Thursday, July 11, 2024

Mini Profile - Tyana Rotinel


NOTE: A mini profile simply gives an idea of what the character's backstory may contain in the official profile but is subject to changes

Name: Tyana Rotinel

Title: Princess Of The Rotinel Castle. Location in the sixth level of The Underworld 

Race: Demon 

Powers: Common demonic abilities with specializing in fire based attacks and control over lower leveled spirits 

Likes: Singing, her elder brothers & father, grape flavored candies, exotic underwear, her sex toys

Dislikes: Human religions, overly romantic individuals, spicy food (can handle it just doesn't like spicy foods)

The daughter of Naberius and the youngest of five children and the Great Demon's only daughter. Tyana is a powerful succubus who resides in the sixth level of The Underworld. Possessing the innate ability to hold dominance over lesser spirits. Tyana combines her deadly demonic abilities and control over the spirits in combat

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