Friday, August 5, 2022

Battle For The Yama Yazar

Battle For The Yama Yazar 

In the country of Myanmar there is a group of young and talented sages receiving their daily training inside the Shwesandaw Pagoda. The young sages are led by their teachers Mr. Wai and Ms. Chesa, both who had lived for many centuries and are very skilled sages. Mr. Wai, a tall and muscular man with long gray hair with earthen green colored streaks and dressed in the traditional longyi. Wai is a skilled sage who specializes in plant and rock based magic. Ms. Chesa is a blonde haired woman with streaks of dark brown weaved nicely in her hair wears a sari and a blouse and dupattas that compliments her hair color. Chesa is a sage who has been deemed knowledgeable in a variety of magic but specializes in barrier type magic. While training their usual 23 students in what seems to be a typical day in the temple. One of the students named Ami began to sense something sinister coming towards the temple. A gut feeling a typical human would call it, but it took over her sensory and coated her skin like a sheer coat of sweat and trepidation. Seconds after Mr. Wai, Ms. Chesa, and several other students sensed a disturbance rushing towards them. Before anyone could react, the wall leading into the training quarters for the students is broken. Standing in front of the hole stood seven mischievous individuals. The leader of the group, who looked almost identical to Wai, stood in the front. He was a tall and muscular man with white hair tied in a braid. His figure seen wearing a turquoise colored ninja suit with exposed arms and a defined six pack that was visible due to the tightness of his suit. The man stared intently towards Wai, who positioned himself in front of his students with Chesa by his side. The turquoise dressed man raised his left hand, pointing angrily at Wai as he began to speak

Maung: I have been waiting for a long time for this day... brother!

Wai: How dare you show your face here, Maung! I knew it was a mistake sparing your miserable life so many centuries ago. Fear not, for I shall rectify my wrong today!

Maung: If anyone is going to correct their mistake, it will be ME!

Chesa: These are sacred grounds... our beloved temple! How dare you and your goons disrespect Myanmar in such a manner?

Maung: I have no loyalty to this damn country, Chesa! I only care about one thing and it's in the fucking possession of my arrogant, piece of shit of a brother!

Wai: I thought if I spared your shit stain of an existence, that you would cease your foolish desire to possess the Yama Yazar Stone! Father entrusted the stone with me before his death. In order for it not to fall into the hands of a madman... such as yourself!

Maung: That old bastard always valued you more than me! The opinion of a corpse matters not to me and soon you shall be one as well! So unless you want Chesa and your precious students to join you in death brother, I suggest you just give me the stone. Do so and I may consider sparring your worthless life! Otherwise my comrades and I are going to paint the temple with all of your blood!

Wai: It's you and your foolish friends that will be the ones to die today! Chesa! Get the students and you out of the temple immediately! I shall deal with my brother and his goons alone. Just send for help as soon as possible because I'm fairly certain this will be my last battle

Chesa: ARE YOU KIDDING ME? I will not leave you to fight all of these monsters by yourself!

Wai: CHESA! I'm one single person but the safety of the students is our responsibility! These young sages are the future of Myanmar and they must be protected until they are strong enough to become the protectors of our great country

Maung: What a mundane conversation between such insignificant individuals. My comrades and I are going to enjoy annihilating each and every single of you in this temple! JENKINS! Make sure not a single soul leaves this temple at least alive

A petite woman dressed in purple and black colored goth fashion steps away from her other mischievous allies and stands next to Maung who stood in front of them. Jenkins holds her hands out in front of her, focus placed on summoning a gigantic shadowy monster that appears from behind the students, blocking their way towards the exit. Instinctively both Wai and Chesa went into their battle stances, the students standing cautiously behind their teachers. Stepping up alongside Maung and Jenkins, were the remainder of the goons. One being a tall and muscular female demon with the skin complexion to be compared to a deeper toned orange by the name Sorkra. A tall and vicious looking goblin who wielded four swords named Iron. An attractive female witch with a sinister aura dressed in royal purple named Mora and a male witch dressed in a black cloak named Kaizer, magical whip wielded in his hand. Wai and Chesa looked cautiously at their enemies as they mentally began planning a strategy to battle their foes. Along with protecting their students from harm and minimizing the potential damage that the temple was sure to receive due to their inevitable battle, the Yama Yazar Stone and innocent lives needed to be protected. Maung, with eyes filled with hate, began forming a ball of sickly green colored fire in his hands. Immediately he unleashes the attack towards Wai, Chesa, and the students. Chesa quickly acts and creates a barrier to protect Wai, the students, and herself.

