Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Profile: Adewale Osefo


"I once allowed my own hatred to dictate how I lived and viewed the world. While the anger within my soul gave me power it also led to my banishment from my homeland. Given a second chance by a half demon, a type of being that I once despised. I learned that it's important to not become consumed by hatred but instead make decisions based on logic not past traumas. I'm no longer bounded by my hate instead it's master" - Adewale Osefo 

Name: Adewale Edu Osefo

Age: 381

Species: Human

Nationality: Nigerian 

Height: 6'3

Weight: 237 Pounds

Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Brown

Skin Color: Dark Brown

Powers: Aerokinesis 

Adewale can make his winds stronger by activating his inner hatred which turns the color of his winds burning red almost resembling embers of fire. Adewale's tattoos also glows whenever he strengthens his wind.


Likes: Exercise, lime flavored water, Banga Soup, his students, Soca Music, King Onyx.

Dislikes: Demons (only evil ones but once hated them all equally), bugs, being exiled from his homeland, Nigeria, cowards.


Adewale Osefo, hailing from Nigeria, is a highly skilled magical practitioner of wind based magic. Adewale was born and raised in Lagos, Nigeria alongside his older brother and younger sister. Adewale was the proud son of two powerful sages who were highly praised by Nigeria's then Ruler, King Jabbari and his daughter Princess Adama. Unfortunately, a tragedy all too common in the Mortal Realm would befall Adewale and his family. One night while coming home from a wedding, Adewale alongside his siblings and parents were attacked by a group of hungry demons. Adewale's parents did their best to use their magic to combat the demons while protecting their children. Unfortunately the demons had overwhelmed them and while Adewale was able to use his magic to defend both his younger sister and himself against the demons, their parents and older brother weren't as lucky as the demons had slain them. Filled with unimaginable rage, Adewale unleashed a powerful twister that ripped the demons to shreds. Such a display of power had terrified his sister, but Adewale was too consumed with rage to even notice his sister's terror. Eventually other sages arrived at the scene but the damage had already been done. The following day Adewale's younger sister would be adopted by another family and ended up moving to another part of Africa. Meanwhile Adewale would remain in his homeland and be raised at a local orphanage where he was taught to hone his skills along with basic education and proper caring. Unfortunately, that very night had transformed Adewale into a man consumed by rage and wishing destruction upon all demons and their variants.

Many years later much older and stronger since the passing of his parents and elder brother and the separation of his sister, Adewale served under Queen Adama Aliyu after the passing of her father, King Jabbari during The Five Year War. Adewale served alongside Rashawn and Vicet. While Adewale much preferred serving under King Jabbari over Queen Adama, due to aligning with the former King's way of ruling Nigeria over his daughter. Adewale accepted Adama as the ruler of his homeland and felt she ruled it with a solid mind and Nigeria's best interest always in mind. At least he felt that way until Queen Adama decided to remove a long withstanding law in Nigeria, the banning of demons of any kind on Nigerian grounds. This was mainly due to the Queen's newly found friendship with Mayland's current ruler, King Onyx who was a half demon and aided Nigeria during the events of The Five Year War after the demise of her father. In the first time in many years, Adewale felt a surge of anger in his heart like no other. Along with losing any respect he once held for King Jabbari's daughter, the only thing that kept Adewale in check was his loyalty to his homeland otherwise he would have attempted to kill Adama for allowing those vermin to now live among their--- HIS PEOPLE! 

Despite the demons now freely living among the citizens of Nigeria, life did not change much; majority of the demons happily followed the laws of the land and integrated quite nicely among the non demonic Nigerian residents. Yet, that did nothing to quell that hatred Adewale held towards them nor regain any of the respect he lost long ago for Nigeria's current ruler. Adewale would then witness the birth of the Queen's first and perhaps only heir, Prince Trevyn Aliyu. His father was a man from Ghana that Adama had relations with a few months ago during a trip to the country. Trevyn was solely raised by his mother along with her many aides. Life continued as usual in Nigeria, but no matter how much time had passed, Adewale's hatred for the demon residents never ceased but instead grew by the day. Many years later, an unfortunate event would take place as a nearly adult Trevyn alongside two of his childhood friends would end up going missing, throwing the entirety of Nigeria into a panic. While The Queen didn't accuse anyone of her child's disappearance, she simply began to proper procedures to find her son dead or alive. Adewale  was convinced that it was one of the treacherous demons that undeserving lived amongst them. The disappearance of Nigeria's prince would be the catalyst for Adewale to finally revolt against Queen Adama's foolish ways and to cleanse his homeland of the vile demon denizens.

