Monday, March 20, 2023

Profile: Shao Ziya


"My sister and I are not the sun and the moon, but meant to exist in unison. Therefore, I will do everything in my power to find her." - Shao Ziya

Name: Shao Ziya 

Age: 31

Country: Mayland

Race: Human

Hair Color: Silver White

Eye Color: Blue

Skin Color: Fair

Height: 5'10”

Weight: 152 Pounds

Magic Name: Way of Tao 

Powers: Shao Ziya is able to perform spells involving various elements but mainly fire-based spells. Shao Ziya is also able to call upon Goddess Nuwa but only under unique conditions 

Family: Niu (Mother) Aleksei (Father) Feiyu (Sister/Twin) Lei (Feiyu's Father)

Likes: Feiyu, gambling, wine tasting, Chinese Checkers, praying to Nuwa, Taoism, collecting dice, wrist tattoo

Dislikes: Feiyu having gone missing, the Lady in Black, violent individuals, people who try to impose their religious beliefs onto him


Shao Ziya and his superfecundation twin sister, Feiyu, are the children of a Chinese woman named Niu who worked at a brothel in Shanghai. Niu had slept with her then lover, Lei, who would impregnate her with Feiyu while a Russian man who had a thing for Asian woman named Aleksei would make Niu pregnant with Shao Ziya. Having become pregnant by two different men and tired of working at a brothel, a miracle would come Niu's way when her cousin resided in New China, one of the seventy five states that made up Mayland. Her cousin offered her to move to Mayland and come work for her in her restaurant. Niu would immediately quit her job at the Brothel and use her money to move to Mayland. Niu left without saying goodbye to anyone, only leaving a note to her lover Lei that she's leaving China. Months later after living in New China and working at her cousin's restaurant, Niu would give birth to her two twins. The girl named Feiyu and the boy Shao Ziya. Instantaneous Niu could tell her daughter possessed a magical aura thus making her a Natural. While her son displayed no outwordly aura, he was a normal mortal. Niu, with the help of her cousin, would raise her two children grateful that they would have a better upbringing than she did. Growing up the twins had a beautiful sibling bond and every day after school, Feiyu would teach Shao Ziya various magic spells which were influenced by Taoism. Life was relatively normal for the duo yet as they grew older, Feiyu would begin to have visions of a sinister being that would become a major threat to Mayland. Even more than the God Akodomal, who wreaked havoc on the Mortal Realm years before her birth. These visions began to torment Feiyu; visions began affecting her relationships but especially the one with her brother. Shao Ziya could sense his sister's inner turmoil and did his utmost to maintain their sibling connection.

One day while working as a bouncer at a strip club located in the state of Rogue Town, Shao Ziya gets a call from his sister to meet her at the Mao Park near their home in New China. Shao Ziya hurried to his sister as soon as his shift had ended. Upon meeting his sister, Shao Ziya was shocked to see her accompanied by a mysterious woman dressed in black. His sister then spoke to him that she had to go on her way in order to prepare for her inevitable destiny. Refusing to just allow his sister to just vanish from his life, Shao Ziya attempted to stop her only for the mysterious woman to intervene. Immediately, Shao Ziya threatened to combat the woman if she didn't step aside. This led to Feiyu using one of her spells to subdue Shao Ziya and knocking him unconscious. While the spell performed on Shao Ziya was supposed to keep him asleep for three days as well as wiping his memories of that night, due to the intervention of the Goddess Nuwa, Shao Ziya awoken an hour later on a park bench. All his memories were retained of the encounter with his sister and the mysterious woman dressed in black. Heartbroken that his sister had disappeared for reasons unknown to him, Shao Ziya told his mother what happened the night before which caused her sadness. Shortly after Shao Ziya would quit his job as a bouncer in order to begin his journey to find his sister by any means necessary. It's been a few years since Shao Ziya had begun his journey to find Feiyu and despite having no concrete leads on her whereabouts,  their unique sibling bond flows and lets Shao Ziya knows for certain she is alive and believes in Nuwa's blessings that he will find her someday.


Shao Ziya was a character I originally created for another project of mine. However when I began to focus on creating FORBIDDEN. Shao Ziya had become an after thought until I decided to make him a part of my current story.

Shao Ziya was originally going to be a full blooded Chinese man, but during the development of his story. I decided that Shao Ziya would be half Russian.

Shao Ziya's magical abilities are inspired by Taoism.

Unlike most mortals in the Mortal Realm who either pray to The Heavenly King or just aren't religious, Shao Ziya prays to the Goddess Nuwa Of Mystilia.

On his left knuckle/hand, Shao Ziya has a tattoo of a club card.

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