Monday, August 21, 2023

Profile: Desmond Mateo


"Sex is great, but my magic is where I truly shine... after a bit more training of course" - Desmond Mateo

Art by Nyacoii

Name: Desmond Mateo

Country: Argentina, but resides in Mayland

Age: 27

Race: Human

Nationality: Argentinian

Hair Color: Naturally black, but Desmond dyed the top of his hair red

Eye Color: Light Pink

Skin Color: Latte Brown

Powers: Nature Energy Magic and Darkness Magic 

Allies: Yara Marrella, Trixie Meringue, Psyke

Likes: Sex, cooking, chatting with his elder brother, dancing, collecting rare currency

Dislikes: Bad news, horror movies, rock music, judgmental people


Born and raised in Mendoza, Argentina. Desmond along with his older brother, Lucien, were raised by their sage parents and lived a relatively normal life in their homeland. At a very early age, both boys were taught nature energy magic by their father and darkness magic by their mother solely for self-defense purposes. However, while Lucien pursued magic, Desmond preferred a more pedestrian lifestyle. Years later, Desmond graduated eighth grade because his parents refused to have their son just being lazy all summer while his brother attended Magic Camp in Salta. His father made him go work for his uncle who owned a food truck only a half-hour away from where they lived. While Desmond hated having to work for his uncle at first, the young man soon gained a passion for cooking as he helped his uncle prepare various meals for their many customers. Desmond worked for his uncle every summer and continued to do so until he graduated from high school. Desmond showed great potential in becoming a chef, unbeknownst to anyone, even his brother whom he admired. 

Desmond being a homosexual was neither a surprise nor an issue. Ever since he saw his first adult homo-erotic film at the age of fourteen, Desmond knew he wanted to become an adult performer once he reached legal age. While he knew such a profession would be frowned upon by his family, Desmond knew for certain this was something he desired out of life. Desmond fully realized his desire to pursue adult filmmaking after one evening while working alone at his uncle's food truck because his uncle had to go take care of his cousins. Desmond was starstruck when Brazilian male adult performer, Roberto Monteiro, dressed in a casual gray tracksuit approached the food truck to order choripan. Never had Desmond imagined meeting his childhood crush in person, especially at his uncle's food truck. Shortly after the chance encounter and conversation with Roberto, he gave Desmond a business card as he walked away with his meal. Prior to departing, Roberto admonished Desmond to think carefully before pursuing such a taboo career, and they gave each other a fist bump.

Shortly after high school, instead of pursuing Culinary Arts, as his folks anticipated, Desmond bade his folks farewell as he journeyed from Argentina to Mayland to pursue his career in adult cinema. Desmond began filming adult scenes at Roberto's studio located in Magius. He worked with various performers, both seasoned and new like himself, including doing a scene with Roberto himself. When Desmond's folks learned of his career, they were highly upset and did not speak to their son for a month. Despite not approving of his line of work, their love for him never diminished. If Desmond could live with being an adult performer then they could live with it as well. Life was relatively normal until one evening while hanging out in Arundel with some friends. 

Three witches in the area were causing trouble and, unfortunately, Desmond and company found themselves in the wrong place at the wrong time. The witches began terrorizing Desmond and his friends. Desmond tried to use his magic to combat the witches. Because he hadn’t honed his skills for a very long time, he ended up getting his ass handed to him and was nearly slain by one of the witches. Fortunately, Hellin Strongs alongside Orsela Geno, Romeo N'al, and August Starfinder arrived on the scene and dealt with the witches. While the other three heroes were just happy that there were no fatalities, Hellin quickly scanned Desmond's mind and discovered not only did he know magic, but he was a well-known adult performer in the gay film industry. The demon then coldly said to him, "If you took as much effort honing your magic as you do sucking dick, perhaps you wouldn't have needed us to save you.” 

The heroes then took their leave while Desmond felt utter shame for the first time in years. Instead of wallowing in self-pity, Desmond decided to take the initiative to hone his magic. Eventually Desmond became a member of the newly reformed Fallen Stars guild fighting alongside other young sages who encountered various dangers. Of course, Desmond continued working as an adult performer whenever he wasn't busy on missions.


1. Desmond was created from an old idea I had a long time ago. The original Desmond was going to be a Darken type character who wielded different abilities based on the heart tattoos on his stomach. I ultimately decided to go for something simpler and thus redesigned Desmond and gave him a different backstory.

2. Part of the reason for Desmond's drastic change from my initial idea was my desire to create a sage who has an occupation based in the sex industry.

3. Othello is another very sexual character. Unlike Othello, Desmond's personality isn't based around sex; it's simply his profession.

4. Desmond was originally going to be Brazilian. While developing the character's backstory, I decided to make him Argentinian instead.

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