Sunday, November 12, 2023

Jonah Samajurn Skill Set


Magic Type: Light

Skill Set Explanation

Trait: Rainbow Charge: Jonah charges his hands in ultraviolet energy. This allows access to enhanced versions of certain special attacks


1. Rainbow Pulse: Jonah swiftly strikes his opponent within range with a powerful rainbow colored energy orb

Rainbow Pulse (Rainbow Charge Version): Jonah performs a swift close range strike but the size of the orb has increased in size and does double the damage

2. Dreamy Kick (In Air): While in the air Jonah envelopes his leg in ultraviolet lights and performs a downward kick

3. Dazzle Strike: Jonah creates an orb of light in his palm and charges towards his opponent

4. Idol Kick: Jonah performs an upward kick

Idol Kick (Rainbow Charge Version): Jonah performs an upward kick but the attack becomes invincible and does double the damage of a non charged Idol Kick


Jonah creates a colorful ball of light energy in his palm before striking the ground. Jonah then strikes the ground with the orb which transforms into a violent geyser of ultraviolet light 

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