Thursday, July 18, 2019

Tiger Team Versus Official Invitation Team

Match Results

Match A: Joe Higashi versus Kukri - Kukri definitely displayed his fighting skills and sand power, but the hooded fighter was blown away by the amazing fighting skills of Joe Higashi

The winner is JOE HIGASHI!

Match B: Robert Garcia versus Xanadu - Xanadu definitely gave Robert a good run but at the end the Italian fighter was able to put the criminal mastermind down for the count

The winner is ROBERT GARCIA

Match C: Ramon versus Luong - The Tae Kwon Do fighter Luong definitely gave it her best shot but she was no match for man known as The Strongest Human alive

The winner is RAMON!

In the first in the KOF alternate alliance tournament there was a perfect 3-0 with all the members of Team Tiger winning their bouts. Evanora was disgusted by how poorly Kukri and his chosen fighters had fought in her tournament

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