Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Profile: Cecelia Kovalenko


"Wicked souls, the price for your misdeeds is death!" - Cecelia Kovalenko

Name: Cecelia Kovalenko

Country: Ukraine 

Ethnicity: Ukrainian (father’s side) Japanese/Maylandian (mother’s side)

Age: 35

Occupation: Inquisitor 

Hair Color: Black/Orange

Eye Color: Blue (turns orange when in battle)

Skin Color: Peach

Height: 5'6”

Weight: 110 Pounds

Family: Andriy (Father), Mami (Mother), Aleksander (Younger Brother)

Powers: Cecelia is able to summon her personal inquisitor weapon called "Mandarin Wrath". It's an orange colored sword that she wields to combat enemies. Cecelia also wields fire and self-healing based magic

Likes: Her family, pet Siberian Husky name Bosman, reading, pottery, iced tea

Dislikes: Evildoers, peas, men and women flirting with her brother, long journeys


Hailing from a generation of Ukrainian-based Inquisitors, Cecelia and her younger brother, Aleksander, are the children of Andriy and Mami Kovalenko. Andriy aided his country during the event known as The Five Year War, during the tail end of the war and the inevitable demise of the God Akodomal. Andriy met a Japanese-Maylandian born sage named Mami Hiro. The two fell in love and married shortly after the end of the war. Mami gave birth to Cecelia followed by her son, Aleksander, two years after having Cecelia. Cecelia was raised by her father and uncles to learn the ways of the Inquisitor. By the time she was ten years of age, she proved to be more proficient than many Inquisitors who had years of experience over her. Cecelia even managed to single-handedly defeat and execute a group of witches by the time she was thirteen-years-old.

Upon reaching adulthood and proving herself more than worthy of her title as an Inquisitor, Cecelia would mainly be responsible for protecting her country of Ukraine. Because of her skill set, she was asked to venture to other countries to aid them in various crises. While Cecelia always preferred her homeland despite long journeys, the young Inquisitor appreciated seeing new places, meeting new people, and most importantly, using her divine powers to vanquish evil wherever it rears its ugly head.


1. Cecelia is the first FORBIDDEN character to be created from AI artwork I purchased. However, since AI artwork itself cannot be copyrighted due to how it's made, Cecelia was redrawn by Nico_Artoo with my personal changes in order to make the character authentically mine.

2. Cecelia is my first official FORBIDDEN character that hails from Ukraine.

3. Cecelia's mother, Mami, is actually from Mayland, but upon meeting and marrying Andriy, Mami ended up moving to Ukraine and eventually gave birth Cecelia and her younger brother, Aleksander.

4. Cecelia was earlier planned to be a Queen from another country and a potential rival of King Onyx. However, I decided to make her an Inquisitor instead who hailed from a family of noble Inquisitors.

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