Sunday, February 5, 2023

Druzy Liquid Retrieval

FORBIDDEN Story - Druzy Liquid Retrieval

by Onyxe Blade

On a sunny Saturday morning, a young and tall dark- skinned attractive man with short natural blue dreadlocks and blue eyes wore a blue headband. Shirtless with a muscular physique, he had multiple scars around his body from past battles. Wearing slightly battle-damaged blue shorts with a fresh pair of blue sneakers, the tall man sailed a gigantic alloy, teal and mandarin colored ship which he personally named "El Coco". Behind him, his shipmates enjoyed their breakfast. The first was a Brazilian male demon with spiky platinum blond hair, tan skin, and red eyes. He wore a magenta shirt with golden trim that exposed his abdomen along with a pair of green pants and golden, light yellow, and gray sneakers. Sitting across from him were two men from Taiwan. One was blond because he was half-French on his father's side. The blond wore a purple and dark gray long sleeved shirt with purple shorts, and red and gray sneakers. The full-blooded Taiwanese man beside him had natural short black hair and wore an opened dark blue shirt with light blue trim. His pecs and the upper part of his abdomen were exposed. He wore tan pants that cut off right above his ankles along with brown and blue sneakers that matched the design of the sneakers the blond sitting beside him wore. Both men possessed heterochromia with their eye colors being an indication of their dual elemental powers. Lastly, sitting beside the Brazilian demon was a Spaniard woman with gorgeous light auburn hair that past her shoulders and dandelion colored eyes. She donned a mostly black tracksuit, but the middle part of the shirt was dandelion like her eyes. The woman also wore dandelion finger-less gloves and sneakers. These five individuals were Bain Vasquez, Gladys Rabaso, Da-Xia Zhao, Eaton Chu, and their leader, Gabrielle Labarga. They are known as Team Shock! The five of them were sailing on the Indian Ocean heading towards the island of Basowat. Team Shock was commissioned by a client named Maline Perbesi to retrieve a special liquid called Druzy Water, which she required to make a certain potion for a good friend of hers. 

Druzy Water is a rare liquid that can only be located in limited places in the mortal realm. One of those places is the Island of Basowat. While Bain and Gladys would have preferred it if the group traveled to Tanzania to retrieve the Druzy Water, Gabrielle insisted they travel to Basowat, and what the leader says goes, much to the chagrin of her crewmates. Normally, a trip to Basowat from their previous location would take a little over a week. Thankfully, they met veteran Treasure Hunter, Okubi Dreamtime, with their spirit companion, Eligos, halfway through their journey. Okubi opened a portal for them that placed them in Australia. Okubi didn't do this exactly out of kindness, but because they became irritated by an argument between Gabrielle and Da-Xia. Thus, Okubi decided the best way to get Team Shock out of their presence was to get them closer to their destination. It did help that Bain kindly requested Okubi to assist them with their journey during their short encounter. Bain continued sailing El Coco closer to their destination as the other four members wrapped up their breakfast. Gabrielle along with the others approached Bain in order to get a better look at him steering the ship.

Bain: Watching me steer the ship isn't going to get us there faster, y'all.

Gabrielle: Well, no shit, but it's not like there's anything better to do at the moment. I already sucked Gladys’ dick this morning before showering and having breakfast. I also checked my social media for anything of interest, but nope! So I'll just have to watch you sail until we reach Basowat.

Gladys: Baby, haven’t we had this conversation a million times? Just because we're a couple doesn't mean our crewmates need to know every damn aspect of our sex lives.

Da-Xia: Yeah, for fuck sake, Gabby. I don't tell you guys when Eaton and I are being intimate.

Eaton: And please keep it that way, Da-Xia.

Gabrielle: Oh, please stop being such fucking prudes! Besides, I heard you and Eaton get it on enough for a lifetime.

Da-Xia: Annoying bitch! At least I have some fucking class about my activities.

Gabrielle: Calling your leader a bitch again? Do you want me to kick your ass first thing in the morning?

Gladys: Both of you please just calm down. We already gotta worry about the potential dangers that may await us on Basowat. So, can you two numbskulls save that energy for when the real enemy comes?

Eaton: Besides, Da-Xia, did you check to see if your cellphone game finished updating? You were practically up all night waiting for the update for Bara Saviors 3 to drop.

Da-Xia: Yeah, I totally forgot about that. Thanks, baby!

Gabrielle: Dumbass!

Da-Xia: Bitch!

Gladys & Eaton: Cut it out, you two!

Bain: Hey, look, it's Basowat! So, can you two dickheads stop arguing already? I'm about to park El Coco. Gladys, help me get ready to drop the anchor.

Gladys: No problem, Bain, but you know I can do it by myself. I appreciate you always wanting to help, but it's something I'm capable of doing alone.

Bain: I guess me being a Darken naturally makes me inferior to an actual demon.

