Saturday, March 18, 2023

Target Jorge Ramirez

 FORBIDDEN Story - Target: Jorge Ramirez

by Onyxe Blade


Somewhere in Mayland, a young black woman with honey blonde hair in two puffy pigtails, wore a green tube top with a boob window, mandarin colored skin tight shorts with her pink g-string exposed, and black combat boots. She sat on a rooftop as she put her dual pink and black colored pistols that she named "Mark" & "Vee" back into their holsters. The woman then went into her pocket and pulled out a hi-tech lime green phone before placing her headphones over her ears to listen to the voicemail she received earlier while handling her prior mission.

Man on Voicemail: Hello Miss Keisha Lowell A.K.A. Setback, there's a problem I need to handle and I decided that you're the best woman for the job. I got your private number from a friend, your former client, Miss Elvira Gustov. Based on her experience with you, I feel you possess the necessary skills needed for this task. Call me back ASAP, and I'll discuss with you in greater detail what I require of you. Godspeed, Ms. Setback.

The voice message ended as Setback pondered if she really wanted to handle another big job. She just completed a prior task of taking down a gang of sages who were drug traffickers. However, Setback knew that this yet unknown client would pay her a handsome sum should she accept his offer. One thing Setback loved more than technology was money, and the more she had in her various bank accounts the better. Setback gave into her greed and decided to respond to her soon-to-be client.


Saturday afternoon in Bangkok, Thailand, a young sky blue haired, creamy skinned woman with sapphire eyes named Lapisara Pantiwa was enjoying a day exploring the local market alongside her best friend, Mina. The two girls stopped at various shops and enjoyed various desserts and collected various trinkets. They even stopped by a small shop run by an elderly man and they lit incense and candles and prayed alongside him. Afterwards, the girls continued enjoying their day until Lapisara needed to find a nearby bathroom to relieve herself, after having indulged in one too many Taro Mochi Bubble Teas. 

Lapisara found a bathroom at the McNish Burger Spot while Mina waited for her friend at the toy shop two stores down. Lapisara rushed to the bathroom and was surprised, yet relieved, to be the only one inside the women's restroom. She entered the first stall and locked it behind her. Lapisara pulled down her panties and relieved herself, unaware that another was in the bathroom with her, using a cloaking device to hide their presence. Lapisara finished up and immediately headed to the sink to wash her hands. While washing her hands for exactly twenty seconds, she sensed that she wasn’t alone but didn’t see anyone. Certain that it wasn’t a spirit with her in the restroom, yet her intuition couldn’t shake the feeling that she wasn’t alone. Lapisara surveyed her surroundings before an unknown black female suddenly became visible before her. Immediately, the startled Lapisara let out a scream, but the honey blonde haired black woman ran up on her fast enough and covered her mouth, muzzling her scream.

Setback: Girl, what the fuck you about to scream for? I ain't no damn demon... calm the hell down.

Lapisara removed the woman's hand off her mouth and pushed her away before going into battle stance.

Lapisara (translated from Thai): I don't know who the fuck you are, but you picked the wrong Thai woman to mess with! Now leave me alone before I kick your head off like a soccer ball!

Setback: Thank God that I sound-proofed this bathroom before your noisy ass came in here, and save your threats for someone who cares, toots! I'm not here to harm you... better yet, let me activate Issa on my phone. She can translate my English to Thai, so your spooky ass can understand the words coming out my mouth.

Setback pulled out her phone and activated Issa, an artificial being built into her phone that can perfectly translate any known language except demon tongue. Setback then explained to Lapisara and that she's been following her throughout the afternoon in order to find the perfect moment to speak to her directly. Doing a background check on the sky blue haired woman, Setback learned that she's a young Spirit Toucher/Slayer, an individual who possessed the ability to combat spirits, and would be vital for Setback to complete her latest assignment. Lapisara, while happy to converse with Setback, didn't particularly want to aid the woman in whatever mission she needed to handle. Setback then explained to her that a bad man who wielded a spirit had kidnapped a young girl. If they don't find the girl before she’s used in the man's ritual, he'll become powerful enough to be a global threat. 

Lapisara was conflicted between just wanting to enjoy her Saturday and doing the "noble" thing. Lapisara relented against her lazier desires and decided to aid Setback on her mission. The two women planned to meet behind McNish Burger Spot later that evening before Setback deactivated her electronics around the restroom and reactivated her cloaking device before exiting the restroom. Lapisra sighed in annoyance that she now has to lie to Mina before getting ready to assist Setback later that evening. Lapisara met Mina at the toy shop and told her that she had a personal matter to tend to and needed to get back home. Mina, while disappointed, could see from her friend's fast movements that she did indeed have something urgent to handle. Yet, when Mina asked Lapisara what took her so long in the restroom, Lapisara lied and said she had to take a major shit. A few hours later, Lapisara headed out to meet Setback at the burger spot. Upon her arrival, she was surprised to not only see Setback, but also Mayland's current ruler, King Onyx.

