Friday, November 17, 2023

FORBIDDEN - Team Hellin Versus Dorak The Hideous PART ONE

FORBIDDEN - Team Hellin Versus Dorak The Hideous PART ONE

Story By Onyxe Blade

Hellin Strongs along with her adopted sister and best friend, Orsela Geno, as well as her comrades Scylla Baros and Princess Lea Stallard are tasked with tracking down a legendary demon known as Dorak The Hideous. The girls were short of teammates August Starfinder who was on a mission of his own and Prince Trevyn Aliyu who was busy accompanying his mother on a business trip to India. Normally, the girls received their tasks from Onyx. This time they were hired by Lady Johanna Lucifera, the descendant of Satan himself and current leader of the Underworld's Demon Warlords; her position was the Demon Warlord of Pride, the highest of the ranks. 

Two days ago, Johanna sensed a powerful presence brewing within the sixth level of the Underworld. The level of power she felt would have frightened a lesser demon. Nevertheless, such a powerful presence could only mean a legendary demon had somehow broken out of its seal and soon would wreak havoc within the Underworld if not swiftly dealt with. After a short investigation, Johanna discovered the demon that broke free from its seal was named DORAK THE HIDEOUS.

Many centuries ago, Johanna was told stories of certain demons that needed to be sealed away so they would not cause chaos within their own realm or venture into the human realm, otherwise the results would be catastrophic. Upon realizing this, Johanna immediately called a meeting among her fellow Demon Lords. After a long discussion, Othello, believing in the growing powers and fighting abilities of both her daughters, volunteered to have Hellin and Orsela go and take care of the awakening demon.

Johanna agreed to allow Hellin and Orsela to track down the demon only if they were accompanied by at least two others in case the two of them weren't enough. Both Ivan and Apollyn offered to assist Hellin, but Lisa-Alice shutdown the idea and instead suggested that Hellin and Orsela seek aid from the Mortal Realm. Johanna surprisingly agreed with Lisa-Alice's suggestion and ordered Othello to tell Hellin and Orsela to gather allies from the Mortal Realm before venturing out to track down the sinister presence lingering within the sixth level of the Underworld. Hellin and Orsela considered seeking aid from Shanna, a half-demon who resided in Jerusalem and served as a nun at her mortal grandfather's Catholic Church. The girls even thought about seeking out Monique Sulfur, the Power Witch, knowing that her immense strength would come in handy. However, Monique was off somewhere on a mission and Shanna was unavailable. 

They then turned to Onyx for help. Onyx and none of his Royal Guards were available to assist the two women because of prior engagements of their own. Onyx contacted August, Trevyn, Scylla, and Lea. Trevyn and August were unavailable, but Scylla and Lea heeded the call. In mere seconds, a portal opened within Onyx's castle with both Lea and Scylla looking sharp and ready for action. Orsela explained to the girls that this would be a very dangerous mission since they were tracking down a legendary demon within the Underworld. To both Hellin and Orsela's surprise, Scylla and Lea have heard stories of legendary demons and the danger they posed to both of their realms. Despite Lea's vanity and Scylla's nearly nihilistic-like behavior, both women understood the dangers and wanted to aid their demon allies in preventing a potential calamity from causing devastation in either of their worlds.

Upon their arrival to the Underworld, the four women quickly made their way to the sixth level of the Underworld. Hellin or Lea could have simply teleported to the sixth level of the Underworld. The thing is, unlike teleporting practically anywhere in the Mortal Realm without little to no worries, because of their environment and having two non-demons in their company, Hellin did not want to risk too much attention towards her group from human-hating demons who would try to eat Lea or Scylla without hesitation. Worse yet, Hellin didn’t want to accidentally end up teleporting into a territory of ferocious demons who would attempt to kill all of them. Normally such things would not bother Hellin if she was alone or just had Orsela in her company, but she didn’t want to risk her non-demon comrades. Thus, the women had to take a longer route to their destination much to Lea's chagrin. About three hours later, the girls reached the fifth level of the Underworld. They knew they could continue playing it safe, but also understood that they only had a little time to waste before locating their target. Realizing this, Hellin telepathically warned the girls of the potential risks of just teleporting into a level without proper precautions.

