Sunday, November 6, 2022

The Avatar Of Loneliness

 The Avatar Of Loneliness

"I swear to God that I'm the king of my emotions. I'm the door that will never open."

Mother said I'll be lonely if I don't open up to anyone, but better to be alone than to be a fool.

Father said it's best to keep to myself, so that way I avoid the misfortunes that come from associating with others.

Mother said the world is a place filled with bad people. People who scheme and prey upon others to get what they want.

Father said people pretend to be one thing, but are another behind closed doors. Trusting the wrong person will get you hurt or worse.

I lived for a very long time and each day I would remind myself of my parents warnings.

"Never trust someone with your life because they will ruin it."

"One can never be too careful when dealing with others."

"Everyone wears a mask for their own protection, not yours. Remember that no one reveals their true self around others unless it's beneficial." 

Their words echoed in my souls like an earthquake. I learned at an early age to never trust them, even blood. It's not easy to live with the constant idea that someone is out to get me. Therefore, I learned how to close myself off to others; only being "open" enough out of necessity and nothing more.

Each day I learned that mankind isn't worth loving or protecting. The only person I need to worry about is myself. Even my own parents can become my enemy if I'm not careful. It's the moment I realized that everyone on this planet is my enemy and I dare not trust a soul. Knowing this painful truth I closed myself off from people and as time passed by, I began to change into something... something that wasn't quite human. 

Seventy years later, both my parents were buried in the ground with neither being a concern of mine and vice versa. Yet somehow I didn't age the way they did... it's as if my body remained 17-years-old even though I was in my late sixties. One day a woman from another world approached me and to my surprise she reminded me of my mother back in her days of youth. The woman told me that I looked similar to her eldest son and that I'm one of many alternates of a man named Onyx or Onyxe, whichever way one would like to spell it. I preferred to be called Jude Jr. as my father was Jude Sr. Either way it no longer mattered because I was now known as the outworldy being called The Avatar of Loneliness.

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