Maung: Despite your age, you seem to be still as agile as ever with your barriers Chesa. Yet, it won’t matter because not even your strongest barrier will spare any of you from my wrath. The only chance of your survival, is the hand over the stone!

???: Well that's not going to fucking happen!

 Stunned by the unknown voice, everyone turns over to the corner of the room and spots six individuals standing together in the room. A blonde haired woman with brown skin dressed in a red skin tight suit with blue sash around her waist. A man with short black hair dressed in risque pink attire with his skin color a shade lighter than the woman. A woman with greenish-yellow hair wearing a black and sea green colored jacket with vanilla colored skin. A tall and muscular darker brown skinned man with golden rings on his body who wore lavender colored boxing shorts. A Greek blonde haired woman with fair skin who wore a see through white dress with star fish designed pasties to cover her nipples, and lastly a young medium brown skin girl with long black hair with a streak of her hair being lime green colored and wearing a white tube top and blue jeans. These six individuals were the heroes Hellin Strongs, King Onyx, Orsela Geno, Trevyn Aliyu, Scylla Baros, and Jesica Starry. During the conflict with Wai, Chesa, and Muang, the heroes had arrived at the temple; thanks to Hellin and Onyx's telepathic abilities, the heroes masked their appearance from everyone within the temple's training grounds until now. Shocked by the appearance of allies—especially since they couldn't or at least shouldn't have known that there were any immediate dangers taking place in Myanmar—Wai turns to the heroes and question on why they are here in the temple

Wai: Hellin Strongs! King Onyx! Why are the Mayland heroes suddenly hear in this temple?

Muang: My sentiments exactly! Why are you fucking nuisances here right now?

Hellin: Wai, you should be thanking your lucky fucking stars my friends and I are here to help with your problem. As for you, fucker in the ugly ninja suit! My friends and I are here to kill your sorry ass if you don't use that peanut brain of yours, get you and your goons out of here this instant!

Onyx: To actually answer your question Wai, I simply must bring your attention to the lovely lady with greenish-yellow hair, Orsela. Well she possesses precognitive abilities. While we were having a nice time at a local bar in Arundel, Orsela had a vision of an attack taking place in a temple within Myanmar. Thankfully due to her description of her vision, I was able to realize the location was no other than the Shwesandaw Pagoda. My friends and I are here to prevent a potential major catastrophe from taking place.

Sorkra: Well your efforts shall be in vain, you imbecile of a King! We are here to retrieve the Yama Yazar Stone from our leader's brother and we will not leave until we accomplish our goal. So if you and your pathetic friends want to die here as well, then be our guest!

Chesa: Well I'm glad you arrived here when you did heroes. Although some of you could have worn more clothing.

Scylla: I am wearing clothes, you prudish woman! My body is marvelous and besides, I'm a water sorceress. I constantly get wet so why bother wearing heavy clothing? I do not conform to the fashion trends others deem appropriate.

Onyx: And as the nicknamed "Naked King" I have a reputation to uphold lol

Mora: I recognize you two demons. The both of you are telepaths and I cannot risk either of you playing mind games with us... CLOSED MIND!

Mora's radiates a gold and purple aura from her body as she places both her hands over her head. The same aura then appears around the body of Muang, Jenkins, Kaizer, Iron, and Sorkra. The heroes, with the exception of Onyx and Orsela, stare at the villainous group with puzzled looks on their faces

Hellin: What the fuck did you just do bitch?

