Sunday, July 7, 2019

Quick Backstory: K' Team & N.E.S.T. Team



K': A young man who was kidnapped by the organization N.E.S.T. and experimented on with the DNA of KOF competitor Kyo Kusanagi. K' escaped thanks to the help of the undercover N.E.S.T. agent Maxima. Ever since K' has been on an endless journey to take down N.E.S.T. After learning from Heidern that some of N.E.S.T.'s agents would be entering this years KOF tournament. K' along with his sister Sara A.K.A. Whip and a phone call to his friend Benimaru. K' is all fired up to unleash his fury upon N.E.S.T.

Benimaru: Japanese supermodel who wields electric based powers and is skilled in Shooting Style Boxing. While on the set of a movie Benimaru receives a call from his friend K' and partner in the previous KOF tournament. After hearing about his friend's reason for entering the tournament. Benimaru request if the movie can be put on hold as he travels to meet up with K' to enter the KOF tournament

Whip: A former agent of N.E.S.T. and a former enemy to K'. However everything changed for Sara A.K.A. Whip when she learned the truth from both K', Benimaru, and Maxima. Devastating to learn not only is she a clone of her former arch enemy's decease sister. Everything that N.E.S.T. had told her was a lie. Now living with her brother K', Whip intends on aiding him with destroying N.E.S.T.


Nelson: A young and handsome brazilian boxer was in a car accident that nearly cost him and his fiancee's life. Nelson ended up losing his left arm and his fiancee Lucia in a coma. Shortly after a group of scientist had met Nelson and began to work in creating him a robotic arm to replace the one he lost. Several months had passed as Nelson has learned to use his new arm but his fiancee remains in a coma. Two days before the KOF tournament Nelson was approached by the same scientist who had a favor to ask of him. The favor being to enter the KOF tournament in order to test out his new arm against some of the best fighters in the world. Feeling like he owes the doctors for fixing his arm Nelson decides to enter the KOF tournament. Paired up with two women by the name Sylvie and Angel. Nelson gets ready to show the world what he's capable of

Angel: A buxom Mexican woman who was experimented on by N.E.S.T. to gain superhuman strength and durability. Angel looks forward to enter the KOF tournament in hopes of showing off her might and crushing anyone who threatens N.E.S.T.

Sylvie Paula Paula: A french girl who was experimented on by N.E.S.T and gained control over electricity, but due to the effect of the experiment, Sylvie's brain was affected making her behave more childlike than her actual age. Nevertheless Sylvie has proven to be one of N.E.S.T. better fighters despite not having fully mastered her powers. Sylvie is paired up with fellow agent Angel and a man by the name Nelson to enter the latest KOF tournament 

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