Sunday, April 10, 2022

Profile - Pranai Saetang


"I can handle anything as long as I have the love of my husband" - Pranai Saetang 

Official Artwork of Pranai

Name: Pranai Saetang

Age: 41

Country: Thailand

Hair Color: Red (Dyed) Brunette (Natural)

Eye Color: Brown

Skin Color: Beige

Family: Mother & Father who own a resort, Duey Saetang (Husband), Scylla Baros (Sensei)

Height: 5'9

Weight: 137 pounds

Allies: Scylla Baros, Hellin Strongs, Orsela Geno, James Del Soto, Yura Mikan

Likes: His husband, his parents, fashion, nail art, adventures, improving his magic, make-up, smoothies, his Sensei

Dislikes: Missing Duey, boredom, things that prove too challenging, dry weather

Powers: Miraculous Luck Based Magic (Born with it) & Water Magic (Taught to him by Scylla)

Backstory - Pranai is a young feminine gay man born and raised in Phuket, Thailand. Pranai is happily married to his childhood friend turned lover, Duey Saetang, who is a well established actor in their native country. Pranai is the son and only child of a lovely couple who owned a resort in Phuket. While Pranai loved his parents dearly, he was plagued with loneliness due to being an only child. All of that changed the day he met a young boy by the name Duey. The two became instant friends and would hangout constantly both in and out of school. Pranai truly felt that Duey was his personal angel on Earth that saved him from a life of loneliness. Sadly, one day Duey and his parents had moved to China due to Duey's father having to go there for acting work. Pranai was heartbroken and once again was all alone. Although he knew it wasn't Duey's decision to move, the young man couldn't help but harbor resentment towards his friend and promised to never forgive him for leaving him behind. Many years had passed and Pranai was now a senior in High School. The first day back to school, Pranai was shocked when he saw that Duey was back in Thailand and his classmate. While he initially felt immediately joy seeing his childhood friend back in Thailand, the anger he felt many years ago when Duey left for China quickly resurfaced and Pranai decided that he was going to avoid Duey at all cost. While in class Pranai, Duey, and the other students along with the teacher suddenly heard commotion taking place outside around the school grounds. They all looked outside the window shocked and horrified as they witnessed a fight between a Thai Witch (Witch is the term used for evil Sages) and the heroes Hellin Strongs, Orsela Geno, James Del Soto, Yura Mikan, and the newest hero, Scylla Baros. While the reason the fight had broken out wasn't known to the students or the school staff. They all were very concerned as the battle between the heroes and Witch had grew more intense by the second.

The heroes began gaining the upper hand in the battle which angered the Witch as she decided to target the citizens within the school building. The Witch had shot a blast at the room where Pranai and the others were stationed in and created a hole in the wall. Immediately the Witch had created a mulberry colored flames in her palm and decided to target Pranai. The Witch shot the fire towards Pranai who froze in fear as the fireball headed toward him. Immediately Duey had maneuvered himself in front of Pranai, wrapping his arms around his friend. Feeling a mixture of emotions as Pranai did not expect Duey to put himself in danger in order to protect him. The young man felt fear as he believed both Duey and him were going to die. Right before the Witch's flames could strike either man, a wall of water rose in front of them created by the hero Scylla in order to protect them from the fiery attack. Hellin and James would then defeat and slay the Witch and thus put an end to the chaos. After the heroes had checked in on the students and staff and were ensured of their safety, James had called his friend Onyx, the current ruler of Mayland to send them back home via portal. It was then that Pranai took notice Scylla especially after she had saved Duey and him from certain death. The young man had decided to approach the Greek woman in order to thank her and hopefully something more. Spotting the young man approaching her, Scylla wore her typical irritated face but decided to herself that she would at least hear what he had to say; the worst he could say to her is something perverted as so many men she encountered before. However Pranai had not only thanked her for saving him and his friend's life but also if she would teach him water magic. Scylla was deemed shocked by the boy's request but yet something about him was hard to refuse. The portal had opened before the heroes that was created by Onyx in order for them to return to Mayland. Scylla had decided that she would stay in Thailand instead of returning to Greece in order to train Pranai for a while, thus telling Hellin and the others to go on without her. Scylla then gave Pranai her cellphone number and told him that training will start tomorrow before leaving her "pupil" in order to find a hotel during her stay in Thailand. Now that Pranai had a "Sensei" to teach him water magic. Pranai now wanted to find Duey in order to talk to him. Thankfully school had closed early due to the incident from earlier so he had the rest of the day in hopes of repairing his childhood friendship, along with thanking Duey for risking his life earlier. Thanks to the power of Social Media, Pranai learned that Duey had went to the recently opened mall with some friends and he hurried his way there in order to catch him.

