Saturday, October 21, 2023

Profile: Liliana Tanzanite


"Unlike most demons, I'm quite picky about what goes into my mouth. I wouldn't dare taint my elegant palate with a pathetic being like you! You're not even worthy of breathing the same air as me in either realm." - Liliana 

Official Design

Art by Nico_Artoo

Liliana's original AI Adoptable Art

Name: Lady Liliana Tanzanite

Age: 310 Years Old

Race: Demon

Hair Color: Lilac

Eye Color: Raspberry

Skin Color: Pale Ivory 

Height: 4'10”

Weight: 86 Pounds

Powers: Liliana possesses the common abilities of a demon such as super strength, regenerative abilities, superhuman speed, reflexes, durability, and heightened sound and vision. Liliana's unique abilities include creating portals, lilac-colored flames, summoning, and empathy 

Allies: Okubi Dreamtime, Lisa-Alice

Likes: Her family, butler Gaston, lilac colored things, comic books, bubble baths, classical music

Dislikes: Stupid beings, insects, sports

Favorite Drink: Sorbet Margarita 

BIO: Liliana Tanzanite is the youngest of nine children and the only daughter of the demon couple, Forneus and Losha Tanzanite. Born into privilege, Liliana enjoyed a grand childhood because she was the only girl, and she received the love of her parents and eight older brothers. Once she was old enough, Liliana was taught how to fight since it was a requirement of all of Forneus' children to be formidable fighters. While Liliana didn't care for it at first, she understood as a demon it was necessary to know how to defend herself and, of course, her family's honor should the occasion arise.

Liliana also learned that her father's sister was none other than Lady Ophelia, who had relations with a human Sage named Boris Dreamtime and gave birth to a cambion by the name of Okubi Dreamtime. Knowing that she was related to such a powerful half-demon inspired Liliana to develop ways to become stronger. Eventually, Liliana learned summoning as well as changing her typical orange-colored flames into lilac. A lot has happened in both her realm, the Underworld, as well as the Mortal Realm, but because of her status, such events had little effect on Liliana's life. However, she continued to hone her skills in the event either she or her family would face such dangers. Liliana also began venturing into the Mortal Realm more often to observe the powers possessed by the beings of that world.


The intention behind creating Liliana's backstory was to make sure it wasn't complicated or burdened with tragedy.

Liliana is the cousin of Okubi Dreamtime.

Liliana is the youngest of nine children, which is inspired by the nine circles of hell.

As stated in her bio, Liliana is the only girl of nine full-fledged demon children.

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