Thursday, March 16, 2023

Profile: Katy Hate


"All the truths of the world can be found in the ocean." - Katy Hate

Name: Katy Maryanne Hate

Age: 324 Years Old

Alias: The Pirate of Cosmic Waters

Race: Cosmic Being (Formally pure blooded Human)

Hair Color: Lavender

Eye Color: Purple

Skin Color: Cocoa

Height: 6'2”

Weight: 167 Pounds

Powers: Katy wields her trusty broadsword Aquatic Nebula which can perform various water-based attacks. Katy can also become invisible in stormy weather, and can sense the changes within the world. Katy is also a skilled fighter and possesses superhuman durability. Katy also has a form she calls "Mermaid Mode"

Allies: Love, Brandy, Arkan, Shahbaz

Likes: Attractive people (particularly women), wine, the vast seas, star gazing, sailing, her crew mates, her family back at home, her sword

Dislikes: Boredom, severe storms, weaklings, over confident men, people who can't hold their liquor, nitpicking


Katy Maryanne Hate is the leader of the pirate crew, The Cosmos. Born and raised in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, Katy is the youngest of six children and grew up in a parlor run by her parents who told fortunes and practiced voodoo. Ever since Katy could remember, she had a fascination with the ocean and desired to sail the vast seas. After reaching adulthood, Katy decided to pursue her dream and sail the seas. Unfortunately, despite growing up in a loving home, her parents weren't the wealthiest. Thus, Katy couldn't afford a proper boat, which led her to use her own raft that she made by hand to sail the seas. Everything went seemingly well as Katy was immersed in the beauty of the sea. Moments later, the sky turned an unusual purple as a sudden storm struck. Fearing for her life, Katy tried her hardest to sail back to land, but her efforts proved futile as the storm ravaged her makeshift raft, throwing her overboard and into the depths of the sea. Normally, this would prove the end for someone like Katy. Unbeknownst to her it wasn't a regular storm, but a Cosmic Storm that was from another world and managed to pierce into Katy's universe. 

Plunging deeper into the sea, Katy would not be seen again by her loved ones for the next fifty years. After those fifty years passed, Katy’s body was more mature yet unaffected by the many years in the water. Her legs miraculously turned into something resembling a mermaid's tail. Able to breathe under water, she instinctively swam upwards from the depths of the sea and returned to land. Naked and confused by what happened to her so many years ago, Katy decided to seek out her family in hopes that they were still around. Upon returning to her hometown and family home, Katy was ecstatic to see her relatives again and the feeling was mutual. Having endured such an experience one would think the sea would be something Katy would fear. Instead the woman was beyond happy about her overall experience and loved the magical changes to her body.

Many years later, Katy became a pirate and she even had her own crew, which was a mixture of humans, demons, beasterians, and even a fairy. As the leader of The Cosmos, Katy and her crew ventured throughout the Mortal Realm discovering new places and various hidden mysteries of their unique world.


1. Katy is the first of my FORBIDDEN characters from Earth 135 to gain her magical powers through otherwordly means.

2. Katy is one of the tallest "mortal" females in the FORBIDDEN universe.

3. Katy has a big breast size that rivals Othello Strongs.

4. Katy's main inspiration is pirate. but she's mostly influenced by the fictional pirate Ruby Heart created by Capcom.

5. Katy is considered part alien because of her unorthodox biology after the effects of the Cosmic Storm.

6. Katy's sword, Aquatic Nebula, is a mystical weapon she found during an exploration in Paraguay.

7. Katy's crew has nineteen members including herself. Six Mortal Sages, four demons, one Cambion, six beastians, and one fairy.

8. Despite their huge age difference, Katy has taken a liking to the assassin, Ilese Fervent (Love), and the duo is ironically called "Love & Hate".

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