Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Profile: Sara Libel


"I live for those who have fallen to evil, and to be their wrath against injustice!" - Sara Libel

Name: Sara Olivia Libel

Age: 62

Country: Mayland (German Ancestry)

Race: Human

Hair Color: Brown

Eye Color: Light Brown

Skin Color: Fair

Height: 5'8”

Weight: 127 Pounds

Powers: Geological manipulation via seismic wave control 

Allies: Odessa Crestfallen, Edu Omen

Likes: Reading, fashion, her father's pocket watch, mango burgers, blueberry cheesecake milkshakes, yoga

Dislikes: War, viper dogs, long journeys, drunks


Sara Libel was born and raised in Tulio, Arundel; one of the seventy-five states that make up Mayland. Alongside her younger brother, Dorian, Sara lived a relatively normal life and appreciated having attentive parents. After graduating from elementary school, Sara went to Roseman Middle School where she learned magic, specializing in geokinesis. After graduating high school, Sara enlisted in the Mayland Army. A year later, a tragic event known as The Five Year War, started by a hateful god named Akodomal, took place in the Mortal Realm. Along with his cohorts, Akodomal caused havoc in many countries in the Mortal Realm, and Mayland was no exception. Sara led a group of magic-wielding soldiers who were in charge of taking down Akodomal's creatures known as Hazard Dolls. After barely surviving a battle against one of the Hazard Dolls, Sara and her group were confronted by Akodomal himself. Akodomal obliterated Sara's team before injuring the young sage. 

Sara was rescued by a fellow soldier named Edu Omen, who was part of another team. Edu brought Sara to a trauma center located in New China. Although Sara's injuries healed, the woman suffered emotional damage because she witnessed the death of her dearest allies. Sara would be forced to sit out the rest of the war in order to recover her sanity. After the war ended, King Onyx celebrated the brave soldiers who fought in the war, both dead and alive. Sara was still too traumatized to attend the ceremony and decided not to attend. Instead, she traveled alongside her family to Germany to get a change of scenery for the next three years. Once Sara recovered from her grief enough to function normally, she decided to return to Mayland. Refusing to let the memories of her brave comrades be for naught, Sara decided to continue fighting by becoming a lone hero for her homeland and battling various evils that threatened her homeland.


1. Sara Libel's creation was inspired by my need to have more FORBIDDEN characters who were impacted by The Five Year War.

2. Sara's surname "Libel" means to publish false information that is damaging to one's reputation. 

3. Sara was originally going to be a widow, but I decided not to go with that story since the idea ultimately ended up boring me.

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