Friday, December 15, 2023

Future FORBIDDEN Characters Update 12/15/23

 Hey gang as you all know I'm constantly creating new characters as well as updating older character ideas. The following characters below are Helly, Spirit Guy (not the official name), Tsubame, Arlo, and Juno Malware. A brief description will be underneath each character but all is subject to change

Helinda "Helly" Carmichael 

Helly is the child of a Chilean mother and a Maylander father. After witnessing Hellin Strongs in battle several years ago. Helly became inspired by the demon hero and wanted to wield fire in the same manner she did as well as learn telepathy

Spirit Guy (Not The Official Name)

A Korean man who was cursed by a jealous friend to become haunted by a spirit. However instead of the spirit tormenting the man as expected, the spirit had become smitten and now serves to protect him instead


An attractive Japanese woman who harbors a vengeful spirit inside of her. Tsubame is a school teacher but day and a killer by night

Arlo Hamilton

Arlo is a beautiful woman who was once a man. Arlo longed to be beautiful as a woman and one day her wish had come true

NOTE: I'm still working the kinks out of Arlo's story but I'm trying to introduce my first transgender character to my FORBIDDEN universe

Juno Malware 

Juno Malware is a mysterious woman who possesses technopathy along with other outworldly abilities. She is a member of the special ops guild known as The Referred alongside Martika Snow and Erykah Shambles

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VAIN - The Witch Of Torment

 VAIN Artwork by Anne_Luc