but Scylla and Lea heeded the call. In mere seconds, a portal opened within Onyx's castle with both Lea and Scylla looking sharp and ready for action. Orsela explained to the girls that this would be a very dangerous mission since they were tracking down a legendary demon within the Underworld. To both Hellin and Orsela's surprise, Scylla and Lea have heard stories of legendary demons and the danger they posed to both of their realms. Despite Lea's vanity and Scylla's nearly nihilistic-like behavior, both women understood the dangers and wanted to aid their demon allies in preventing a potential calamity from causing devastation in either of their worlds.

Upon their arrival to the Underworld, the four women quickly made their way to the sixth level of the Underworld. Hellin or Lea could have simply teleported to the sixth level of the Underworld. The thing is, unlike teleporting practically anywhere in the Mortal Realm without little to no worries, because of their environment and having two non-demons in their company, Hellin did not want to risk too much attention towards her group from human-hating demons who would try to eat Lea or Scylla without hesitation. Worse yet, Hellin didn’t want to accidentally end up teleporting into a territory of ferocious demons who would attempt to kill all of them. Normally such things would not bother Hellin if she was alone or just had Orsela in her company, but she didn’t want to risk her non-demon comrades. Thus, the women had to take a longer route to their destination much to Lea's chagrin. About three hours later, the girls reached the fifth level of the Underworld. They knew they could continue playing it safe, but also understood that they only had a little time to waste before locating their target. Realizing this, Hellin telepathically warned the girls of the potential risks of just teleporting into a level without proper precautions.

The girls stared back at Hellin and the look in their eyes let Hellin know they were prepared to take a leap of faith. Hellin said a silent prayer before teleporting her and her teammates directly to the sixth level of the Underworld. Upon their arrival, they were thankful that they didn't end up entering any demon territory. The only demons within their vicinity were sluggers (slug-like demons - dangerous in groups but mundane on their own) and crawlers (low level arachnid-like demons who preferred to feast on sluggers). They would prove no trouble for the girls and if they were stupid enough to try anything, Hellin would just burn them to a crisp. Sensing a sinister aura emitting several feet from where they stood, the girls hurried to the location as they found themselves standing before a bloodfall (a waterfall, but instead of water it rains blood). Sitting in front of it was a male demon, wearing a torn brown cloak, whose skin was as black as tar with multiple boils covering his body. Being in the presence of the demon caused the girls to feel nauseated, but Orsela, having planned for something like this, reached into her small backpack and pulled out a liquid for the girls to drink. The liquid possessed properties to combat fatigue, drowsiness, and vertigo symptoms. 

The nausea ceased, but the frightening presence of the demon that stood before them was palpable. Hellin knew without a doubt this was the dreaded legendary demon that Johanna had sensed days prior… DORAK THE HIDEOUS! Although the demon hadn't regained its full strength, Hellin and the girls knew they were in for quite a fight. Without wasting another second, the girls rushed towards the demon, ready to attack. Hellin set her hands ablaze as she attempted to strike Dorak. Orsela came from behind her sister, leaping over her as she attempted an attack of her own, using one of her many lethal kicks. Dorak dodged both women's attacks, but found himself surrounded by water created from Scylla's magic. Scylla immediately trapped the demon within her water and Lea reached inside of her body, which acted as its own pocket dimension. She threw several bombs from out of her breast towards Dorak trapped inside the water. The bombs exploded upon impact and causes geysers, but Hellin and Orsela quickly sensed that the attack did little to nothing to harm Dorak. The enraged demon emerged from the debris and shot out several of his grotesque boils on his body towards the women. 

Hellin quickly burned the boils before they could hit either her or her allies; certain that the demon's boils possessed flesh-eating capabilities should they manage to land on one of them. Hellin then attempted to use her telepathy to take control of Dorak. Because of the demon's high level of power, Dorak shook off Hellin's attempt to control him. Orsela summoned her Nox Monsters: Nox Macky and Nox Granny Apple Pie. Nox Macky was a purple alien boxer-like creature and Nox Granny Apple Pie was a monster with the appearance of an old lady carrying a basket of healing apple pies. Orsela ordered Nox Granny Apple Pie to keep a sharp watch over Scylla and Lea while both Nox Macky and she charged after Dorak with killer intent. Despite their best efforts to land a fatal strike against Dorak, the legendary demon evaded their attacks before conjuring a ball of slime that he used against Orsela and her monster. Nox Macky instinctively jumped in front of Orsela and took the attack. Nox Macky was defeated and forced to return to the Nox Dimension. Hellin, who had successfully sneaked behind the demon, pushed her hand into the demon's back, attempting to rip out its spine. To her shock, the demon's blood was made of a mixture of blood and acid. This forced Hellin to pull her arm out and it was covered in acid burns.

