Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Profile: Martika Snow


"Now what made you think a woman like me cared about something as trivial as ethics? I don't follow the rules or morals created by lesser individuals. I do whatever suits my goal and nothing less." - Martika Snow

"And you're a fucking bitch boy if you got offended." - Martika Snow 

Name: Martika Adore Snow

Age: 44 Years Old

Species: Human

Country: Mayland

Hair Color: Dyed lavender but naturally blonde

Eye Color: Cold Blue

Skin Color: Vanilla

Height: 5'9”

Weight: 137 Pounds

Powers: Telepathy plus magic mimicry

Allies: Erykah Shambles, King Siraphop, Setback, Dora, Juno Malware 

Affiliation: The Referred

Likes: Manipulation, vanilla iced coffee, bathing, stealing information

Dislikes: Missed opportunities, optimistic individuals, men


Martikia Snow is the daughter of Adriano and Maria Snow. She was born and raised in Tulip, Ariso. While Adriano served as a respectable sage to the public, the truth about Adriano was that he was anything but a good man. Often coming home drunk, he would often abuse his wife and daughter and threaten to kill them if they ever dared go to the authorities. Martika grew resentful of her parents, especially her father, and began seeking out a way to put an end to her unfortunate home life. 

Martika met a female Cambion by the name of Dora. Instinctively, Dora sensed that Martika had been abused and decided to help the girl. Dora taught Martika telepathy. One night Martika came home late from hanging out with her school friends. Upon entering the house, Martika witnessed her father choking her mother. Until then, Martika never used her telepathy to harm another; just to read the minds of those around her to ensure her safety. Fueled by the anger of enduring her father's abuse for years, Martika lashed out and took over her father's mind, forcing him to release his grip around her mother's neck. A dark thought entered Martika's mind as she saw the butcher knife her mother was using to cook dinner. Martika forced her father to grab the knife and, without hesitation, slit his own throat. Martika's mother watched in horror as her husband bled out before her eyes. Martika was relieved to see the bastard who made her childhood hell finally get what he deserved. It was at that very moment that Martika knew the type of woman she wanted to become, and it wasn't going to be the type one brings home to one’s parents.

Martika used her powers on her mother, altering her memories of her husband by making her believe he was always suicidal, and to lessen her emotions over his death. Martika didn't do this as an act of mercy, but to ensure her mother wouldn't become a burden to her any more than she had already been. Shortly afterwards, they moved to Blue Jay City and started a new life. Martika also stripped her mother of any romantic desires, so she would never marry again and only care about being a parent. Throughout her high school years, Martika used her powers cautiously, often to make her school experience a breeze, and didn't once care how her actions affected others. Martika also continued her telepathic training with Dora whenever she had downtime from school. Dora even taught Martika how to obtain other magical skills by downloading the memories from other sages. 

After college, Martika worked as a secretary at a law firm not too far from where she attended school. Because of her distrust in others, especially after reading the minds of her colleagues, Martika quit her job. At that time, Dora reached out to her former student with an opportunity she knew Martika wouldn't refuse. Upon hearing Dora's proposal for Martika to join Mayland's Hero Syndicate, she was naturally skeptical considering she didn't have the morals one would associate with a hero. However, it was for that very reason that Martika was perfect for a particular unit within the Hero Syndicate. Dora explained to her that she had an ex-boyfriend who was one of the higher ups in the Syndicate, and they were secretly scouting for sages who weren't psychopaths but didn't subscribe to the normal do-gooder mentality. 

Martika gave it some thought and ultimately decided to join the Hero Syndicate and was made a part of a special wet work team called The Referred, along with a Haitian woman named Erykah Shambles and a mysterious sage named Juno Malware. The Referred was a group of sages who either acted alone or together and were tasked with handling missions that the average sage wouldn't accept because of ethical reasons. Only a handful of sages knew of their existence within the syndicate. While becoming a "hero" was not on Martika's bingo card of life, joining the Syndicate did allow Martika to live a much more thrilling life than she had intended.


1. Martika Snow takes inspiration from the following fictional characters:

Martinique Jason from Marvel Comics

Rogue/Anna Marie from Marvel Comics

Jessica Sherawat from Resident Evil

2. Martika is one of the most unethical telepaths to exist within the FORBIDDEN universe; often reading the minds of practically anyone she meets without their consent.

3. Martika does not hate men with a misandry-type mindset. More or less she just doesn't trust men because of her father's actions as a kid. However, she is quite acquainted with a Thai man named "King".

4. While telepathy is Martika's main magical ability because of her training from Dora, Martika learned to steal spells and abilities from many sages and witches she has crossed. She is even able to permanently obtain whatever powers she mimics via telepathy from witches she has slain.


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