Thursday, October 3, 2024

Profile: Tsubame Tanaka


"I'm not a killer but one lives inside of me. All I can do is my best to ensure it never brings harm to my son" - Tsubame Tanaka

"I do not live by any code but my own! I will kill anything that agitates my rage. This woman's body is nothing more than a vessel for me to unleash my fury upon those I find detestable" - Kira 

Art by Nyacoii

Name: Tsubame Tanaka 

Age: 49 Years Old 

Kira's Age - Over ten hundred thousand years old

Country: Japan

Birthday: Aug 6

Species: Human (Inhabited by a vengeful spirit)

Height: 5'7

Weight: 115 Pounds

Hair Color: Copper

Eye Color: Mauve 

Skin Color: Peach 

Abilities: Tsubame herself possesses basic level healing magic, however the vengeful spirit of the ninja Kira that inhabits her body possesses an array of deadly skills.

1. Ninjutsu - Common ninja skills including: usages of Japanese weapons, stealth, and highly skilled in hand to hand combat.

2. Fire magic - Tsubame is given access to Kira's mastery of various fire spells.

3. Wind magic - Tsubame is given access to Kira's mastery of various wind based spells.

4. Earth magic - Tsubame is given access to Kira's mastery of various earth based spells.

5. Shadow Clones - Tsubame can create solid duplicates of herself.

6. Blood Lust - Tsubame's gains increased attack power and speed upon causing her target to bleed.

7. Poison Coating - Tsubame is skilled at coating her weapons with poison.

8. Night vision - Despite not being a demon nor a Darken, Tsubame has 20/20 vision even in the dark.

9. Tracking - Tsubame excels at tracking down targets.

10. Resilience - Tsubame possesses a high fighting spirit and durability upon falling under Kira's influence.

11. Telepathic Resistance: While not immune to telepathic attacks. Thanks to Kira, Tsubame has a fair resistance to telepathic interference.

Likes (Tsubame): Her son, being a nurse, math, J-Pop, Cold Ume Somen/Pink Noodles, festivals.

Dislikes (Tsubame): Whenever her son is being a difficult teenager, rude people, crowded trains, things that celebrate perversion, cockroaches.

Likes (Kira): Killing, fighting, Pink Koshu Grapes, her deceased master.

Dislikes (Kira): Traitors, weak willed individuals, cockroaches.

Allies: NONE


Kira - Over one hundred thousand years ago during an older era of Japan, there lived a highly skilled kunoichi (female ninja) named Kira who was a member of the Harukawa Clan. Respected by her peers for her skills and dedication, Kira was once an orphan girl taken in by the clan's leader Kazuya who raised her alongside his son, Gaku and his other young shinobis in training. Over the years, Kira and Gaku developed romantic feelings for one another but there was something about Kira that Gaku secretly despised. The sole child of the Great Shinobi Kazuya detested how much his father would praise Kira for her ninja skills and yet simply viewed his son no different from the typical ninja among their clan. The comparisons made it hard for Gaku to fully love Kira due to his father's words constantly antagonizing his mind. Many years have passed and Kira had only improved with age, Kazuya's admiration for his prize student only grew. On the opposite end of the spectrum with Gaku, while his skills improved he had not reached the level of skills of Kira no matter how hard he tried. The mere idea and realization ate away at him and began his desire to eliminate his father. 

While Kira continued having good faith in her lover, the skilled kunoichi remained unaware of his impeding schemes against the clan. Returning from her latest mission, Kira was horrified to witness one of the rival ninja clans attacking and killing her fellow Harukawa Clan members. Immediately, Kira went to look for Master Kazuya and Gaku to ensure their safety. Upon finding her Master and her lover, Kira witnessed the unthinkable as she spotted Gaku with the enemy ninjas having fatally wounded Master Kazuya. Kira ran over to her Master's side while giving her now former lover a disapproving glare. Gaku offers to spare Kira if she abandons the Harukawa Clan and joins him. Kira simply turns her attention off of him and Gaku deems her unfit to live as the orders his new allies to set his father's home on fire. Ember flames engulf the home, burning both Master Kazuya and Kira inside of it. Despite Kazuya's pleas, Kira refused to abandon him and instead performed a technique that would make themselves immune to the pain of being burned alive. Dying by her Master's side, Kira swore that she will make treacherous beings such as Gaku pay for their transgressions 

Tsubame - Many centuries later some time after the events of The Five Year War, a young girl named Tsubame was born in Osaka, Japan. Tsubame was taught at a young age by her mother to learn healing magic. After finishing college and following her mother's footsteps in becoming a school nurse, in her college days Tsubame met a young man named Kenichi and the two began dating before getting married. A few years into their marriage, Tsubame became pregnant with their child, Shoma. The two would end up drifting apart which led to them getting a divorce. Despite living in a world of sages, witches, beasterians, goblins, demons, and other otherwordly beings, Tsubame was as close as normal as one could possibly be in such a unique world. A loving single parent to her son, a school nurse admired by all those around her, and of course a child who made both of her parents proud. However one night while on her way home after shopping for her son's 15th birthday the following day, things would be different, things would change. 

