Monday, November 7, 2022

The Story Of How Unloyal Met Untrue


The Story of How Unloyal Met Untrue

by Onyxe Blade

Somewhere in New York of Earth 211, a gigantic entity born from the souls of abused children was destroying the world. Screams of citizens could be heard as multiple buildings crumbled all around them. The entity continued showing them the same mercy that was shown to the tortured souls that birth it. The onslaught carried on as many civilians screamed their final cry before being massacred by various cars and buildings falling upon them. The entity proved so strong that not even the U.S. Armed Forces were able to take it down. Given the destruction that was being caused, there was consideration by the government to unleash a nuclear bomb in hopes of slaying the lovecraftian-like being; regardless of the danger such actions would do to New York and any remaining civilians. However, there was the sudden appearance of a young man dressed in purple and black with various piercings on his face who had an overall gothic vibe to him. Watching the chaos unleashed within the city with a ball of popcorn chicken in his hand, the foreign being was none other than Unloyal, the eldest of Queen G's four sons and one of the many alternate universe versions of Mayland's current ruler, King Onyx. 

Unloyal, who has the ability to jump to different worlds at will, was ordered by his mother to observe the destruction of Earth 211. Although indifferent to the suffering of the civilians, especially those not of his home world, Unloyal observed the destruction caused by the entity from a safe distance. Even if he was somehow spotted by the entity, he could simply jump back to his home world or his "happenstance" abilities would save him... maybe. Unloyal continued enjoying his food while scratching an inch on his testicles. Annoyed by the screams of the civilians below him, the man quickly reached for his AirPods and placed them in each ear as he listened to his EDM music.

The Entity continued its onslaught as many civilians met their end, regardless if they deserved it or not. Suddenly, the entity spotted Unloyal sitting several buildings away and instantaneously teleported itself to the foreign man's location. While startled by the entity suddenly appearing before him, Unloyal returned to his unfazed state and continued eating his popcorn chicken. The entity looked at Unloyal with curiosity in its eyes as Unloyal stared back at him. Amused by the creature before him, Unloyal offered the entity some of his food. The entity gobbled a handful in its mouth and immediately began staring at Unloyal the way a child would stare at a loving parent. The entity then transformed right before Unloyal's eyes from a scary divine being into a naked vanilla-skinned child with curly auburn hair and hazel eyes. The child instantly leapt into Unloyal's lap, which kind of freaked him out because it was a naked child. 

Nonetheless Unloyal quickly removed his sleeveless purple and black hoodie from his upper body and wrapped it around the naked child's body. Unloyal then said to the entity turned child, "I don't know your story, little one, nor do I really care, but since you're no longer a raging overlord, I shall take you with me back to my world, but you better behave yourself, little man. Also, your name shall be UNTRUE... no exceptions." The entity, now known as Untrue, only responded with "’Kay... popcorn chicken please." Unloyal kissed Untrue on his head before teleporting away with him, leaving the destruction caused by Untrue for the beings of Earth 211 to handle.

Meanwhile, somewhere in Mayland of Earth 135, Orsela Geno celebrated with her sister, Hellin Strongs, along with Trevyn Aliyu and Sung Jin. They aided her in seeking out and securing the capture of her newly obtained Nox card, Nox Count Amilcar. Orsela was beyond giddy to now own seven amazing Nox creatures in her possession as she continued her journey in becoming a Nox Master.

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