Sunday, July 14, 2024

Mini Profile: Jingxuan Lee


NOTE: Mini profile simply gives an idea of what a character's backstory may contain in the official profile but is subject to change

Name: Jingxuan Lee

Alias: The Power Hazard Witch, Genius Mixer

Race: Human

Powers: Specializes in Earth type magic + greatly enhances his magical powers using a special drink called "Power Hazard"

Likes: Chemistry, working out, money, comic books, video games

Dislikes: Dealing with other witches in the Underworld, people who overly respect the law, losing in video games, spicy foods

A sage turned witch born and raised in China. Jingxuan was once a member of a guild of sages in his homeland but that changed after him and his teammates battled a powerful witch. While he and his teammates were able to slay the witch. During the battle Jingxuan realized the "righteous" path of the Sage was not for him and wanted to gain further knowledge and power of magic. Shortly after Jingxuan would leave his guild and began his own path in life. A few months later Jingxuan would meet a witch on the run and after aiding the witch. The witch would introduce him to the magical Underworld (Not to be confused with The Underworld, home realm of demons). Due to him becoming a part of the magical Underworld where a lot of illegal actions took place. Jingxuan would lose his title as a Sage and be deemed a witch as well. Being labeled a "Witch" didn't bother Jingxuan since not only his connection to magic remained but now he can gain newer knowledge of magic that was restricted from the average sage. During that time Jingxuan would develop a drink called "Power Hazard" that enhances one's magical abilities but cam with it's own potential dangers. Despite of this Jingxuan would use his product whenever he found himself engaged in battle against sages which worked in his favor 

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