Tsubame lost track of time and ended up missing her 8:15 bus towards home. Fortunately the weather was nice and the bags in her possession weren't heavy. Thus she opted to walk home which was only a forty minute walk at worst. However, Tsubame was unaware a malicious demon had targeted her to make her it's meal. While demon attacks on humans have severely decreased over the centuries due to many demons wanting better relations with mortals and vice versa, there were always demons that viewed humans like Tsubame as prey and nothing more. Finding herself alone crossing a small bridge, no one in sight and her pepper spray in hand just in case. Tsubame felt confident she could cross the bridge without any issues then arrive home within the next 8 minutes. At that very moment a brownish-red colored demon leapt onto the bridge and startled Tsubame, causing her to fall on her back. Terrified the woman found herself unable to move, but she didn't want to die especially in such a gruesome manner. She didn't bother anyone, always lived an honest life and more importantly she was a mother; she had a son she needed to get home to take care of. While the demon menacingly began to approach Tsubame ready to devour her, a vengeful spirit had suddenly entered Tsubame's body and immediately took control of her. The spirit who possessed great ninja based magic had transformed Tsubame from a meek school nurse into a vexing Kunoichi. 

While the demon was surprised by the sudden transformation, his desire to devour her remained. The demon charged at Tsubame, but the woman proved to be even faster than him. Immediately the two of them engaged in combat. Despite the demon's best efforts to defeat and kill the woman, Tsubame's vast ninja skills proved too much and slayed the demon within minutes. Afterwards, Tsubame was no longer under the vengeful spirit's influence and reverted back to her normal self and clothing. Memories flashing behind her eyes and Tsubame remembered what had happened as she saw the dismembered body of the demon with its heart being burnt to a crisp. Instead of concerning herself further by the actions that happened moments ago, Tsubame grabs her son's gift and returns home immediately. While her son's fifteenth birthday went off without a hitch, ever since the fateful night on the bridge, Tsubame's life had changed forever. Due to now sharing her body with a vengeful kunoichi from the Japan of old--even worse every night whenever Shoma had fallen asleep--the spirit would take over Tsubame's body and would hunt down various evildoers throughout Japan with zero regards to its host body. Tsubame plans on finding out how to deal with the spirit that has taken residence inside her body in due time, but being a mother and working takes priority. Furthermore while this is not the ideal life Tsubame had ever saw for herself, had the spirit not possessed her that very night when the demon had attacked her, Tsubame would not be able to come home to her son. That alone makes her grateful for the spirit that lives inside of her


1. The earlier concept of Tsubame was going to have her be a teacher during the day then a vicious assassin at night. Which was due to having a split personality. However I decided I wanted to perhaps use that concept for a different character. Thus a new backstory was developed for Tsubame 

2. Tsubame's design was inspired by how the female characters dressed in Queen's Blade. Wearing very little but being extremely capable fighters

3. While developing a new backstory for Tsubame. I wanted to keep her core personality as a modest Japanese woman but having a killer edge. That's when I came up with Kira, the vengeful spirit that possessed Tsubame. Thus Tsubame maintains her good woman persona while Kira represented the ruthless killer

4, Tsubame would probably not have been given official artwork until 2025 but thanks for my supporters on my YouTube channel "Akame's Despair" and "Miss Otaku" for voting for Tsubame. It gave her the green light to be commissioned sooner than I originally planned 

5. Tsubame is my first fully Japanese Shinobi/Kunoici character. My previous ninja character is Bevan but Bevan is Japanese/Brazilian from his mother's side and Bolivian from his father's side. Meanwhile Tsubame has both Japanese parents and was born and raised in Japan

Elisa's Thoughts - Reminds me a lot of the Mishima family bloodline in Tekken, except way more death and betrayal. Kira somewhat like Jun Kazama, the unfortunate casualty of the "daddy didn't love me enough" trope. 

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