Saturday, August 27, 2022

Profile - Setback


Name: Keisha Lovell A.K.A. Setback

Age: 28

Height: 5'6"

Weight: 117 Pounds

Race: Human

Sex: Female

Hair Color: Dandelion

Eye Color: Honey Brown

Skin Color: Medium Brown

Weapon: Dual pistols "Mark" and "Vee", various grenades, and her spray paint

Occupation: Spy

Allies: August Starfinder, Vritra, Jia Xiaoyu, Nara Asamura, Apollyn

Likes: Adventures, hacking, graffiti, vibrators (adult toy), candy corn, caramel apple, fixing broken electronics

Dislikes: Hand-to-hand combat, collard greens, people with no sense of humor, cold weather

STORY: Keisha Lovell, aka: Setback, is a young black Maladian (a name for citizens born in Mayland) woman who specializes in espionage. Raised solely by her father, Gerald, because her mother had died while on a mission just a few months after giving birth to her, Keisha enjoyed a relatively normal childhood. Her father made certain to raise her to understand the importance of independence. By the time Keisha was thirteen, she knew more about having to survive in the world than most kids her age. She was also taught by her father how to hack computers and gather intel on various individuals. Two days after her fifteenth birthday, Keisha's father decided that his daughter was more than capable of living on her own because he wanted to reunite with his former guidemates who he had to leave years ago in order to raise his daughter. Although sad to no longer have her father around, Keisha was up to the task of living on her own, especially since she had the means of making money both legally and illegally.

Years later, while living in New York and attending college in Brooklyn, Keisha enlisted in her local Hero Syndicate, an organization that gave various missions throughout Mayland dependent upon skill level and numbers, if they were a group. Keisha only had herself and didn't possess any magical abilities. Instead, she used manmade weaponry. Using the self-given codename, Setback, Keisha was often given D and C ranked assignments because the Hero Syndicate didn't want to task her with assignments that were too dangerous for a young human who used neither magic nor had allies to work with. While Setback handled all of her various assignments from the Syndicate with ease as well as college life with no issues, the young woman became furious with her tedious assignments and wanted a mission that would truly put her skills to the test. Knowing the H.S. wouldn't willingly give her an assignment higher than a C rank, Setback knew she had to take matters into her own hands in order to truly show her capabilities.

One day while taking a day off from class, Keisha went to a local library and hacked into the computer system of the H.S. She gave herself an A-ranked mission. Despite the dangers of such a mission, Setback was confident she could hold her own. After all, she was smarter than most beings in the mortal realm and her trusted twin pistols "Mark" and "Vee" were always at her side. Having successfully completed her personal task, Setback prepared herself for her first A-ranked assignment. She traveled to a warehouse in Ariso. The place was heavily guarded by henchmen of the mobster named Trevor Li. Despite the odds being against her, the young woman believed with her intellect and weapon usage she'd overcome whatever obstacles awaited her. Everything was going smoothly until one of Mr. Li's goons, who possessed sensory magic, discovered her. Backup arrived on the scene seconds later. Despite her best efforts to get out of dodge, Setback was captured by one of Li's henchmen who possessed ice magic. Thrown into a basement in the warehouse, Mr. Li intended to use Setback for one of his many unethical experiments. Fortunately, the veteran bounty hunter, August Starfinder, along with his mysterious associate from India named Vritra, were on the scene. The two of them also had been seeking out the mobster in order to take him down for good. Thanks to their combined skills and abilities, Starfinder and Vritra defeated Mr. Li and his men and found and rescued Setback.

The two experienced heroes quickly realized that the girl lacked the experience for such a high level assignment. That prompted them to find out how she ended up being tasked with an A-ranked mission. Learning that Setback hacked her way into the H.S. system, Vritra immediately wanted to hand the girl over to the authorities. Starfinder intervened on Setback's behalf and managed to convince Vritra to let him deal with the hacker. Shortly afterwards, August began training Setback by taking her on various missions with him regardless if they were A or D ranked. He showed her the various dangers and how to properly engage each and every one of them. Starfinder also knew that as a non-magic user, she would have to sometimes rely on fighting alongside others to make up for the abilities she lacked. Setback marvelously completed her training with Starfinder, and he felt confident enough to not have her tag along with him on most of his assignments. The two remained in contact for both business and personal reasons. Using the knowledge she gained throughout the years, Setback would eventually become a spy. She would be hired by various influential beings throughout the mortal realm. She would aid her clients in various tasks in order for them to keep their hands clean. Setback didn't mind as long as they paid well and dared not to cross her.


1. Setback was inspired by me playing the action/shooting game Agents Of Mayhem

2. While not intentional on my part. Setback bares some resemblance to video game character Lifeline from Apex Legends 

3. Setback's twin pink colored pistols "Mark" & "Vee" are named after the two lead characters from the BL (Boy Love) series Love Mechanics

4. Setback possesses high magic potential but ever since she was a child she always preferred technology and weaponry than learning magic

5. Setback is a descendant of Mayland's 22nd King 

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