Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Profile: Fei-Lolene


"I'm New China's first and last defense! Anyone who dares threaten the citizens of this state shall face a hell beyond the mortal imagination. I'm Fei-Lolene, the First Constable of New China" - Fei-Lolene

Name: Fei-Lolene

Age: 176 Years Old

Species: Human

Country: China (Fei-Lolene has Singaporean, Thai, and Chilean ancestry)

Hair Color: Black with a jade streak on her bangs

Eye Color: Jade

Skin Color: Sandy

Height: 5'9

Weight: 148 Pounds

Magic: Fei-Lolene is able to manipulate chakra, which possesses a jade colored aura when activated. Fei-Lolene is able to perform an arsenal of attacks using her Jade colored chakra

Fighting Style: Fei-Lolene uses the following fighting styles

1. Pankration 
2. Tai-Chi
3. Muay Thai

Likes: Her younger brother Zen and his family, naps, peace, pottery, meditation

Dislikes: Her past, financial hardships, sugary foods

Allies: Anyone who stands for justice


Before becoming The First Constable of the state New China, one of the seventy five states that makes up Mayland, Fei-Lolene was once a young girl who was raised alongside her brother by their Uncle to be assassins. Growing up in Guizhou, China, life was not easy especially after the death of her parents at a young age. Thankfully, Fei-Lolene and Zen were taken in by their Uncle who was an assassin for hire. Believing that his niece and nephew would benefit from learning his trade, their Uncle taught them at a very young age how to fight and kill. When Fei-Lolene had turned eleven years of age, she was hired for her first assignment to execute a man named Shiro Takahashi; Takahasi was a man who was running for mayor in his homeland in Japan. Fei-Lolene's Uncle was hired by Shiro's rival to have him eliminated; he ordered his niece to carry out the hit. which Fei-Lorne carried out successfully. However despite how easy it was to kill her target, Fei-Lolene took no pleasure in ending an innocent life. Making matters even worse, despite his combat skills, Zen didn't have the same killer instinct as his sisters. This short coming becoming a burden for their Uncle as time went on. Fei-Lolene feared that their Uncle would rid of Zen if he failed to live up to expectations. One night while Fei-Lolene and Zen were in their rooms supposedly sound asleep, but only Zen was truly asleep, Fei-Lolene had awoken from a nightmare as she heard her Uncle entering their room. The young girl sensed a bad energy from her uncle but didn't wish to alert him. Walking past her bed and heading towards her brother's. Fei-Lolene spotted a knife in his hand. There was no doubt in Fei-Lolene's mind that her Uncle was planning to kill Zen while he slept. While Fei-Lolene was grateful her Uncle pulled both Zen and her out of poverty, she refused to allow him to kill her baby brother

Knowing she had only one opportunity to strike her uncle down otherwise both her brother and she would certainly be killed, channeling all of her chakra in her right fist, Fei-Lolene sprung out of bed . right as the Uncle was ready to kill Zen. Fei-Lolene managed to strike him in the head, sending her Uncle flying across the room and the blow killing him instantly. Zen woke up from his sleep and was shocked to see his sister standing over their Uncle's body. Fei-Lolene turned to look at her brother and ordered him to pack up his belongings and that they had to go. Giving the promise to explain everything once they were somewhere safe, she needed to get them out of the house and away from harm. Upon learning the truth from his sister and living life on the run, now much older and mature Fei-Lolene promised that she would take care of Zen until he was old enough to live life on his own terms. The two would end up living in Taiwan for many years and while Zen focused on school, Fei-Lolene would work as a mercenary, lending her skills to whomever paid her regardless of their morality. This would be their life for years until one day a group of political figures from Mayland who detested King Onyx had met with Fei-Lolene in an undisclosed location. The group offered Fei-Lolene a large sum of money if she was to successfully assassinate Mayland's current ruler. They even told her that Onyx was scheduled to appear in New China in a few days to support a festival taking place. While Fei-Lolene shared no prejudice towards cambion nor full-fledged demons, a job was a job and Fei-Lolene was more than willing to kill King Onyx

Knowing that Zen would be safe in Taiwan, living a normal civilian life. Fei-Lolene traveled to Mayland and made her preparations in order to assassinate the King. Unfortunately on the day of the festival as Onyx was on his way to make an appearance, Fei-Lolene was ready to strike; the arrival of Hellin Strongs, the Princess Of Babylon who was operating as a bodyguard for Onyx while James Del Soto served as a general bodyguard for the King. Fei-Lolene would appear before Onyx and James, ready to take on both of the demons at once, but Hellin being her typical hot-headed self injected herself and began battling Fei-Lolene. Before Onyx and James could even intervene, the appearance of two wild dragons emerged on the scene and began causing havoc. The women reluctantly put their battle aside and began assisting Onyx, James, and other local sages with fending against the ferocious dragons. While James and Hellin were naturally shocked that an assassin would be so willing to aid the innocent, Onyx already knew via telepathy that this particular assassin had a different sense of morals compared to previous assassins sent after him. Fei-Lolene wasn't an evil woman by nature but more so necessity due to her less than kind upbringing. The heroes managed to slay the dragons and Fei-Lolene was taken into custody. King Onyx had no intentions of sending Fei-Lolene to prison, at least not without giving her an offer. Onyx knew that someone of Fei-Lolene's talent would be much more useful being a service to justice than spending years in jail or worse a death penalty. Onyx pleaded his case with Fei-Lolene and asked her would she like to become The First Constable for New China. 

While Fei-Lolene had no problem accepting his offer, she worried her employers would retaliate by targeting her brother. Onyx would ensure that he already had his Leading Lady Yura Mikan on the case and that the traitorous politicians would be handled. Having no reason to turn down Onyx's offer, Fei-Lolene accepted the responsibility of being New China's First Constable. While the citizens took some time to warm up to her, Fei-Lolene having earnestly proved her loyalty and willingness to serve and protect. The people of New China began referring to her as their "Champion of Justice". Zen along with his wife and two sons would come to live in Mayland with his sister. Fei-Lolene was thankful to finally be able to live a proper life but still dealt with the guilt of her past actions. Nonetheless, Fei-Lolene would decide to leave the past where it's at and learn from her mistakes. Many years later Fei-Lolene continues to serve as New China's First Constable and the state's greatest of all defenses 


Fei-Lolene was inspired by an old idea of having a former assassin turned hero

Fei-Lolene is also influenced by the Mortal Kombat character Li Mei

Fei-Lolene is three years older than her brother Zen

Fei-Lolene hardly ever wears make-up due to finding such beauty regiments tedious considering her occupation

Fei-Lolene is a virgin which is also due to her upbringing and current occupation. Although she does have attraction towards August Starfinder and Thor 

Fei-Lolene's design seems very generic when compared to the other established female characters of FORBIDDEN. However this was intentional in order to make Fei-Lolene feel more like a genuine fighter than your typical hot and sexually dressed fictional woman often portrayed in fantasy medias 

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