Onyx: CLOSED MIND is a spell that prevents telepaths from evading the thoughts of the individual or individuals protected by the spell. The spell is only stays in effect until the one who cast it is unconscious or dead!

Hellin: Oh so the bitch prevented us from just controlling her friends and her like puppets. Doesn’t matter. I prefer fighting with my fist anyways.

Jesica: So I guess my hologram illusions are also out of the question then.

Orsela: Indeed it is, Jes.

Maung: Nice work Mora! Now that you fuckers can't attack our minds, it will make dealing with all of you that much easier!

Wai: No matter how hard you try, I will not surrender the stone to you! Chesa! Onyx! Please get the students to safety! The rest of you pick an opponent and vanquish them!

Hellin: I will handle their demon.

Scylla: I'll deal with the weapon wielding orc.

Orsela: Jesica and I will deal with the whip user.

Trevyn: I guess goth girl is going to be my opponent then.

Jenkins: Guess again, Nigerian! I'm going to prevent that flamboyant King, the hag, and those stupid children from escaping this temple with my shadow.

Onyx and Chesa lead the children towards the exit, but the giant shadow monster that was summoned by Jenkins earlier still stood in the way of the exit. Onyx quickly created a powerful ball of water within his hand and threw it at the shadow. The watery attack causes the shadow to recoil, allowing the students, Chesa, and Onyx to rush to the exit. Jenkins attempted to go after them but Maung tells her to stay instead as she'll end up battling the Nigerian Prince after all. Wai’s only focus is now on his brother as the heroes prepare to do battle against their chosen nemesis.

Maung: Do not think for a second that the Chesa, Mayland's idiot King, and your students will easily escape from the temple.

Wai: And why is that? 

Maung: Let's just say that these powerful individuals here are not my only cohorts. Now brother, it's time for you and your pathetic allies to die!

The heroes immediately engaged their opponents in battle. Hellin takes on Sorkra head on with the demons brutally trying to strike one another. Scylla throws various water projectiles at Iron as she remains vigilant of the orc's deadly sword strikes. Orsela summons her Nox monsters Macky & Granny Apple Pie to her side as she faces off against Mora. Trevyn activates his artificial angelic powers as he goes up against Jenkins. Thus leaving Jesica to battle against Kaizer and his magical whip. Wai battles Maung, each brother uses their elemental powers in order to strike the other one down. Wai manipulates and combines his earthen and plant based spells as Maung countered with his sickly green colored flames. Meanwhile, Onyx had successfully helped Chesa and the students escape the training grounds of the temple; they still have a good ways to go before escaping the temple itself. Onyx decides now would be a perfect time to open a portal to get them all out swiftly, Suddenly Onyx senses the presence of an incoming attack. Quickly the king dodges the incoming attack but unfortunately Chesa and the students have been struck by an icy blue colored electricity, causing them all to crumple to the ground. Onyx watches in shock before two alien-like individuals step out of the shadows. Both dressed in dominatrix like gear with the male having palish green skin and the female having neon pink skin, Onyx quickly attempts to take over their minds but the two individuals before him but to no avail. The king comes to the conclusion that they two are protected by Mora's anti telepathy spell

Pink Skinned Female: No use in trying to evade our minds you filthy demon! We are with Maung and therefore are protected by the witch Mora's magic spell.

Palish Green Skinned Male: Luckily for you that you're a shit stained demon that you were able to sense our attack in time. Unfortunately those pathetic humans who traveled alongside you, weren't as lucky to avoid our sneak attack.

Onyx: Who are you fuckers and why do you accompany Maung?

N-ko: My name is N-ko and this is my brother Et (Pronounced Eat) and we joined Maung's gang to get revenge for our brother who was slain by your assassin

Onyx: My assassin? Oh shit! The alien that Hellin killed on the train while heading to Texas a long time ago.

Et: That was our brother Yak-ko that your assassin had murdered. We joined Maung in hopes that someday we would encounter our brother's killer. Once we learned more about the bitch who killed our brother, we discovered that she had an allegiance with you! Therefore, you are equally to blame for Yak-ko's death and now you will pay!