The girls stared back at Hellin and the look in their eyes let Hellin know they were prepared to take a leap of faith. Hellin said a silent prayer before teleporting her and her teammates directly to the sixth level of the Underworld. Upon their arrival, they were thankful that they didn't end up entering any demon territory. The only demons within their vicinity were sluggers (slug-like demons - dangerous in groups but mundane on their own) and crawlers (low level arachnid-like demons who preferred to feast on sluggers). They would prove no trouble for the girls and if they were stupid enough to try anything, Hellin would just burn them to a crisp. Sensing a sinister aura emitting several feet from where they stood, the girls hurried to the location as they found themselves standing before a bloodfall (a waterfall, but instead of water it rains blood). Sitting in front of it was a male demon, wearing a torn brown cloak, whose skin was as black as tar with multiple boils covering his body. Being in the presence of the demon caused the girls to feel nauseated, but Orsela, having planned for something like this, reached into her small backpack and pulled out a liquid for the girls to drink. The liquid possessed properties to combat fatigue, drowsiness, and vertigo symptoms. 

The nausea ceased, but the frightening presence of the demon that stood before them was palpable. Hellin knew without a doubt this was the dreaded legendary demon that Johanna had sensed days prior… DORAK THE HIDEOUS! Although the demon hadn't regained its full strength, Hellin and the girls knew they were in for quite a fight. Without wasting another second, the girls rushed towards the demon, ready to attack. Hellin set her hands ablaze as she attempted to strike Dorak. Orsela came from behind her sister, leaping over her as she attempted an attack of her own, using one of her many lethal kicks. Dorak dodged both women's attacks, but found himself surrounded by water created from Scylla's magic. Scylla immediately trapped the demon within her water and Lea reached inside of her body, which acted as its own pocket dimension. She threw several bombs from out of her breast towards Dorak trapped inside the water. The bombs exploded upon impact and causes geysers, but Hellin and Orsela quickly sensed that the attack did little to nothing to harm Dorak. The enraged demon emerged from the debris and shot out several of his grotesque boils on his body towards the women. 

Hellin quickly burned the boils before they could hit either her or her allies; certain that the demon's boils possessed flesh-eating capabilities should they manage to land on one of them. Hellin then attempted to use her telepathy to take control of Dorak. Because of the demon's high level of power, Dorak shook off Hellin's attempt to control him. Orsela summoned her Nox Monsters: Nox Macky and Nox Granny Apple Pie. Nox Macky was a purple alien boxer-like creature and Nox Granny Apple Pie was a monster with the appearance of an old lady carrying a basket of healing apple pies. Orsela ordered Nox Granny Apple Pie to keep a sharp watch over Scylla and Lea while both Nox Macky and she charged after Dorak with killer intent. Despite their best efforts to land a fatal strike against Dorak, the legendary demon evaded their attacks before conjuring a ball of slime that he used against Orsela and her monster. Nox Macky instinctively jumped in front of Orsela and took the attack. Nox Macky was defeated and forced to return to the Nox Dimension. Hellin, who had successfully sneaked behind the demon, pushed her hand into the demon's back, attempting to rip out its spine. To her shock, the demon's blood was made of a mixture of blood and acid. This forced Hellin to pull her arm out and it was covered in acid burns.

Orsela rushed to her sister's aid. She saw Hellin wince in pain as her regenerative abilities did their best to heal her burned arm, but the process was slower than usual. Scylla had enough and summoned a giant ball of water and hurled it at Dorak. Before her attack could strike the demon, Dorak took control of the bloodfall and used the liquid to submerge the water. Dorak then boiled the ball of blood infused water and hurled it at Scylla and Lea. Hellin instinctively used her telepathy on Lea and forced Lea to teleport both Scylla and herself out of the Underworld. The attack was evaded thanks to Hellin's quick thinking; however, they were now short two allies to battle against Dorak.

Orsela: Hellin! What did you do? Don't tell me you telepathically controlled Lea to teleport both Scylla and herself from out of here.

Hellin: That's fucking exactly what I did! Dorak is too strong for those two to handle and they will certainly end up dying here if they continue helping us against such a powerful opponent. I would send you away too, but I fear mother would react poorly to such a decision. Therefore, I'm going to only ask you to watch my back. Now with Scylla and Lea out the way, I can really show this motherfucker what I'm capable of... DORAK, PREPARE TO DIE!

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