Thursday, December 7, 2023

Profile: Madame Xi


"Fate isn't this immovable object so many believe it to be. Instead, fate is like a river that flows in many directions. The destination is always changing and is only dictated by the choices one makes throughout their journey. I pray you will choose your path wisely." - Madame Xi

Name: Xi

Age: 2,901 

Race: Demon (Succubus)

Realm: The Underworld

Height: 5'8”

Weight: 132 Pounds

Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Red

Skin Color: Beige 

Powers: Madame Xi possesses precognitive abilities. Madame Xi also possesses common abilities for a demon such as superhuman strength, agility, durability, and regenerative powers. Madame Xi also uses Taoism based abilities.

Allies: Othello, Hellin, Mihoshi, Orsela, Ozzy, Onyx, James, Seanix, Lisa-Alice

Likes: Othello & her daughters, reading, meditation, Xiangqu (Chinese Chess), sewing

Dislikes: Unclear visions, Othello's over-indulgent behavior with sex, Mihoshi and Hellin's sibling rivalry, cheese, individuals who make reckless decisions

Favorite Food: Fried Mashi 


Bloodline Origin

Many centuries ago in Guangzhou, a man by the name of Xubin was framed for the murder of his wife. In reality, it was his jealous brother, Hong, who killed his brother's wife after she refused him. Xubin knew he was innocent and between that and his heartbreak of losing his wife, a normally kind man began forming malice in his heart. At his public execution among a crowd of watchers was a female demon who managed to hide her presence thanks to wearing a magical cloak. The demon used her empathic abilities to communicate with Xubin as he was about to be executed. Xubin pleaded with the demon to take his soul. The demon did just that, so at the time when Xubin was beheaded, the man felt no pain because his soul had already departed his physical body. 

Shortly after the demon returned to her home in the Underworld (the realm of demons), she fornicated with a male demon. Becoming pregnant, she gave birth several months later to an infant male demon and named the child Xubin. Her child was indeed the reincarnation of the Chinese man who was wrongfully executed. Now reborn as a demon, he would grow. Xubin grew up to be a mighty demon. He went back to China specifically to murder those responsible for his death when he was human, including Hong, his brother in his past life, who he discovered was responsible for framing him and murdering his then wife. Upon avenging his past self, Xubin returned to the Underworld and began making a new family of his own. Many centuries later through Xubin's bloodline, a succubus named Xi was born.

The Life Of The Succubus Seer

Xi along with her two elder brothers, Yim and Fel-Long, were descendants of the legendary demon Xubin. They were raised by their parents to quickly tap into their potential and to make sure they proved their worth in the world of demons. Yim specialized in Earth magic, Fei-Long in curse magic, and Xi possessed the ability to see various events in the future. Their parents trained them to hone their abilities and once one of their children reached the age of 25, they would be forced out of the house in order to stand on their own. Xi was the last of the three children to leave the house. Unlike her brothers who left exactly when they turned 25, Xi left her parents at the age of twenty-two. 

Living as a nomad within the Underworld for several years in order to hone her survival skills, Xi eventually followed a demon by the name of Bastian to China, a place within the Mortal Realm. The two soon went their separate ways as Bastian's purpose was to only hunt for prey. Xi, on the other hand, had ambitions much greater than the average demon. Learning about a practice called Taoism several years prior from her father, Xi was interested in learning more about the practice because she believed it would be beneficial to her growing precognitive abilities.

Xi remained in China for several years, making sure to keep her demonic presence hidden because of China's strict laws of executing any demon on sight. Thankfully, Xi managed to make friends with a male couple who practiced Taoism, and they trained her in the art as well. Eventually, Xi bade farewell to her human teachers and returned to her native realm. Xi traveled to Babylon, a powerful empire within the Underworld, and became employed by its then ruler, Diablo Rojas. Serving as the King of Babylon's advisor, Madame Xi used her abilities to assist Diablo in making the best decisions for his kingdom as well as making him aware of possible threats to his throne. Although Madame Xi did her job very well, unfortunately, Diablo wasn't exactly a kind ruler. Whenever Diablo was in a bad mood, he was known to lash out at his servants and Madame Xi was no exception. It was okay, though. Whatever abuse Diablo dealt upon her was worth it, for Madame Xi had her own agenda that she needed to see through to the end. 

