Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Profile - Haven


"Now you see that ignorance isn't bliss. Know your limits next time or suffer the consequences." - Haven 

Name: Haven McCoy Greenmore 

Age: 21

Country: Mayland

Height: 5'7”

Weight: 133 Pounds

Hair Color: Beige

Skin Color: Sandy Brown

Eye Color: Emerald

Powers: Haven possesses the magical abilities to create green energy beams.

Likes: His mother, his comrades, traveling, fixing and customizing his phone, collecting various items for his key chain, chocolate ice cream with fudge and caramel swirls, honey garlic chicken, skate boarding, watching wrestling, reading books with 500 pages or more, geometry, electric iguanas, shooting games, dancing

Dislikes: Evildoers, feeling sleepy early in the day, vanilla ice cream

Allies: Sonia Brightwood, Lauren Shroud, Corrington Fantasia, Macy Warden, D'Chele, Hein Mayhew


Haven is a relatively cool, calm, and collected young Sage and one of the founding members of TEAM CYPRINE alongside leader, Sonia Brightwood, and childhood friend, Macy Warden. Haven is the son of Lisa Soiree and Wallace Greenmore. Lisa was married at the time to Milo Oasis with whom she had two elder sons during their marriage. However, over the years, between trying to be a dedicated wife and hero to her country, Mayland, Lisa became frustrated and overwhelmed, which unfortunately led her to having an affair with her teammate, Wallace, who also was having problems with his boyfriend. Lisa shortly thereafter became pregnant with Haven. Upon Milo learning about his wife's affair, Milo divorced her and gained primary custody of their children Amanpal and Namid. Of course, Lisa would still be involved in her elder children's lives, but they resented their mother because they knew she cheated on their father. 

Shortly after Haven was born, Lisa retired from being an active Sage and focused on being a chef for a living while taking care of her newborn. Wallace also did his best to be a father whenever he wasn't busy performing his duties as an active Sage. When Haven turned five-years-old, he began exhibiting magical powers. He would spontaneously create green energy orbs whenever he became overly emotional. Lisa realized that her son was a Natural and inherited the magical powers possessed by his great-grandmother, Vernita. Lisa made it her priority to help Haven learn to use his magic to ensure that the magic within him didn’t go haywire. Once Haven began going to elementary school, he easily made friends and excelled at his school work. A young girl and Sage in training named Macy Warden became Haven's best friend for many years to come.

After graduating high school, both Haven and Macy began preparing to become active Sages who used their abilities to help protect their homeland from foreign and domestic threats. Haven alongside Macy joined former soldier, Sonia Brightwood, in forming TEAM CYPRINE. Despite his young age and laid back personality, Haven possessed great combat skills thanks to his mother, father, and elder half-brothers who helped him hone his magical skills. 


Haven was created by an adoptable that I purchased and fully obtained the rights from the artist Gasai.

Haven is one of my many LGBTQ character; however, while my characters are commonly gay, lesbian, or bisexual, Haven identifies as a demisexual.

A demisexual is a person who is attracted to someone they created a strong emotional bond with. Thus, because of this, Haven has yet to actually become intimate with anyone and has never had a boyfriend or girlfriend. Furthermore, Haven and Macy are very close friends. Neither of them is romantically attracted to each other.

Haven's powers were inspired by Green Lantern from DC Comics just without the whole "ring thing" LOL.

Originally, I was going to have Haven be a loner type character, but ultimately decided against it, which is one of the many reasons it took me awhile to create a satisfactory backstory for Haven; despite having created the character early on in my ongoing FORBIDDEN series.

Haven's elder half-brother Amanpal name means "protector" in Indian.

Haven's elder half-brother Namid name means "star dancer" in the Ojibwe language.

Haven's great-grandmother Vernita's name was inspired by the word "Verdant" which is another name for "green".

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