Saturday, August 27, 2022

Profile: Da-Xia Zhao & Eaton Chu

The Duo Elemental Wielding Lovers

Eaton (left) and Da-Xia (right)

Name: Eaton Chu & Da-Xia Zhao

Age: Both are 23-years-old

Country: Taiwan

Ethnicity: Eaton is a full blooded Taiwanese man & Da-Xia is half-Taiwanese from his mother and French from his father

Height: 5'8" (Eaton) & 5'7" (Da-Xia)

Weight: 210 Pounds (Eaton) 177 Pounds (Da-Xia)

Eye Colors: Right Eye Cerulean & Left Eye Beige (Eaton) Right Eye Gray & Left Eye Scarlet (Da-Xia)

Occupation: Members of TEAM SHOCK/Treasure Hunters

Powers: Eaton possesses earth and water-based magical powers and Da-Xia possesses fire and wind-based magical powers

Eaton's Likes: Da-Xia, his teammates, honesty, practicing his Tai-Chi skills, Chinese checkers, Shanghai Noodles

Da-Xia's Likes: Eaton, his mother, playing his drums, french fries w/ honey mustard, K-pop

STORY: Da-Xia and Eaton are childhood friends turned lovers. Upon meeting each other seventeen years ago, each other's magical abilities were triggered, which was only the beginning of cementing their eternal bond. Da-Xia is the son of the famous Taiwanese actress, Prina Zhao, who during her vacation in France had a one night stand with a French sage. Shortly afterwards, Prina discovered she was pregnant as she was headed back home to Taiwan to stay with her mother for the next few years. Prina had contemplated having an abortion since she wasn't keen on raising a fatherless child. However, between her mother's stern words and the fact that Prina was very wealthy, the actress changed her mind and decided to have her son whom she named Da-Xia. Growing up, Da-Xia enjoyed the luxuries of any privileged child. He not only had his mother and grandmother to raise him, but also a live-in nanny.

A few years later while playing at the park with his nanny in attendance, as the nanny chatted on her phone with her family, a group of young boys began pestering Da-Xia, who became increasingly annoyed by their presence. Before the situation escalated, a young boy named Eaton stepped in and chased the kids away. Eaton was the son of a local priest by the name of Lucas who was very well-respected within the community. Eaton represented his father well by having the same mannerisms and helping those in need. The two boys felt a powerful connection upon locking eyes with each other. They knew from that day forward they wouldn't be able to live without each other and planned on finding a way to be together. That very night when Da-Xia returned home to his mother and grandmother, the young boy began exhibiting signs of magic as he began creating fire and wind with the simplest of hand movements. Prina was shocked seeing her son do such things since she'd never taken him to any sage to learn magic. That's when they all realized that Da-Xia was a Natural (a Natural is an individual born with magic and not one who is taught it). Going over the events that happened in the park with her son, Prina was determined to find this Eaton kid since she was quite certain he had something to do with her son's magical awakening.

That very night, Prina and Da-Xia went to visit Lucas and his son, Eaton, at the church to discuss the situation. Shortly after the two parents became acquainted, Prina learned from Lucas that Eaton had also displayed a sudden usage of magical abilities that allowed him to create water and minerals from out of thin air. Meanwhile, Da-Xia and Eaton met each other once again and upon locking eyes, the two boys' eye colors had changed from the typical brown colored eyes that Taiwanese people usually have. Da-Xia's right eye changed to gray and his left eye scarlet. Eaton's right eye changed to beige and his left eye cerulean. Realizing not only were both of their children Naturals but that they triggered each other's magical abilities, Prina and Lucas were now tasked with raising their magical sons. They also realized that their sons were about to become an inseparable duo. Each day after school, Eaton would leave from his public school to pick up Da-Xia, who went to  private school. Da-Xia hated going to private school because he wanted to be with Eaton all the time. Eventually, after numerous complaints to his mother and grandmother, Da-Xia was transferred out of private school so he could attend the same public school as Eaton. The two boys continued enjoying their time together as they practiced their magical talents every day after school under Lucas's supervision. 