Orsela rushed to her sister's aid. She saw Hellin wince in pain as her regenerative abilities did their best to heal her burned arm, but the process was slower than usual. Scylla had enough and summoned a giant ball of water and hurled it at Dorak. Before her attack could strike the demon, Dorak took control of the bloodfall and used the liquid to submerge the water. Dorak then boiled the ball of blood infused water and hurled it at Scylla and Lea. Hellin instinctively used her telepathy on Lea and forced Lea to teleport both Scylla and herself out of the Underworld. The attack was evaded thanks to Hellin's quick thinking; however, they were now short two allies to battle against Dorak.

Orsela: Hellin! What did you do? Don't tell me you telepathically controlled Lea to teleport both Scylla and herself from out of here.

Hellin: That's fucking exactly what I did! Dorak is too strong for those two to handle and they will certainly end up dying here if they continue helping us against such a powerful opponent. I would send you away too, but I fear mother would react poorly to such a decision. Therefore, I'm going to only ask you to watch my back. Now with Scylla and Lea out the way, I can really show this motherfucker what I'm capable of... DORAK, PREPARE TO DIE!

Sunday, November 12, 2023

Jonah Samajurn Skill Set


Magic Type: Light

Skill Set Explanation

Trait: Rainbow Charge: Jonah charges his hands in ultraviolet energy. This allows access to enhanced versions of certain special attacks


1. Rainbow Pulse: Jonah swiftly strikes his opponent within range with a powerful rainbow colored energy orb

Rainbow Pulse (Rainbow Charge Version): Jonah performs a swift close range strike but the size of the orb has increased in size and does double the damage

2. Dreamy Kick (In Air): While in the air Jonah envelopes his leg in ultraviolet lights and performs a downward kick

3. Dazzle Strike: Jonah creates an orb of light in his palm and charges towards his opponent

4. Idol Kick: Jonah performs an upward kick

Idol Kick (Rainbow Charge Version): Jonah performs an upward kick but the attack becomes invincible and does double the damage of a non charged Idol Kick


Jonah creates a colorful ball of light energy in his palm before striking the ground. Jonah then strikes the ground with the orb which transforms into a violent geyser of ultraviolet light 

Profile: Jonah Samujurn


"The stage is mine, so it's time to show the world how bright I'm going to shine!" - Jonah Samujurn

Name: Jonah Samujurn

Age: 20 

Species: Human

Country: Thailand

Hair Color: Natural brunette but dyed platinum blonde

Eye Color: Brown

Skin: Sandy 

Height: 5'9”

Weight: 162 Pounds

Powers: Ultraviolet Light Magic

Allies: Theo, Turbine, Bevan, Sung Jin

Likes: His parents, his fans, performing, exercising, Kluay Kaek, magic

Dislikes: Missed opportunities, feeling like he can do better, hawks, his stoic Cambion cousin 


Jonah is the son of First Samujurn and Brigitta Olsson, who met several years ago when Brigitta visited Thailand on vacation. The two fell in love and a few years after marriage, Brigitta gave birth to Jonah. Raised in Chumphon, Jonah lived a very lax childhood while being aware of the various dangers of his world. At ten years old, Jonah was taught ultraviolet light magic by his mother while learning self-defense skills from his father. 
While home one evening after finishing up his homework and channel surfing, Jonah stumbled upon a music video of Korean performers and instantly became mesmerized. That became the catalyst for Jonah pursuing a career in music. During his teen years, Jonah continued his magical practices, but heavily began teaching himself how to dance similar to various K-Pop (Korean Pop) idols as well as how to sing. 

After high school, instead of going to college as his parents hoped, Jonah worked under a popular entertainment company in Bangkok, Thailand and became a musician under their label. Although Jonah wasn't an overnight success, his hard work and dedication to his craft eventually brought about his desired popularity. It also helped that Jonah appeared in various Thai dramas to boost his recognition. While ecstatic at having turned his dreams into reality, Jonah now works twice as hard to continue improving himself, and to make his growing fandom proud.


Jonah was originally not a planned character for 2023, but because an artist friend needed work, I decided to get Jonah done sooner than scheduled.

Earlier plans for Jonah's ethnicity was to make him purely Thai, but I decided to make him part-Swedish and part-Thai.

One of my original ideas for Jonah was to make him a go-go dancer who wielded magic, but I decided that wasn't what I ultimately wanted for his character.

Jonah wields light-based magic similar to Xiaoyu, but unlike Xiaoyu, who manipulates pure whitish-yellow light, Jonah uses ultraviolet lights with various effects for offense. Jonah also uses his magic to enhance his stage performances.

As stated in his profile, Jonah is not a natural blonde, but a brunette. Jonah colored his hair in order to stand out and fit the idol aesthetics. 

Tuesday, November 7, 2023


Jonah Samujurn

The Beaming Star Idol

Drawn by KiLeR_ArTisT 

Adopted AI Art


Name: Jonah Samujurn

Age: 20

Country: Thailand

Ethnic Background: Swedish Mother & Thai Father

Powers: Ultraviolet Light Magic 

Jonah's full profile will either be available late November or early December 


VAIN - The Witch Of Torment

 VAIN Artwork by Anne_Luc