Onyx: Chesa! Can you still form a barrier despite being under paralysis? 

Chesa: Yes I can since I'm still conscious. It won't be as strong but it will have to do. Hurry up and deal with those assailants your highness.

Chesa creates a barrier to protect the students and herself as Onyx prepares to battle against N-ko and Et. Back in the training area of the temple, the other heroes are battling their assigned opponents. Hellin battles Sorkra who despite his power is proving to be a rather insufficient opponent. 

Hellin: Despite your psychic and attack power demon, all you managed to do is bore the shit out of me! I absolutely despise weak opponents

Sorkra: Arrogant Babylonian demon! I'll kill you if it's the last thing I do!

Sorkra opens his mouth and releases a stream of scorching heat towards Hellin. Quickly using her Satanic Veil ability to absorb the attack before charging in with an attack of her own, her left fist ignites with blue and yellow colored flames, Hellin momentarily moves at lightning fast speed. Appearing before Sorkra at the blink of an eye, the hero then shoves her inflamed fist right into her adversary's stomach. Creating a hole inside the demon as his intestines start pouring out of his body. Sorkra attempts to use his natural regenerative abilities but Hellin quickly unleashed her flames from within his body, burning him alive from the inside out. Sorkra's comrades quickly shifted their focus as they witnessed the demon's gruesome defeat. Hellin says out loud "I killed stronger" as she removes her hand from Sorkra's burnt body. Iron is the next one to fall as the Orc has been caught by Scylla's water blob. Iron had managed to slash at Scylla's abdomen during the battle but due to her mastery of water, Scylla used her magic to quickly heal her wound before becoming more than crossed with her green skinned opponent. Trapping Iron inside of her water blob, Scylla sadistically closes her right hand as the water begins to collapse upon the orc. Unable to do anything to save himself, Iron is turned to mush; a puddle of blood and guts drops to the floor, proof of Scylla's victory. Orsela along with her Nox monsters managed to hold their own against the witch Mora and her variety of spells. Irritated by the battle intelligence displayed by her opponent, Mora becomes enraged which proves to be the key to her demise. Launching several ruby colored fireballs at Orsela who easily dodges the attacks with her acrobatic agility, one of Mora's attacks strikes Jenkins who was already having a rough time battling Trevyn. Jenkins is sent crashing to a nearby wall and falls unconscious. Realizing that her rage had caused her to harm an ally, Mora tries to pull herself together but it's too late. Orsela rushes in and before Mora had even a millisecond to utter a spell, Orsela delivers a powerful kick to the witch's stomach which raptures her intestines and causes Mora to fall onto the ground. Mora tried to utter a quick healing spell but Scylla throws a blob of water over her mouth which suffocates her. Now with four of Wai's minions defeated. The heroes turn their attention onto Jesica who despite her best efforts is struggling against the magic whip wielding Kaizer. Annoyed by Jesica's insufficient fighting skills, Hellin rolled her eyes before using her telepathy to knock out Kaizer. 

Jesica: OMG! Thank you so much gang. That guy was giving my such a hard fucking time.

Hellin: Learn how to fight better, Jes. But I’m glad you held your own long enough until we defeated our opponents.

Trevyn: Just a second more I was going to be able to help you fight your opponent Jesica. However, I didn't expect the witch to accidentally knock my opponent out for me. Anyways I wonder how Onyx and Chesa are doing along with the students?

Hellin: Well I know for certain that Onyx along with Chesa and the kids are still in the temple. Why didn't that fucking idiot just open a portal and get them out. Shit! I just remembered that Mora bitch mentioned their being other members of Wai's group within the temple. I'm guessing Onyx had already ran into them but someone with his skills can hold his own. In the meantime, should we watch Wai deal with Muang on his own or should we help him?

Scylla: If Wai cannot defeat Maung without our aid, then he can die for all I care.

Trevyn: Harsh as usual Scylla but in the meantime, let me go use my Holy chains on Jenkins and Kaizer since they are the only ones still alive. Anyone here needs healing by the way?

