Thursday, November 3, 2022

Profile Bevan Flores


"I'm Bevan, the male Kunoichi and the vanquisher of evil!" - Bevan

Name: Bevan Johan Flores

Age: 27

Country: Bolivia, but currently resides in Mayland

Hair Color: Blonde

Skin Color: Fair

Eye Color: Blue

Height: 5'8”

Weight: 142 Pounds

Family: Juan (Father, Suki (Mother), Ademir & Aldino (Twin Elder Brothers) Todoh (Pet Cat)

Powers: Thanks to the Scroll of Whimsical Rapture, Bevan gained unearthly ninja-based abilities, allowing Bevan to summon magical kunais, shurikens, dagger, and other ninja tools and spells. Bevan also is able to summon his deceased cat, Todoh, as a spirit to assist him in battle.

Allies: King Onyx, Hellin Strongs, Trevyn Aliyu, Lea Stallard, Mona, Addison, Nevin

Likes: His family, Todoh, men, being a popular streamer and content creator, mozzarella sticks, ice cream, rap music, jogging, yoga

Dislikes: Condescending people, liars, first person shooters video games, trolls in his stream chat, the day Todoh died


Bevan Johan Flores is the son of Suki, a beautiful and skilled Japanese-Brazilian sage and Juan, a skilled Bounty Hunter from Bolivia. Bevan alongside his two elder twin brothers, Ademir and Aldino, lived a relatively normal life in Bolivia for the first several years before the family moved to Mayland, residing in the Royal Lands. Shortly afterwards, the young Bevan met King Onyx and his companions while attending a local carnival in Mabel Town. King Onyx, who has a general knack for making new friends, also befriended Bevan and his parents. That led to Onyx being Bevan's babysitter whenever he wasn't too busy with his kingly obligations. During that time, Onyx taught Bevan basic spells to protect himself because of the dangers that can befall anyone in the Mortal Realm. 

Once Bevan reached his teens, the lad frequented the King's castle less and less, but the two remained in contact. That was because Bevan gained a newfound passion in being a content creator as he played video games for thousands of viewers and made short skits, which brought him a lot of attention. While his elder brothers grew up to become very skillful sages and used their talents to help protect Mayland from various dangers, Bevan focused on growing his brand. He took a break after the passing of his beloved cat, Todoh, that he had since he was 4-years-old. While Bevan's parents had wished he had followed in the footsteps of his elder brothers, they were still very proud of their son for finding his passion in life and were happy to see him being so beloved on the internet. 

Bevan's life soon changed. One day he ordered some merchandise from Japan. The delivery box came with a lot of cool items from that country. One of those items was a sacred scroll known as the Whimsical Rapture, which was imbued with the power of a powerful kunoichi named Setsuka Urameshi who lived many centuries ago. Unaware that he had such an ancient item in his possession, Bevan simply hung the scroll on his bedroom wall before going through the rest of the items. Night arrived. Bevan had the house to himself and was horny. The man decided to look up some porn and enjoy himself. Before he could begin pleasuring himself, he heard a sudden commotion from outside his window. Peeking out, he spotted a cloaked figure draining the magic out of two young female Sages. Bevan knew he didn't have the necessary skills to aid the two women, but refused to just stand by and do nothing. Bevan hurried downstairs to the kitchen and grabbed a butcher knife before running out of the house to confront the cloaked figure. Bevan shouted out to the cloaked figure to leave the two women alone. The cloaked individual turned his attention over to Bevan. Immediately, he unleashed a blue energy beam at Bevan, which he barely managed to dodge. Realizing that he was in over his head and should have simply called the authorities, Bevan knew that it was do or die time. The young man stood his ground as he yelled to the two women to run away. Suddenly, the scroll in his bedroom glowed in a wisteria colored light. Seconds later, Bevan's body glowed in the same color light as well. The Cloaked figure watched in shock as Bevan transformed before him.

Once wearing his casual house attire, Bevan was suddenly dressed in a loose black open-button shirt, a mesh blue undershirt, and a turquoise jock strap. Bevan realized that somehow he had been transformed into a "kunoichi" (Bevan is male, so he should actually be a shinobi, but referred to himself as a kunoichi instead). The biggest surprise, however, was the arrival of his deceased cat, Todoh, which became Bevan's guardian spirit. Bevan, while confused by the events that transpired, was filled with tears of joy seeing his old buddy once again. However, the cloaked figure needed to be handled as it was ready to unleash another attack on Bevan. Thankfully, now with Setsuka Urameshi's power flowing through him and Todoh to assist him, Bevan was able to defeat the cloaked figure, who was revealed to be a troublesome male witch by the name of Jagger Watson. 

The next day, Bevan went to see Onyx and explained to him what happened the night before. Onyx realized that Bevan had accidentally gotten his hands on a rare scroll created by deceased ninja, Setsuka Urameshi, many centuries ago, who was a hero long before either of their time. Bevan's courage when confronting Jagger had unleashed the heroic spirit within the scroll and infused it within him. Bevan, despite his very young age, possessed the skills of a hero with centuries of combat experience. Onyx then asked Bevan if he, too, wanted to be one of Mayland's many protectors and the young man answer yes. Thus, Bevan, alongside Todoh, joined the ranks of fellow heroes such as Hellin Strongs, Angelina Murai, Mona, August Starfinder, and many others.


Bevan is inspired by both the ninja archetype and magical girl archetype.

Bevan also takes inspiration from Taki from the Soul Blade/Soul Calibur series.

Despite becoming a hero in his homeland, Bevan still continues to be a fairly dedicated streamer and content creator.

Bevan is 5 years younger than his twin brothers.

Bevan resembles more of his father while his brothers resemble more of their mother.

The name kunoichi refers to a female ninja. Because Bevan is on the flamboyant side, he chooses to call himself the "Male Kunoichi" instead of referring to himself as a "Shinobi".

Bevan is flamboyant, but still identifies as male.

Todoh is to Bevan as the character Luna is to Sailor Moon from the Sailor Moon manga/anime series. 

For fear of risking any copyright infringement, I originally was going to have King Onyx respond to Bevan with the line "Congratulations, you joined the ranks of all the rest", but since those are direct lyrics from singer and actress Hilary Duff's "Gypsy Woman", I decided against it in the end.

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