Saturday, August 27, 2022

Profile: Jude & Caden


"I Pride Myself At Being A Very Reasonable Man. However There Is No Forgiveness In My Heart For Anyone Who Threatens My Caden!" - Jude Arias 

Placeholder Concept Art

Name: Jude Arias & Caden Arias 

Age: Jude (28)  Caden (3)

Country: Dominican Republic (Currently resides in Mayland)

Skin Color: Jude (Dark Brown) Caden (Beige)

Hair Color: Jude (Dirty Blonde) Caden (Auburn Brown)

Eye Color: Jude (Green) Caden (Green but originally Red)

Height: Jude (5'11) Caden (3 1/2) 

Weight: Jude (166 Pounds) Caden (30 Pounds)

Likes: (Jude) His Nephew, Writing, Attractive and Calm Men, RPG Based Games, Jogging, Cooking, the story of Cinderella (Caden) His Uncle, Chicken Nuggets, Sweet Cereal, Going To The Park, Shooky The Shark, Orange Soda

Dislikes - (Jude) Caden being sad or fussy, Deadlines, His Sister, The Smell of Cinnamon, Train Delays, Very Cold Weather (Caden) When Uncle is sad, mashed potatoes, nap time, bad people, licorice, scary stuffed animals, non cartoon based shows

Powers: Jude possesses access to demonic based abilities thanks to his special bond with his nephew, Caden. In reality the powers Jude uses belong to Caden

Backstory: Born and raised in the Dominican Republic, Jude lived a relatively normal life and avoided those with magic since he's had a dislike for magic ever since childhood. After College, Jude would work as an editor for a local Newspaper company and enjoyed his uneventful life. However it all changed when he received a phone call from his sister, Delilah. Upon visiting his sister, Jude was shocked that not only was his sister pregnant, but Delilah was minutes away from giving birth to her half demon child. Due to having had unprotected sex with a demon she met in Martinique, Jude assisted Delilah in giving birth to her baby which would be either his niece or nephew. Upon the baby exiting his sister's womb, Jude felt an unexplained but instant connection with his nephew. Jude would then clean up and lay his nephew down on the couch before discussing the situation with his sister. After a long talk, Jude would decide to stay the night in order to go with his sister and nephew to the local hospital. However while Jude was resting in bed, Delilah began to plotting the murder of her newborn baby. Knowing that despite being part demon that it takes over a month before a demon's regenerative abilities are properly active and even slower for that of a half demon, Delilah planned on beheading her baby and planned on lying to Jude that her infant had attempted to kill her.

Unfortunately right as Delilah was making her move to kill her baby. Jude had awoken and was horrified to witness his sister holding a knife above his nephew's body. Instinctively, Jude charged at his older sister and the two began to wrestle for control of the knife. Accidentally Jude had slit his sister's throat just as his nephew awoken from his sleep. While mortified for having unintentionally murdered his sister, Jude turned his attention to his nephew. Fearing that if he explained what happened to the authorities that they wouldn't believe him and he would go to prison, Jude did his best to rid of the evidence of his sister's murder that he could before taking Caden. Caden, a name he had given to his nephew, and himself left the DR. Fortunately there was a demon dressed in purple with unique yellow hair who was aware of the situation and had made Delilah's death look like a suicide. Jude with Caden would move to Mayland where he would start a new life together with his half demon (Cambion) nephew. Due to the unique bond Jude had developed with Caden, he would end up gaining an evil eye tattoo right beneath his clavicle as well as obtaining darkness based powers. Jude uses his newfound abilities to protect Caden from danger until he's old to protect himself.


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