Wednesday, August 3, 2022

Profile - Gabrielle Labarga


"I'm tough, got good pussy, and the coolest little summons your sorry ass could ever imagine. If only my boyfriend and my teammates were nearly as cool as me." - Gabrielle Labarga 

Name: Gabrielle Labarga

Age: 25

Country: Spain

Height: 5'7”

Weight: 122 Pounds

Hair Color: Light Auburn

Eye Color: Dandelion

Occupation: Leader of Team Shock/Treasure Hunter

Likes: Her teammates especially Gladys. Raunchy stories, traveling, vanilla flavored sodas, Albondigas

Dislikes: Boring people, overly protective parents, dead ends, losing an argument, frogs, arguing with Da-Xia

Allies: Gladys Rabaso, Bain Vasquez, Da-Xia Zhen, Eaton Chu

Powers: Gabrielle is a user of the Scriptures of Damnation, which allows her to summon various monster like creatures that were formed by the souls of individuals from other worlds who died tragic deaths. Each of her summons possesses its own unique ability. 


Twenty six years before her birth, Gabrielle had an older sister with the same name that had lost her life to a demon. Once her parents accepted their grief, they decided to have another child. Unlike their previous daughter, who was only a low-level sage, they ensured that their new daughter wouldn’t suffer the same fate. On Gabrielle's eighth birthday, her parents led her to the basement to blow out the candles on her cake. In actuality, her parents prepared a special ritual in order for their daughter to receive supernatural powers from a book called The Scriptures of Damnation. After blowing out the candles and eating her slice, Gabrielle's parents opened a book for her to read. Upon seeing the book, the young girl felt uneasy, but was encouraged by her parents to read the first passage. After reading the passage, Gabrielle immediately felt something unearthly was about to happen. Spirits began swarming the basement as the young girl stood terrified. Both parents watched cautiously as the spirits surrounded their daughter and lifted her into the air. Once the ritual was complete, Gabrielle's father rushed to catch his daughter who dropped from mid-air. 

With the ritual now complete, Gabrielle's parents were relieved that their daughter would now be the wielder of many powerful spirits; the spirits being those of individuals from their world and many others who died tragic deaths. This was all thanks to the book discovered by Gabrielle's great-grandfather many centuries ago when he was a Treasure Hunter. At first, Gabrielle was furious with her parents because she never wanted to have anything to do with magic because of all the stories she heard about Sages losing their lives while fighting the good fight; most important, because of what happened to her elder sister. Overtime, though, as Gabrielle began to understand her powers better, the powers she once despised became a wonderful gift. The first spirit she ever formed a contract with was a fiery ice cream looking spirit named Cheshire. 

After completing high school, Gabrielle decided to use her gifts and become a Treasure Hunter. Despite her parents protests, Gabrielle disregarded their concerns and joined her country's Treasure Hunter Academy. Upon completion of her academy duties, Gabrielle became a certified T.H. However, because she didn’t get along with any of the other T.Hs. in training, the young Spaniard woman ended up having no traveling buddies upon graduation. Thus, Gabrielle turned out to be a solo Treasure Hunter.  While not a foreign concept because  solo T.Hs. such as Okubi Nox, Adeel Alvi, and many other citizens of the Mortal Realm worked alone, it’s highly recommended to have allies to travel alongside because being a Treasure Hunter is a dangerous job because of the places one travels to find rare treasures and artifacts. There is also the danger of encountering other Treasure Hunters who may be in pursuit of the same valuables and are willing to kill to claim them. Nonetheless, Gabrielle did not worry because she considered her spirits her partners and didn't care that she would be "alone" on her adventures. Shortly after leaving Spain and traveling to Malaysia, she was commissioned by a woman living in Kuala Lumpur to find a special treasure.

During her journey in search of the treasure, Gabrielle encountered a squad of Treasure Hunters who were also pursuing the same treasure. Gabrielle immediately began insulting  the opposing T.Hs. That made them very angry and they planned on killing her. While Gabrielle was more than capable of handling them on her own, she ended up being "saved" by the Taiwanese duo Da-Xia and Eaton who used their magic to defeat the opposing Treasure Hunters. Afterwards, Gabrielle convinced the two to join her and thus began the formation of the Treasure Hunters known as TEAM SHOCK. Sometime later, a Honduran man named Bain Vasquez joined Team Shock and, finally, a demon male named Gladys Rabaso was also added to Gabrielle's group.


1. Gabrielle has an older dead sister with the same name as her.

2. Gabrielle design was inspired by Katarina Alves from the TEKKEN series.

3. Gabrielle, while inspired by Katarina, isn't Brazilian but Spaniard as mentioned in her bio/profile.

4. Gabrielle also takes inspiration from another character named Hermes Gberadni from the CHAOS CODE series.

5. While Gabrielle loves all her current summoning as she'll be able to summon more creatures in the future, her favorite one is Cheshire, a melted ice cream creature with blue flames emitting from her head.

6. Gabrielle enjoys sex and is thankful her boyfriend, Gladys, is a demon which are known for their high stamina in the bedroom.

7. Gabrielle openly despises prudish people.

8. Dandelion is her favorite color.

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