Gladys: That's not it at all, man. It's just-- never mind. I'll call you to help when it's time to drop the anchor.

Shortly after arriving in Basowat, Gladys and Bain dropped the anchor to keep El Coco from drifting away. Team Shock made their way towards the island's cave to retrieve Druzy Water. Along the way, the group encountered some of the island's inhabitants, which included snapping chameleons, a few feral toucans, and a harpy eagle. Thankfully, the creatures proved to be little to no threat against Da-Xia's duo fire and wind-based powers or to Gabrielle's summons, thanks to her being a user of the Scriptures of Damnation. Once the minor annoyances were out of their way, Team Shock continued to their main destination. Minutes later, Team Shock reached a mulberry colored cave with a jasmine and chocolate aroma. Gladys used his electric powers to light up the cave as the group explored in search of the Druzy Water. The group quickly spotted a red alligator, which are very aggressive animals. Thanks to the presence of Gladys and Bain, a demon and a darken respectively, the ferocious reptile knew it would not stand a chance against either man nor was it worth attacking any of their teammates. Thus, the creature dipped back into the murky waters in search of easier prey. Journeying deeper within the cave, the group finally spotted a unique shaped fountain outpouring gel-like pink liquid with traces of blue spots. This liquid was none other than the rare Druzy Water that Gabrielle and her team came to collect for their client. Gladys, Bain, and Eaton immediately sensed an unfamiliar presence within the area. Before any of them could say a word, Gabrielle rushed towards the fountain. Something in the water grabbed a hold of her.

Gabrielle: Yo, what the fuck?!

Gladys: Gabrielle!

Gladys alongside Bain and Eaton rushed into the water to aid Gabrielle. Da-Xia stayed in the dry area but kept a watchful eye on his comrades. Emerging from the water was a handsome merman with lavender skin and blueish green hair and lower half, holding onto Gabrielle's ankle with an irritated look on his face. Realizing that he was surrounded, he immediately released her and Gabrielle fell into the water. The merman then looked at the three men behind her. Without doing anything, he stared at them with anger in his eyes and began to speak.

Merman: If you're going to fucking kill me, just get it over with!

Gladys: We aren't interested in killing anyone needlessly, but you spooked the fuck out of my girlfriend.

Bain: Hey, we didn't come here for a fight, but we're not leaving without getting a full bottle of that Druzy Water.

Merman: Oh, you're here for that overly tart ass liquid. Just to let you fuckers know, you disturbed my sleep. Without my cousins here to assist me in kicking your asses, I'm as good as dead.

Eaton: As was already stated, my friend, we aren't here to do any killing. I felt your presence within these waters, but our reckless leader just had to run towards the fountain. She failed to take into account any potential dangers as if we didn't just pass a red alligator minutes ago.

Gabrielle: Oh, spare me the whole "think before you act" shit, Eaton.

Da-Xia: Well, it's true, dumbass! That's why you're soaking wet... Ha, ha, ha!

Gabrielle: I'm gonna kick your ass, Frenchy!

Gladys: Can't go a day without those two getting into it. Anyway, Lavender, since it should be obvious that we aren't here to harm you, tell us your name, so we can properly introduce ourselves.

Nyle: The name is Nyle, Nyle Elv, and no I'm not interested in hearing any of your backstories or why you disturbed my sleep. Just hurry up and grab the liquid and let me get back to my sleep.

Gladys: Gabby, since you're the closest to the fountain, please do the honors.

Gabrielle: Eaton, throw me your container since mine is now full of this dirty ass water. I swear, if Nyle pissed in this water...

Nyle: Already did that a half-hour ago, tuts. Now get your liquid, so I can rest …unless I need to shit in here as well.

Bain: Well, on behalf of my team, we apologize for interrupting your slumber. We were commissioned by a client in Indonesia to bring her some Druzy Liquid. By the way, there's a red alligator swimming in these waters, so do be careful while resting.

Nyle: Oh, whatever. It’s fine, and that red alligator is my buddy, Isak. He just doesn't like strangers and I can't say that I blame him. Anyway, if you're done yapping, I’m going back to sleep, and please tell chickie not to step on me on the way out.

Gabrielle: How about you not be in my way?

Gladys: Will do, chief! Babe, stop being a cunt and gather the liquid, so we can get on out of here.

Gabrielle: Good God, doesn't my boyfriend have a way with words? One would think he was the leader of this group and not me.

Successfully retrieving the Druzy Liquid after having disturbed Nyle's rest, Team Shock hurried out of the cave and returned to their ship. They were grateful to not only successfully complete their task, but also because they only encountered a misunderstanding instead of an actual threat to their mission. Team Shock happily sailed away from Basowat and made their way back to Australia before finding a way to bring their client the requested Druzy Liquid. Team Shock looks forward to their next adventure.

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