Thursday, July 11, 2019

Team Fatal Fury Versus Team China

Match A: Andy Bogard versus Sie Kensou

Both men displayed a vast variety of technique and skills. Andy used his Shiranui Ninjutsu attacks to fend off against the kung fu fighter. Unfortunately Kensou's spiritual powers and natural fighting abilities proved too much for Andy to handle

The winner is SIE KENSOU!

Match B: King Of Dinosaur versus Mian

While the two fighters seem fairly matched due to King Of Dinosaurs extreme aggression in combat. Mian's Sichuan Bunshinryu proved insufficient to bring down the berserker of a wrestler. Being the type to know when to quit Mian forfeited the match


Match C: Alice Nakata versus Meitenkun

In spite of her opponent's rather sloth like demeanor Alice told herself she will not underestimate any opponent she steps into battle against. Both the fighters displayed great fighting abilities but at the end it was Alice who prevailed

The winner is ALICE

Despite Andy's surprising defeat at the hands of Kensou. King Of Dinosaur and Alice having defeated their opponents guaranteed their advancement to the next round

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