Lapisara (translated from thai): Oh... Oh my goodness, the situation must be really bad if Mayland's current ruler is here with us.

King Onyx: What does she mean the situation is bad?

Although King Onyx does not speak Thai, he is able to understand it just fine because he is a telepath, thus can translate any language to English.

Setback (using Issa): Oh, don't let the King's presence worry you. While he is the ruler of my country, he's also good friends with my mentor, August Starfinder. The King is merely here to teleport us to the location of the kidnapper.

Onyx: What kidnapper? I thought you--

Setback: Tah, tah, tah, tah! Anyway, if you're ready, Lapisara, come over here by Onyx and me, so we can take care of business.

King Onyx was well aware that Setback was pulling a fast one, at least on Lapisara, since he knew better than to fully trust her. He used his telepathy to send the scheming girl a message, "Whatever little bullshit stunt you're pulling, Keisha, you should cease it immediately before you piss me off. I have been in a rotten mood these past few days and I'm not here for the bullshit!" 

Setback, still connected to Onyx via telepathy responded mentally, "I just need the girl to cooperate until after my job is finished. If she knew the truth, the bitch wouldn't help me! Please don't expose me, Your Majesty, and just get us to the location. I promise I ain't gonna pull no funny shit on her beyond needing her assistance.” 

Onyx shot a glare at Setback as a warning not to pull any further bullshit on the Thai woman. However, Onyx, knowing the truth behind Setback's mission, knew that Lapisara was vital to the mission’s success, thus Onyx went along with Setback. The King then opened a portal as he grabbed the girls by their hands and transported them to their required location. Seconds later, the trio appeared before a warehouse located in Chiang Mai.

Onyx: Okay girls, this is where I take my leave. I have business to attend back home. Setback, if this mission starts going south, think really hard and I'll be here faster than flies on fresh shit. Before I go, Miss Lapisara, I need to enter your mind for a few seconds. I promise not to divulge any of your secrets or change your personality. I just need to give you this before I go.

Onyx turned to Lapisara and his eyes started to glow as he entered the young Thai woman's mind. Onyx used his telepathic powers to allow the young woman to speak and understand English. Afterwards, he took his leave and returned to his home in the Royal Lands. Setback quickly used her technology to scan the warehouse to confirm the intel she gathered earlier in the day, assuring that her target by the name of Jorge Ramirez was hidden in this place. Setback then put her tech away and pulled out her dual pistols, Mark & Vee, and got ready to seek out her target

Setback: Okay, you ready, Lapisara?

Lapisara: Um.. yeah.. WHOA, WAIT! How am I speaking English? How am I even understanding the words coming out of your mouth right now?

Setback: A gift courtesy of the King himself. Onyx used his telepathic powers to make you learn English, which makes working alongside you ten times motherfucking easier since I can't be pulling Issa out every time you and I converse.

Lapisara: So that's what he did to me... I hope he didn't dig through any of my memories. I did some really embarrassing stuff as a teen I rather no one but me and a few others remember.

Setback: Onyx isn't that type of telepath. Now, if it was the Queen of Babylon or Martika Snow then it would be a different story. Thank your lucky stars that whoever raised Onyx raised him to respect the privacy of others. Now enough wasting time. Mama got a bag to collect... I mean, a kid to rescue.

Setback and Lapisara entered the warehouse. Inside they found a young adult well-built man who was half-Cuban and half-Thai on a chocolate colored couch. The man had short blackish-brown hair, french vanilla skin, and wore a gray tank top, black basketball shorts, and a fresh pair of black and blue sneakers. At first, he didn’t notice the two women because he was preoccupied jerking off to the porn on his phone. The man then turned his head and noticed the two women standing near the entrance. He quickly pulled up his shorts, leapt off the couch, and confronted the two unknown women. Lapisara was absolutely repulsed by walking in on a man jerking off while Setback was rather amused by the target's nice penis size.

Lapisara: OMG! You fucking pervert! Where is the girl? I swear if you harmed her in any way, I'll kick you from here to somewhere in Vietnam.

Setback: Looks like my intel was right! So, we finally meet Mr. Jorge Ramirez or should I say Pirapat Jorge Ramirez!

Jorge: DAMMIT! My fucking old man sent you broads to track me down. I thought by purchasing this warehouse with my mother's money instead of that bastard's money that I would be able to hide from that shithead as long as I desired.

Lapisara: HEY PERVERT! Where’s the girl? I'm not fucking playing around with you!

Jorge: What girl, dumbass? I'm an entitled rich brat not a damn kidnapper!

Lapisara: But didn't you say to me--

Setback: Girl... I lied. This man ain't no damn kidnapper. He’s exactly what he says he is … a spoiled brat.

Lapisara: Bitch!

