Monday, October 2, 2023

Quincy Kilowatt Skill Set



Skill Set

Skill Set Explanation


Terror Orb: Quincy infuses his fist in a purple aura and performs a strike against his opponent

Special Attacks

1. Soul Crescent: Quincy creates a crescent shaped weave of spiritual energy which can reflect projectiles and harm enemies within striking range

2. Wicked Tears (In Air) Quincy throws two tear shaped fire balls at his opponent while in the air

3. Soul Blast: Quincy uses malicious energy to create a projectile to throw at his opponent

4. Witch Burner: Quincy places an orange colored seal on the ground and if the opponent lands on the seal. The seal turns into fire and burns the opponent 

5. Levitate: Quincy is able to levitate off the ground

6. Night Pulse (During Levitate): Quincy throws a sky blue colored moon blast at his opponent which freezes the opponent on hit

7. Ghost Veil: Quincy surrounds his body in a pale green aura which makes him immune to projectiles for a few seconds


Not So Sweet: Quincy surrounds his opponent with large candy corn designed magical bombs. The candy corns detonate on Quincy's command and explodes all around the opponent 

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