Orsela: We're good Trevyn, just go tie them up before those losers regain consciousness and we have to kill them as well. Okay Nox Macky and Nox Granny Apple Pie. The two of you did an amazing job assisting me but it's time for you two to get a well deserved rest.

Both of Orsela's Nox monsters give their master a thankful bow before reverting back to cards and gracefully flying into Orsela's pocket. Trevyn runs over to tie up Jenkins and Kaizer while the others watch the battle between Wai and Maung

Wai: Brother, if you cease your madness now, I will spare your life once again. But remember, no matter what you do, I will not allow you to obtain the stone. I shall keep it safe until I find someone worthy of protecting the stone in my place.

Maung: DAMN YOU AND YOUR FRIENDS! I will ki---

Onyx: You will shut up now and go to sleep.

Hellin: ONYX!

Jesica: Oh shit! You're okay.

Onyx: I mean duh. Did y'all really think I can't hold my own? Don't mention that incident from China either cunts! My head wasn't in the right place when that shit happened. (READ FORBIDDEN RED AMBITIONS FOR CLARITY)

Hellin: Fair enough, bitch. So, did you run into any danger?

Onyx: Just two vengeful alien siblings of the one you killed awhile back when going to Texas. Thankfully, they didn't prove much of a problem since I just used a Seduction Spell to turn the brother against his sister and then killed them both with my Aquatic Supernova technique. I swear, I need to really take the time to hunt down Cthullu and his damn disciples before they become a bigger nuisance in the future. Where is Kthanid when you need him?

Hellin: Do not mention that's vermin's name before he miraculously pops up here.

Wai: So is my brother dead? And where are Chesa and the students?

Onyx: No, your brother is very much alive. I just used my telepathic powers to put him to sleep. Which I literally said out loud a few seconds ago. Chesa and the students are safe as I opened a portal for them to exit the temple. Course after removing the paralysis that was placed upon them by my opponents earlier. Anyways our job here is done gang. I'm going to head back to my castle and report what happened here with James and Yura. Anyways guys, peace

Onyx opens a portal in front of himself and walks inside of it. Disappearing from the temple seconds later. Hellin and the others just stare in confusion for a moment before Hellin begins to rant

Hellin: Onyx you son of a bitch! Why didn't you teleport us all back to Mayland?

Jesica: Can't you open portals as well though Hellin?

Hellin: I can, but I had intended just to take Orsela and myself back to Babylon. Now I gotta be responsible for getting all of you fuckers home! I'm going to kick Onyx's ass the next fucking time I see him!

Scylla: I personally don't mind staying in Myanmar for a bit since I can always find my way back to Greece on my own time. However, I know Trevyn needs to get back to Nigeria asap. Queen Aliyu wants her son home before the day ends. I'm also fairly certain Jesica wants to get back to Canada unless she had some business in Mayland?

Jesica: Canada is fine for me for now. After having to fight for my life. I will be glad just to get back home and enjoy a nice hot bath.

Hellin: FINE! I'll telelport you two back to your respective countries before Orsela and I return to the Underworld. Anyways Wai, you will be responsible for you brother and the other unconscious individuals.

Wai: And what about the mess you all have caused in the temple?

Hellin: Do I look like a fucking janitor to you?! Send someone to clean up the dead bodies. My friends and I did our job here.

Scylla: Do not ask me to help either just because I'm staying in Myanmar for a bit. Send a clean up crew to the temple to clear away the dead bodies and blood. Anyways ladies and Trevyn until next time.

Scylla sashays away as she heads towards the exit of the training area in order to exit the temple. Hellin opens a portal for Orsela, Trevyn, Jesica, and herself. Hellin does telepathically message Wai that she'll and Orsela will come back once she drops off Trevyn and Jesica. In order to help clean up the bodies and further discuss the situation of the Yama Yazar stone. Wai gives a sigh of releases as he removes his shirt, revealing his chiseled physique. He then watches as Hellin's portal closes as he awaits for the demon's return.

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 VAIN Artwork by Anne_Luc