Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Profile: Meredith Bellis


"Rejoice! For my blade shall bless your soul upon your death!" - Meredith Bellis 

Official Art by Anne Luc

Original AI Art 

Name: Meredith Bellis

Age: 23

Country: Scotland

Species: Human

Height: 5'8”

Weight: 128 Pounds

Hair Color: Sandy yellow

Eye Color: Light Blue

Skin Color: Light Cream

Powers: Meredith wields a divine broadsword named "Maighdean's Judgment" The blade gives Meredith the following abilities

1. Increased strength and durability

2. Blizzard Summoning and blizzard infused attacks

3. The Judgment - A divine power that Meredith only uses in dire situations 

Allies: Gerasim, Cecelia Kovalenko, Xavian, Chia-Hao, Tabatha, Shanna 

Likes: Her comrades, traveling, blueberry pie with french vanilla ice cream, the laughter of children, warm weather

Dislikes: Demons, troublemakers, evil magic, snails

Favorite Color: Slate Blue


A young and beautiful swordswoman, Meredith is a member of the Iron Force, a guild located in Scotland, along with her leader, Gerasim, and other allies. Meredith was sworn to protect her homeland from all forms of evil. 

Meredith is the child of a male sage from England and a priestess native to Scotland. Meredith was born several months after her parents’ marriage. Shortly after her birth, Meredith's father returned to his homeland to aid his fellow sages in dealing with a group of demons causing trouble in Oxford. Unfortunately, her father's life was taken by one of the troublesome demons. Thus, leaving her mother a widow and her without a father. Meredith grew up resenting demons despite knowing that not all demons were evil. Even with the knowledge of many good demons and half-demons existing, Meredith harbored animosity towards their kind. 

Eventually, Meredith met a noble swordsman named Gerasim who was part Ecuadorian and part Scottish and used his gifts to combat evil. Inspired, Meredith began training under Gerasim and his fellow swordsmen until she became a full-fledged adult. Astounded by the amount of strength and talent the young woman displayed throughout her years of training, Gerasim entrusted her with a divine sword called Maighdean's Judgment. Gerasim acquired it several years earlier, but he didn't have the ability to wield it because of the sword's unique property of only allowing those worthy of its powers to wield it. Meredith was given Maighdean's Judgment to be her weapon, and the sword deemed the young woman worthy of being its master and possession of its divine capabilities.

A few years passed since Meredith joined the Iron Force. She combated both domestic and foreign evils, and she often met great allies throughout her various journeys. Eventually, Meredith met a demon nun by the name of Shanna while on a mission in Jerusalem. Shocked to see a demon dedicate herself to serving the church, Meredith was once again faced with the harsh truth that despite a demon being responsible for her father's death that all demons were not evil. Meredith befriended the demon nun in order to get a better understanding of demons and, hopefully, someday rid herself of the hatred she harbored in her heart towards them. In the meantime, Meredith swore upon her name that she would live to protect all that is good in the world.


1. Creating Meredith's backstory was quite difficult since I really wanted to give her something different than the other characters I have created thus far. Also, I was hellbent on her story not having any ties to the Five Year War

2. Meredith takes inspiration from Siegfried from the Soul Blade/Soul Calibur series

3. Meredith was originally going to be a Maylandian (a person born in Mayland), but I decided that was too typical and made her Scottish instead

4. I also considered making Meredith a demigod (half -human half-god), but decided I would rather dip into that well for a future character 

5. Prior to receiving Maighdean's Judgment, a broadsword that I created for the character in Meredith's AI art, which I purchased, Meredith wielded a staff-like sword that I utterly despised. That’s the reason I ended up creating a weapon for her that found more suited to the character 

6. The name of Meredith's sword "Maighdean" means "Maiden" in Scottish Gaelic and "Virgin" in Irish Gaelic 


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