Saturday, April 16, 2022

Terminology In The FORBIDDEN/Onyxeverse

 Terminology In The FORBIDDEN/Onyxeverse

1. Demons: Being born in the Underworld also known as the Demon Realm. Demons have various appearances and types. However most demons have a human like appearance and normally possess red colored eyes

2. Humans/Mortals: Being from the Mortal Realm also known as Earth. Humans are capable beings that have years of magic they learned in order to combat demons from the Underworld that once prayed on them relentlessly. However not all humans practice magic and many of them are chefs, conductors, babysitters, teachers, politicians, etc. Humans normally live up to 700 years but in rare cases usually involve magic. They can live even longer than their usual expiration date

3. Beasterians: Anthropomorphic being that posses both animal and human characteristics. They are also a natural residence of the mortal realm as humans and other non demon beings

4. Fairies: Magical beings that live among themselves for over millennia but as times changed and they have gotten more comfortable around other species. Many fairies would spread away from their kind and interact with the rest of the world's inhabitants. However fairies that are a part of various Kingdoms among their various tribes would remain with their people

5. Goblins: Green humanoid-like beings that live in caves and near rivers around different parts of the world. Despite their scary appearance to many. Goblins are very shy individuals and often don't cause trouble to strangers. However if a Goblin is unfairly targeted by a being outside their race. They will not hesitate to fight back and possibly do worse to their target if they decide to leave them alive long enough

6. Cambions: A traditional Cambion is an offspring created by a pure demon parent and a pure human parent. Cambions are beings that possess a mostly human appearance with some exceptions but due to the demonic blood that runs through their veins. The majority of Cambion have red eyes like the traditional demon. Cambions behavior is usually no different than their pure human counterparts

7. Darkens: Human(s) who are cursed with demonic powers, but they themselves are not demons. Darken(s) are individuals who were once a regular being, typically human that was transformed by a spell of a demon in order for them to gain their demonic powers

8. Elves: Mystical humanoid-like beings who often reside in various forests in the world. Similar to Goblins they are rather reserved but unlike Goblins really try to avoid human interaction. Elves are usually very skilled in hand to hand combat and various earthen based magic.

9. A Demon Leaning Cambion: While not common but they do indeed exist. A Demon Leaning Cambion is the offspring of one pure demon parent and one Cambion parent. Due to having more demon blood running through their veins than humans. They are much stronger than their perfectly balanced counterparts and their behavior tends to be more that of a pure demon. However it doesn't make them any more or less dangerous then other beings

10. A Human Leaning Cambion: Similar to a DLC but except they are the result of one pure human parent and the other being a Cambion. Thus the offspring is born with more human qualities than demons. However they aren't considered all that much stronger than the regular human. Thus a HLC would usually practice magic in order to compensate for their limited demonic abilities

11. Natural: A rare and unique being that is usually a human. A Natural is a being who is born with magic instead of having to learn magic. However if a Natural isn't properly cared for upon discovering they have magic. They have a tendency to lose control over their powers since the age they usually receive them is too young to properly master their abilities. Which can make them a danger to those around them and themselves

12. Angels: Holy beings that were created by The Heavenly One after abandoning his original realm many many eons ago. They were once the protectors of mortals when demons would come to hunt them. However as man became more arrogant and became unappreciative of the divine protection. Angels returned to the Holy Realm, a realm created by The Heavenly One and man was left to fend for themselves. While that has mostly remained the same for the past millennia. The Heavenly One would allow certain angels to venture into the Mortal Realm when a major catastrophe would take place. The only major exception is the angel Nikiema who regularly aids various heroes of the Mortal Realm

13. Gods/Goddesses: Divine beings with magnificent powers who reside in the realm of Gods known as Mystillia. The Gods usually keep to themselves but as time passes on and some have become bored of their own realm. A lot of them tend to venture to other realms in order to live among lower beings. Some of the Gods/Goddesses would even end up having an affair with mortals and creating children with them known as Godlets

14: Sage: Beings of the mortal realm who practice various forms of magic. Sages are usually individuals who use their magic to combat witches, dragons, cyclops, spirits, evil demons, and other troubles that may plague their world. Many sages would even form guilds with one another in order to combine their strengths to battle against dangers that usually too much for a single sage to handle

15. Witches: Also known as a Fallen Sage, Witches are the results of sages who gave into evil desires or were unable to properly control their magic and allow said magic to abandon their humanity. Once a sage becomes a Witch there's usually no turning back and they need to be rid of their magic or killed

16. Foreigners: Beings from another world and regardless of their race or gender. They are classified as foreigners. Examples of known Foreigners are Unloyal, Kthanid, and Cthullu. 

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