Shortly after arriving to the mall Pranai had spotted Duey hanging out at the arcade with friends. Duey had also spotted Pranai and had immediately excused him from his friends and went over to hangout with Pranai. Before he was able to say anything, Duey had asked him to come grab a smoothie with him and that he was paying for both of them. Afterwards they explored the mall together and conversed about how life has been for them the last few years. Duey being old enough to be on his own decided to return to Thailand while his parents continue having a great stream of work doing films in China along with the fact that he too would pursue acting when he attends college next year. The day was getting late and the mall was about to close. The two young men had decided it was time for them to start heading home. Duey decided he wanted to walk Pranai to the ferry where he would then return to his parents at the resort. During their walk to the ferry, Pranai had asked Duey for them to stop for a minute. The reason being was for him to thank him for putting his life on the line earlier that day at the school and most importantly apologize for the anger he harbored when Duey had moved to China many years ago. Tears of regret began flowing down Pranai's face as he begged Duey to forgive him. Immediately Duey had wrapped his arms around Duey and began to cry as well. Saying to his friend "I never wanted to leave you but I was a kid then and I had to do as my parents said. I promised myself that I would come back for you someday". The friends held onto each other for a bit longer before continuing their way to the ferry. The next day as Pranai got off the ferry in order to head to school. He was stunned but beyond glad to see Duey waiting for him in order for them to walk together to school. After a regular day of school had completed. Duey had asked Pranai to hangout with him but Pranai remembered that he had to meet with Scylla for magic practice. The desire to hangout with Duey was stronger than going to practice; he texted Scylla that he was exhausted from school and that he will receive lessons from her another day. He then proceeded to spend another day hanging out with Duey. The two would go see a movie but upon arriving to the movie theater, Pranai was shocked when he saw Scylla at the movie theater as well. He did not even imagine that she would end up at the same place as Duey and him, catching him in his lie. Scylla looked at him with utter disdain in her eyes as Pranai immediately went to talk to her. Scolded by Scylla for lying to her, she threatened to contact Onyx to open a portal for her to return home because obviously Pranai wasn't interested in learning water magic. Duey had rushed over to his friend's side in order to understand what was going on. Pranai had explained to Duey that he had lied to Scylla in order to hangout with him. Duey had apologized on Pranai's behalf since he really wanted them to hangout. As angry as she was, Scylla understood but told Pranai the next time he skips out of practice that she'll leave Thailand earlier than planned. Pranai promised to take his lesson seriously in order to learn water magic along with of course hanging out with Duey and doing his school work

At first Pranai struggled in even performing the simplest water spells which began to discourage him. Scylla sternly did not allow the boy to give up since she saw his potential. As time went on, Pranai was able to perform even more advanced water spells. While Pranai simply believed he was getting better, which was indeed the case, Scylla as an expert of water magic had sensed the "love" in his water powers due to his blossoming relationship with Duey. While Scylla was happy her pupil was falling in love, she worried that Duey may end up breaking Pranai's heart and that it would ruin all of his progress. Regardless, she continued to train Pranai as her time in Thailand was nearly to an end. As time went on Pranai began to struggle being with Duey in their current state for he was falling in love with him but feared Duey didn't feel the same despite their closeness. After another session with Scylla, Pranai had met up with Duey in order to go catch the latest action movie which Duey's mother was an actor in. After the movie was over and it was time to go home, Duey had found a private spot within their area and before Pranai could even say a word, Duey placed his lips onto his and the two men began making out. After the fairly long make out session, Duey revealed to Pranai that he was madly in love with him and wanted to know if they could be together. Pranai was overwhelmed with so many emotions that tears ran down his eyes; he couldn't imagine the Duey would love him the same way he loved him. 

