Monday, August 22, 2022

Angelina Murai Skill Set


Angelina's Attacks

Skill Set Explanation

1. Condemn: Angelina quickly spins her yo-yo "Aisyn The Brave" before striking her opponent. Angelina can either strike forward or diagonal 

2. Backfire: Angelina spins her yo-yo in front of her like a shield. While doing this she is able to reflect any projectile back to it's user

3. Sky Drill (In Air): Angelina surrounds her lower body in magical energy that takes the shape of a drill. Angelina uses this attack to strike a grounded opponent

4. Grand Cannon: Angelina summons a small but powerful canon that shoots out a magical fireball at her target

5. Starstruck: Angelina envelopes her left leg in magical energy as she performs a standing slash attack 

6. Aurora Revolution: Angelina swiftly leaps into the air spinning her body in a 360 motion. While doing so she unleashes her yo-yo which spins in a 360 motion as well. Angelina unleashes an icy attack from her magical weapon 


1. Harajuku Blitz - Angelina takes a small leap into the air as she summons her yo-yo into her hand. Transforming her yo-yo to become ten times its size. Angelina unleashes her weapon towards her target and strikes them multiple times

2. Summon Roberto - Angelina summons her teddy bear companion Roberto to fight alongside her. While Roberto is fighting alongside Angelina. The giant bear can do the following attacks

- Swiftly strike with his clawed hand

- Perform a powerful strike with his stomach

- Unleashing a magenta colored energy beam from his mouth

- Grab Angelina's opponent and throw them into the air

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