Monday, October 28, 2024

FORBIDDEN - Battle Stories Vol. 1

 FORBIDDEN - Battle Stories Vol. One

By Onyxe Blade

Within the seventh level of The Underworld, the home realm of demons and other tainted beings. Tasked by Lady Johanna, the Demon Warlord of Pride and leader of the other Demon Warlords, Hellin Strongs could be seen donning her custom made red body suit that she received from her friend Princess Lea Stallard a few months prior. Hellin has been ordered to deal with a barnacle type demon named Colesta (Pronounced CO-LEE-STA). The demon Colesta has been feeding on the life force of the ancient giant demon tortoise of the seventh level of The Underworld. While it's only natural for demons to attack one another for various reasons, such actions against the ancient giant demon tortoise is forsaken and demons violating such rules must be harshly deal with. Upon arriving at the location of the demon tortoise, Hellin spots her target. A naked palish-green skinned demon with scales and barnacle features around her arms, abdomen, and thighs. Witnessing the demon tortoise's life force being drained by Colesta, Hellin swings her blonde hair out from her face as she conjures up a fireball in her left palm. Immediately Hellin hurls her fireball towards Colesta. While focused on feeding on the demon tortoise, Colesta senses the incoming attack and swiftly moves out of harm's way. Seeing her attacker across from her. 

Colesta: Wretched bitch! How dare you interrupt my feeding? I will kill you!

Hellin: Shut the fuck up you loathsome cunt! Don't you have any fucking shame? Attacking the sacred giant tortoise of our home realm? 

Colesta: Shame? Why would I feel shame for doing what comes natural to a demon? Furthermore, who are you to judge me? Daughter of Queen Othello! How many shameful acts does your mother perform on a daily basis?

Hellin: I'll rip your fucking head off if you mention my mother in such a manner again.

Colesta: Isn't that what you came here to do anyways. So why would I even bother mincing my words against you, Princess?

Hellin: You would have received a more dignified death before but now that you pissed me off! The death you'll receive will be anything but dignified.

Wasting no time, Colesta releases a turquoise colored acidic spray from her body towards Hellin. Easily dodging the enemy's attack, Hellin counters by blasting several fireballs towards Colesta. Quickly, Colesta unleashes a yellowish green foam substance from the pores of her body. The foam quickly hardens into a solid ball and protects against Hellin's fiery attack. Intrigued by her opponent's orthodox form of battle. Hellin decides to use her telepathic powers, not to take control of Colesta's mind but in order to get a better understanding of the target's combat capabilities. After all, if Hellin wanted to make this quick she could have already mentally enforced her will onto Colesta. Instead she wants to enjoy destroying her opponent with sheer force. Seconds later, Colesta breaks out from her created defense. Now with a more demonic and grotesque form than her prior appearance, the barnacle demon stares ferociously at Hellin with the desire to annihilate her. Hellin stares back with an unbothered expression on her face upon seeing Colesta's full demonic form, knowing full well this battle is about to end before it even started

Colesta: You stupid bitch! I'm going to drain the very fucking life out of your body but first... I'M GOING TO MAKE YOU WISH YOU NEVER CAME TO EXISTENT!!! TIME TO DIE!!!

Colesta charges at Hellin with the spores on her body, sprouting out several tentacles like appendages ready to strike. Hellin responds by igniting both of her hands in blueish yellow flames and leaping into the air. Colesta manipulates her tentacle-like appendages to strike the airborne Hellin, but fails to strike her as Hellin moves towards her like a torpedo. Colesta attempts to create a defensive foam around her body once again. Before she has the chance, Hellin crashes on top of her and pins her down in a provocative position

Hellin: Time to put an end to this.

Colesta: Yes for you!

Colesta release a toxin from the holes of her body onto Hellin but is horrified upon realizing her poison has no effect on the Princess. Hellin looks down at her with an amused wicked smile.

Hellin: Did you try to poison me? Oh you poor stupid bitch! I would explain why such tactics are useless against me but you lived long enough. Time to die!

Using her fiery infused fist, Hellin starts mercilessly beating on Colesta until she is no more. Afterwards Hellin checks on the Giant Demon Tortoise and ensure that he is alright, Now with her mission completed she makes her way back home to Babylon.

Meanwhile in Mayland, a place in the Mortal Realm, the home of both magical and normal humans, beasterians, orcs, fairies, goblins, and other unique beings, news of a fiery entity attacking unsuspecting citizens around Arundel and the Royal Lands has reached Mayland's current ruler, King Onyx. After collecting information on the various attacks, Onyx and his Royal Guards--particularly Yura Mikan-- have discovered that this fiery entity was none other than a Soucouyant, a terrifying being known through Caribbean Folklore that can shapeshift from a woman to a ball of fire. Initially Onyx considered to have Hellin, Orsela, and Scylla handle it. However, Yura demanded of her King to allow her to handle this matter. As night falls, a fiery entity is sneakily floating around The Royal Lands in search of its next victim. A blizzard suddenly appears from out of nowhere and hits the fiery entity. Immediately, the entity transforms into an African looking woman with long black hair and wearing a brown cloak. The blizzard ceases and appears a Japanese woman with short white hair and dressed in a black custom business suit. The Japanese woman stares at the shapeshifter with her cold icy blue eyes but her posture is relaxed. The Japanese woman then began to speak

Yura: So, you're the Soucouyant that's been causing trouble in Arundel and The Royal Lands?

Soucouyant: Ho- How did you track me down?

Yura: Your pattern was too predictable, but even if you were more clever it would not have mattered. I excel at always finding my target and you're no exception.