Many centuries later, Diablo hosted a contest for female demons and the winner was selected as his bride. One of the demons who entered the contest was a woman named Othello. Unbeknownst to anyone else, Othello was the very woman Madame Xi was waiting on, for she knew she would be the one to end Diablo's reign and become Babylon's newest ruler. Othello won Diablo's contest and became his bride shortly afterwards. As the Queen of Babylon she was still subservient to her husband. Othello lived a luxurious lifestyle, but often felt Diablo's wrath whenever he believed she stepped out of line. Madame Xi often consoled Othello and the two became close friends. Madame Xi even began alerting Othello of various events before telling Diablo, and what she did tell him wasn't as concrete as what she told his wife.

A few years later, Othello gave birth to Diablo's firstborn, Mihoshi, which brought Diablo great dissatisfaction because he wanted a boy as his firstborn. Othello then become miraculously pregnant with another child she named Helliin. She received a warning from Xi a few months prior, but Othello thought the vision was bullshit. It was at that very moment that Othello decided to fully confide in Xi and made her swear loyalty only to her. Madame Xi accepted this, and the two women worked together in their quest to remove Diablo from the throne as he was becoming more erratic with each passing day. 
Eventually, Diablo became scornful towards Hellin, a child who was not his blood but forced upon him because of the unorthodox way she was birthed. Diablo also sensed the young demon's potential and wanted her powers for himself. Madame Xi knew this day would come and made sure to prepare Othello for the moment when Diablo made his move against an infant Hellin. That night, Diablo intended to make good on his plans to get rid of Hellin and take the young demon's powers for himself. After fucking Othello, he made her drink a serum that put her in a heavy sleep. Unfortunately for him, Othello knew this would happen and made the proper preparations to counter the serum's effect. Diablo then attempted to kill Hellin, but his plans were thwarted because Othello had turned his guards against him. When Diablo realized that Othello knew of his plans, it was already too late. Othello killed him before retrieving her daughter. All of this was thanks to Madame Xi, who plotted against Diablo centuries prior when she intentionally joined his kingdom to make way for Babylon's future ruler, Othello Strongs.

After Othello became the sole ruler of Babylon and ran the queendom to her liking, Othello thanked Madame Xi for being loyal to her and rewarded her loyalty by making Madame Xi her right-hand woman. Madame Xi also assisted Othello in raising both her biological daughters, Mihoshi and Hellin, as well as her adoptive daughter, Orsela Geno. Madame Xi wasn’t always able to decipher future events, but the ones she did fully understand, she told Othello immediately, which aided the Queen in protecting her throne. 

One might wonder: If Madame Xi has such a grand foresight, why not take Babylon for herself? The truth of the matter is Madame Xi is more than happy to serve as long as the ruler is someone she respects and Othello, despite her promiscuity, fits Madame Xi's vision for Babylon perfectly.


1. Madame Xi is a demon of Chinese origin because her ancestor was human prior to being reborn a demon, which explains her strong Chinese physical appearance despite being a full-fledged demon.

2. Madame Xi is one of the strongest seers in her universe and has the potential to become one of the strongest seers in the Onyxeverse.

3. Madame Xi is fluent in Mandarin and Cantonese as well as her respective demon tongue and English.

4. Madame Xi hasn't seen her brothers since they left the house. There are no hard feelings among her and her siblings, they simply live different lives; she has confirmed that both Yim and Fei-Long are still alive.

5. Othello is not the type to keep female companions because of her disdain for most women outside of her daughters, and she views many women as pests. Othello; however, is very warm towards Madame Xi because of her high trust in her. The only time she's stern towards her is when she is enforcing her authority over her citizens of Babylon.

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