One day after coming home from hanging out with Eaton and Lucas, Da-Xia received news that his mother had ended her break from acting and she would be taking on a new movie role, which required her to leave Taiwan as the movie was being filmed in Japan. Suffice to say, Da-Xia was not happy with this news since he knew he would have to leave Taiwan and go with his mother to Japan. At first, Prina had no intention of giving into her son's complaints as she fully intended to return to the life of acting. Yet, when she met with Lucas to let him know that she was going to Japan and taking Da-Xia with her, Lucas explained to her that Eaton had become depressed that Da-Xia was moving away and asked the actress if they could come to some sort of arrangement where she can go work in Japan while Da-Xia remained in Taiwan. Realizing that her son would be absolutely miserable if he ended up going to Japan with her, Prina decided to leave Da-Xia in Lucas's care and made certain that Lucas would have him call her on the regular. Prina also made sure to send Lucas money through MoneyMagic (an app to send money) to continuously support her child even while far away. Prina would instead take her mother with her while leaving Da-Xia in the care of Lucas and Eaton. Years went by as Eaton and Da-Xia's bond grew stronger. 

One day after finishing his fifth period class in high school, Da-Xia spotted Eaton talking to a girl who had given him a snack box (a snack box is given by a woman to a man she is romantically pursuing). Immediately, this caused him great jealousy as he feared Eaton would fall in love with the girl and abandon him. Da-Xia went the rest of the day avoiding Eaton, which confused the latter since they normally hung out as often as possible when their schedules didn't conflict. After school, Eaton made certain to confront Da-Xia as he pulled him away to somewhere private. Da-Xia reluctantly explained to Eaton that he saw him talking to a girl who had given him a snack box. Da-Xia didn't like that someone was pursuing Eaton since he had secretly developed romantic feelings toward him. Eaton angrily revealed that the girl who spoke to him earlier wasn't pursuing him but Da-Xia instead. She didn't have the courage to give the snack box to him, which was why she gave the box to Eaton. Despite keeping his composure while talking to the girl, Eaton felt furious on the inside knowing that someone was interested in Da-Xia, realizing that the two of them were in love with each other. Da-Xia and Eaton embraced and began making out, having started off as close friends and transitioning into lovers. Concerned that their relationship would not be well-received by those around them because many of their associates viewed the duo as brothers despite no blood relation, Da-Xia convinced Eaton to start a new life with him in Malaysia. Not wanting to let their parents know about their future plans, the two found work shortly after finishing high school to make their own money until they saved up enough to leave Taiwan. Meanwhile, they continued dating privately. Whenever Lucas wasn't around, the two of them unleashed their inner lust for each other. Eventually they saved enough money and the two young men bade Lucas farewell. They promised to keep in contact with Lucas and call him on the regular. Luckily, Lucas wouldn't be alone since he had hired an assistant named Meiying. Da-Xia also called his mother, who was filming a project in Mayland, and told her he was going to live in Malaysia. 

A few days after arriving in Malaysia as the two young men settled in, they went for a walk in order to familiarize themselves with the area. They spotted a Spaniard woman with auburn hair and dressed in yellow and black being confronted by a group of mischievous individuals. While the two really didn't want to get involved, their morals would not allow them to leave a woman in distress. They used their combined magical powers and defeated the individuals, only to discover that the woman didn't need their assistance. Nevertheless, the woman thanked them and introduced herself as Gabrielle Labarga, a Treasure Hunter hailing from Spain. Gabrielle then offered Da-Xia and Eaton to join her in becoming Treasure Hunters as well. The two lovers took a few moments to think things over but since neither of them really had thought things through upon arriving to Malaysia and knowing that Treasure Hunters made good money, the two decided to join Gabrielle and thus began the formation of TEAM SHOCK.


1. Da-Xia & Eaton are inspired by the characters Wang Zhen Wen & Zhang Lin Qin from Taiwanese BL (Boy Love) Crossing The Line

2. Da-Xia's biological father is a French sage who I hope to properly introduce in the FORBIDDEN universe in the near future

3. Da-Xia and Eaton's power sets are intentionally complementary to one another. Also their powers match their personalities as Da-Xia is more brash while Eaton is usually very calm

4. Da-Xia and Eaton are the first two to join Gabrielle forming TEAM SHOCK. Bain and Gladys join them shortly afterwards during their adventures 

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