Monday, December 25, 2023

Meredith Bellis Skill Set


Type: Warrior/Ice


Skill Set Explanation


Fenrir Slash: There are two versions of this attack. The regular version Meredith simply performs a short ranged but fast downward slash. The charged version Meredith strikes the head of her blade onto the ground and summons two ice pillars


Brave Charge: Meredith performs a speedy but short range strike with her sword

Steel Arise: Meredith performs a leaping uppercut attack using her sword

Enemy Down (Only Can Be Performed If Steel Arise Lands Successfully): After knocking her opponent into the air using Steel Arise. Meredith then swings her sword downwards and knocks her opponent onto the ground

Steel Rush: Similar to Brave Charge, but instead Meredith travels much further and possesses one hit of armor. Allowing her to absorb one incoming attack while still performing her own attack

Decimate: Meredith swings her blade upwards which can harm an opponent within range. Decimate also allows Meredith to neutralize an incoming projectile


Winter Judgment: Meredith holds her sword above her head as all three gems on her sword start to glow. A storm of ice then surrounds her sword and only grows in size. Meredith then swings her sword downwards and unleashes a powerful blizzard-like twister at her opponent which hits them multiple times 


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