Adewale would begin his revolt by unleashing a series of devastating hurricanes throughout Nigeria, which caught the attention of Princess Hellin and her teammates who were sent to Nigeria under King Onyx's orders to find Prince Aliyu. Hellin and her team would find themselves faced off against Adewale. The sage immediately sensed that both Hellin and Orsela were demons and that alone drove him angry enough to engage the heroes in battle. Just before the battled could intensified further, Queen Adama with Rashawn and Vicet by her side would appear and the Queen to throw a golden needle into Adewale's neck, hitting a pressure point and knocking him unconscious. Eventually Hellin and her team would find Trevyn, deal with his captors, and bring him home to Queen Adama. While Adewale's stormy tantrum surprisingly caused no deaths within Nigeria, it did do severe damage to multiple infrastructures and most importantly disrespected Nigeria itself. Queen Adama could not look past Adewale's betrayal to her and Nigeria and decided to imprison him for his misdeeds and prepared to have him executed. Fortunately for Adewale, King Onyx was made aware of Queen Adama's plans for him and despite his disdain for his kind, Onyx couldn't allow himself to let Queen Adama see Adewale's execution through. King Onyx teleported to Nigeria and had a conversation with Nigeria's Queen in hopes of talking her out of executing Adewale. While understandably angered to have a non Nigerian interfere with Nigerian affairs, Queen Adama not only respected Onyx as a good friend, but felt she owed Onyx after knowing the role he played in order to bring her son, Trevyn back home to her. Adama would spare Adewale's life but in one condition. Onyx would have to take Adewale back with him to Mayland as Adewale may never step foot back into Nigeria as long as she remains Queen. Onyx would then visit Adewale in his holding cell and after some minor teasing, revealed to the Nigerian that he won't be executed after all but instead returns with him to Mayland. 

Adewale was naturally heartbroken to learn that he had been banished from his homeland, but was thankful to receive a second chance and surprisingly at the kindness of a half demon. It was this moment that Adewale decided to hold himself accountable for his past actions and realizing his hatred for demons due to his childhood trauma made him act irrational to all demons, even those who have better morals than his fellow humans. Thanks to the unexpected kindness shown by Onyx, Adewale promised to hold himself accountable and no longer allow anger to dictate his every move. After starting a new life in New York, one of the seventy five states that make up Mayland. Adewale would teach at a high school in Manhattan training young sages how to properly wield their magic. While not a single day passes where he wishes he can return to his homeland, Adewale accepts that his exile is his proper punishment for his years of anger and not knowing when to let go. Keeping a promise not only to Onyx to be a good citizen in Mayland, Adewale vows to ensure to protect the new generation of sages from making the same mistake that he has made in the past


1. Originally Adewale was going to be an elderly looking muscular man as described in my book FORBIDDEN. However since at the time of his initial creation. I decided to change a few things about him but keeping important details about him from the book intact

2. Adewale was bald when first introduced as an antagonist against Hellin and her teammates. Course over time he let his hair grow to how it looks currently in his official artwork

3. I once toyed with the idea of making Adewale a Darken (See Nara Asamura, Bain Vasques, and Gennifer Blix) but decided it would be more impactful to Adewale's story to keep him human

4. While the official artwork for Adewale came two years later compared to my other known wind users (Trickie, Da-Xia, Ajani) Adewale was in fact the first known Wind sage created for my FORBIDDEN series

5. While Adewale was considered an antagonist during his introduction in my book FORBIDDEN. Adewale was not deemed a "witch" due to the fact he was fully in control of his powers but only acted out a few hours prior to Hellin and her teams arrival to Nigeria

5. Adewale's initial design had him wearing a traditional dashiki but I decided to give him a more Urban model look for his official artwork. Mainly due that I didn't have faith in any of the artists I work with to draw him exactly how I imagine him thus went for something more simpler 

6. Unlike previous profiles Adewale is intentionally missing the "allies" part to his bio. That is due to only really having King Onyx as an ally. The other heroes that are aware of him either dislike him or don't view him as an ally. However they maybe future characters introduced to my series that will consider Adewale an ally

Elisa's Thoughts - I think the main takeaway of Adewale's story is that the grudges don't always lead to healing. The more you hold onto the hurt, the more you hurt yourself. You can take the trauma you hold onto and form yourself into a walking shell of pain or learn to grow before it's too late.

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