Setback: Girl, please. Besides you ain't gonna be doing this for free. Now get ready cause the fun part is about to begin. Unless, of course, Jorge decides to exceed my expectations by cooperating.

Jorge: Fuck that! I'm going to make you two bitches pay for being fucking lapdogs for my father! COME ON OUT, GOOD FORM!

An angry Jorge summoned a spirit that appeared as a bluish-pink humanoid female called Good Form. Good Form, standing twelve feet tall, hovered over her summoner. Setback immediately used her pistols and fired at Good Form. Because Good Form was a spirit, the bullets from Setback's pistols proved to be as effective as an arm-less person trying to cook without a stove. Good Form retaliated with an attack of her own. Good Form unleashed a stream of soapy water at Setback, sending her crashing into a nearby wall. Lapisara stared angrily at the spirit. Lapisara finally understood why she was tricked into being a part of this mission. She realized that Setback knew that the target wielded a spirit and needed someone like her who possessed the ability to physically harm such powerful beings. 

Setback, while far from unconscious, decided to let Lapisara battle Good Form on her own since her pistols were utterly useless in this particular battle. Lapisara leapt into the air and delivered a devastating strike with her left leg to Good Form. The spirit dodged Lapisara's attack and retaliated with yet another blast of soapy water. Lapisara proved much quicker on her feet than Setback as she easily dodged the attack. 

Jorge ordered Good Form to unleash multiple blasts against Lapisara. Despite the spirit's best efforts, Lapisara gracefully dodged the attacks, moving faster than a rattle snake in an open field. Lapisara, ready to wrap things up, performed a back flip towards Good Form's direction and unleashed a gigantic crescent-shaped energy blast. The blast struck Good Form and knocked the spirit on the ground. Jorge sensed that the attack caused Good Form great pain and began to panic. Lapisara, now in full-on fight mode, prepared to unleash another devastating strike, ready to finish off the spirit. However, Jorge ran over to Good Form and stood in front of her before surrendering.

Jorge: Okay, ENOUGH! I'm not going to just stand here and let you continue to harm my friend! I give up and will return to my father in Cuba … just please no more!

Lapisara: OH MY GOODNESS! I was so into the fight that I forgot I just needed to fight enough to defeat the spirit not try to exorcise it! God, I'm such a fucking klutz sometimes. Anyway, you forfeited, therefore I have no reason to continue fighting.

Having watched the battle from a distance while snacking on cotton candy flavored chips, the soaked Setback was thrilled to see that Jorge conceded, thus making Lapisara the victor. Setback rose from the ground and walked over to Lapisara while Jorge un-summoned Good Form, thereby removing his spirit companion from the physical plane. Setback then pulled out a pair of magical handcuffs from her bag and placed them on Jorge.

Lapisara: Hey, is that really necessary?

Setback: Just because he forfeited now doesn't mean he won't try to give me trouble on our way back to Cuba. I swear, you're lucky to be the son of an oil tycoon, otherwise your life would really be shit!

Jorge: My mother is also very wealthy, you cunt! Anyway, take me back to my dad, and I hope he won't deduct too much from my monthly allowance! Dammit! I just wanna do my own shit sometimes... like, I'm a damn adult and he still treats me like a damn kid!

Setback: Until your father feels confident enough to let his Spirit Summoner of a son be on his own, he wants you to spend more time in Cuba. And, if your mother knew why you wanted this warehouse, I bet you'll be in even more trouble.

Jorge: Whatever! Let's just go already.

Lapisara: And where do you think you're going? Don't you owe me for my help?

Setback: Oh, yeah... what's your Ty Ty App?

Lapisara: LovelySapphire555.

Setback went into her bag and pulled out her phone. She opened her Ty Ty App and typed in Lapisara's username on the app. Setback bit her lip in annoyance because she only wanted to give the woman just enough to shut her up, and to avoid any issues with Onyx. She gave Lapisara just enough money that she could bear parting with, knowing that she alone would receive the full payment for Jorge's retrieval. Setback sent Lapisara 3000.00 Maylandian Dollars, which was the equivalent of 104,760.00 Thai Baht. Once the money was successfully transferred, Setback grabbed a hold of Jorge and headed out of the warehouse.

Setback: Now that your ass is paid, my responsibility to you and vice versa is over! Figure out on your own how you're getting home. Meantime, I need to hurry and meet with my connect, so I can get this boy back to his dad ASAP.

Lapisara: Music to my ears since I don't want to be around you any more than necessary.

Setback: Glad the feeling is mutual. Anyway, deuces!

The next day, Lapisara enjoyed a relatively quiet morning eating breakfast with her family. Thankfully, her adventures with Setback went well despite being misled into aiding the Maylandian woman. Lapisara texted Mina, letting her know that she wanted to make up for having to end their hangout time early the day before. Mina responded happily to her friend's message and asked if she could bring her male friend, Uea, along. Lapisara agreed and hurried her breakfast to get ready for a hopefully action-less day.

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