Sunday, October 29, 2023

Future Characters & Planned Characters Of 2023

New Characters

Jonah Samajurn: A popular idol from Thailand who wields enchanting magic which he uses to mesmerize his fans or harm those who threaten him

Fei Lolene: A century old woman and the current Constable of New China

Remainder Character Plans

2023 coming to a near close and yet another hard year of continuing my FORBIDDEN series. The remaining characters I plan to get official art for minus anything spontaneous on my part taking place

1. Unloyal & Untrue

2. Madame Xi

3. Gina Wyler

4. Adewale Osefo

5. Fei-Lolene

6. The Avatar Of Loneliness 

These are my five priority characters although Jonah will be coming soon and perhaps the first character to be revealed in early November. Thank you to everyone who checks out my blog and reads my stories. Special shout out to my mother and my friend Elisa for all their hard work in aiding me to expand my FORBIDDEN/ONYXEVERSE

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VAIN - The Witch Of Torment

 VAIN Artwork by Anne_Luc