Happy that everything had seemed to go his way, it seemed that everything was changing for the better. Pranai's grades were amazing, his water magic greatly improved, and most importantly is dating the love of his life. Sadly one day while going to meet Duey at the park after finishing a training session with Scylla, Pranai witnessed Duey and a German girl named Mindy who unbeknownst to Pranai was Duey's ex. Upon witnessing Mindy giving Duey a kiss on the lips, Pranai's heart immediately sank and he felt that everything Duey had told him was a lie. Not knowing that the truth behind of meeting of the exes that Mindy was meeting Duey to let him know that she decided to join a guild in her homeland and was hoping before she moved on with her life that Duey would reconsider dating her. Before Duey could turn her down as he intended, the two of them spotted Pranai who had a face of a man whose world has been shattered. Pranai then angrily summons a ball of water into his hand with the intentions of throwing at them, but instead just throws the ball to the ground and runs off crying. Shortly after it begins to rain in Phuket which shouldn't be the case cause the weather isn't in the condition for rain. The concerning change in weather immediately alerted Scylla who was conversing with Onyx on the phone in her hotel room and knew that something was off. Scylla quickly threw on a black dress and heels and went to find the cause of the sudden rain. Upon finding that the cause was no other than Pranai who was standing near a bridge, appearing to be contemplating suicide. Scylla had immediately yelled out to her pupil to not take his life. Seeing the sadness on Pranai's face she knew that Duey was the cause of this pain. Duey had also appeared at the bridge who was soaked by the rain subconsciously created by Pranai. Scylla was angered by Duey's presence but also surprised that he knew where to find Pranai. Duey despite having no telepathy let alone any sought of powers, knew that Scylla's facial expression that she was angry at him and curious to know as to how he knew they would be here. Duey had explained that Pranai would come to this particular bridge when he was very upset and that he needed to explain to his boyfriend what had happened earlier in the park. Pranai was furious and didn't want to hear a word from Duey but Duey begged and even began to cry for Pranai to listen to him. Scylla reluctantly began backing Duey up and Pranai decided to hear him out. Duey had explained the situation involving Mindy and regretted not telling Pranai that he had a relationship prior to him. Duey explained the fear that Pranai wouldn't think he would love him since his first love was a woman. Duey then told him that he is the only one he truly loves and to please believe the words he speaks. Sensing that his boyfriend was telling the truth, Pranai forgave him and the two of them made out. The rain disappeared and Scylla told the two of them to stay with her for the night. A few days later Scylla had bid Pranai farewell as Onyx had came to pick her up. While Pranai had desired to learn more from the Greek water user, he was happy for the time they spent together along with being in a relationship with Duey. The two would shortly after graduate from High School and begin college together. While Duey would follow in his parents footsteps and pursue acting, Pranai would end up trying out a lot of various courses in college in order to discover his true passion


 Happily married to Duey who was currently away doing a movie in London, Pranai would become a freelance investigator along with working on marketing for various fashion companies. While he wasn't quite the hero as Scylla, Hellin, Angelina Murai, and many others on the Mortal Realm and Underworld, Pranai would used what he learned from over the years to help out those that he could. He even discovered that he possessed a miraculous "luck" like powers that he had since he was an infant. Pranai was forever grateful for the life he experienced and will come to experience as time goes on. The next thing he wants to accomplish is fighting side by side with his Sensei, Scylla in the near future but hopefully not against a scary demon or dragons of course 


Pranai is inspired by the character "Oh-aew" from the BL series "I Told Sunset About You" portrayed by Thai actor Krit Amnuaydech

Pranai was taught water based magic by Scylla. Originally I was going to have Pranai be a Natural (A being who is born possessing magic powers not needing to be taught them) but changed my mind while developing the character

Pranai is a feminine male but his pronouns are He/Him 

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