Soucouyant: Overly confident snake! You may be strong, but you will share the same fate as my other victims.

The Soucouyant transforms into a fiery humanoid being and lunges straight towards Yura. Without much effort, Yura dodges the Soucouyant's ferocious strikes, merely toying with her opponent using her advanced ninjutsu based movements. Angered, the Soucouyant says to Yura "Stop running away you coward!" as she continues trying to strike Yura.

Yura: Are you upset that you actually have to earn your kill instead of sneaking up on unsuspecting victims? I have no intentions of making this easy for you. Now foul creature show me what you're really capable of?

Soucouyant: Oh you're starting to piss me off with that belittling voice of yours. I would have preferred to feast upon your blood but burning you alive will have to suffice.

The Soucouyant, while in her flamed humanoid state, holds out both of her hands and unleashes a stream of fire towards Yura. The stream of fire moves at lightning speed and before Yura could make an attempt to run, her body is blasted by the flames. Soucouyant watches as the arrogant woman is being burned alive. Or so it seemed. Transforming back into her human form, the Soucouyant wears a perverse smile as she watches Yura being burned alive, blissfully unaware of the fact that she wasn't fighting the actual Yura but instead her shadow clone. Suddenly, the Soucouyant cries out in agonizing pain as she is struck from behind her back by an icy sharp object. Falling to the ground as blood drips down from her body, the Soucouyant turns her head and sees Yura standing over her looking ominously with a blade shaped icicle in her hand. The Soucouyant says in a shocked manner "Ho-- how are you here when I just burned you? What are you?"

Yura: Did you really think something like you would be able to kill me so easily? I awaited in the shadows while you fought my clone the entire time. I used my blizzard I created earlier to create my clone before hiding myself. Waiting for the right moment to finish you off! Now it's time for me to put an end to you.

Soucouyant: PLEASE WAIT?! I'm sorry for what I did and I deserve to be punished. However, isn't killing against the moral code against a hero like yourself? Truly you wouldn't actually kill me?

Yura: Hmph! You're funny. I do not subscribe to such a code and I personally think only fools spare the lives of monsters. No mercy was granted to any of your five victims which included a young boy. It only seems fair to give you the same treatment as you have given those you have harmed. Now choose your final words carefully for they will be your last!

Yura kills the Soucouyant by decapitating her head. Yura then calls Onyx via cellphone and asks her King to teleport to her location and bring her back to the castle.

Two days later after Yura had executed the Soucouyant, Onyx had received yet another unwelcome visit from his alternate universe self, Unloyal with a task from him. Normally Onyx wouldn't bother assisting Unloyal with anything since it was either trouble or straight up waste of his time. However after Unloyal explained to him about a situation in Earth 97 about a young soon-to-be King named Chiazam needing help dealing with his bigoted father in order to ensure a safe future for himself and the kingdom he is to inherit. Onyx, while empathetic to the strife of LGBTQ folks throughout the various universes, did not once again wish to burden himself with problems from worlds not of his own. Unloyal mentioned a particular journal that the soon-to-be King held that belonged to his late mother which Unloyal revealed was an alternate of them as well; the information was convincing enough that Onyx would want to read the contents of said journal should he could only obtain should he accept this task. Reluctantly Onyx agreed but warned Unloyal that he would kick his ass himself if this turned out to be bullshit! Having made up his mind to go to Earth 97 to meet with Prince "Unloyal calling him the soon-to-be King felt totally unnecessary but whatever". Of course before doing so, Onyx had used a technique called Psych Trace which allowed him to temporarily copy Unloyal's world jumping abilities. Bringing his best friend and right hand man, James Del Soto with him for both protection and company. The two of them would go to Earth 97 to meet with Prince Chiazam

Upon arriving to the foreign universe and after going through the proper channels. Both Onyx and James finally met face to face with Prince Chiazam, a tall and strong dark skin man dressed in regal red colored African attire. Shortly after Onyx and James would sit with Prince Chiazam in his private quarters and alongside the Prince was a butterscotch skinned muscular black male who were a similar outfit to Chiazam but purple instead of red. Without even having to rely on his telepathy, Onyx knew this man alongside Prince Chiazam was his lover. Chiazam's lover's name was Lolonyo. Unlike Prince Chiazam who possessed a domineering and prideful aura. His lover, Lolonyo possessed a strong but warm aura about him that made him seem very approachable. Onyx would have loved to get to know how they met and fallen in love but he wasn't here for such stories nor would he use his telepathy to invade their privacy. Because he already decided to alter the mind of Prince Chiazam's father, King Zuberi in order to ensure an easy transition of power for Chiazam. However Onyx was not acting off mere charity. Upon their discussion Onyx brought up the desire to have possession of Prince Chiazam's late mother's journal. Chiazam was stunned to see how much Onyx and his mother had resembled one another but he was equally surprised when he met Unloyal a few days prior. The Prince knew that Onyx wanted the journal in order to learn about his mother's knowledge concerning the ONYXVERSE. While heartbroken to have to part with the book his mother cherished. He understood that this was his part of the deal to ensure Onyx would deal with his bigoted father. In order that he can publicly be with Lolonya upon becoming King of his country. Onyx assured him that he'll take care of the journal and once he has absorbed the information with it. That he will someday return the book for Chiazam. In the meantime Onyx wished to return to his own world so set off to handle King Zuberi. Onyx told James to stay with the Prince and his lover until he returned. Shortly after completing his task by altering King Zuberi's mind on homosexuality. Onyx would use the remainder of Unloyal's powers and along with James and the journal return to his home world of Earth 135.


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