Sunday, November 20, 2022

Profile Nevin Silvers & Addison Reed


"May my purple flames dazzle you and burn away your ego." - Nevin Silvers

Name: Nevin Silvers

Age: 25

Country: Scotland

Height: 6'0”

Weight: 187 Pounds

Hair Color: Blonde

Eye Color: Gray

Skin Color: Fair 

Powers: Nevin manipulates purple colored flames and possesses superhuman durability.

Allies: Addison, Mona, Setback, Hellin Strongs, Orsela Geno, Scylla Baros, Trevyn Aliyu, August Starfinder, Lea Stallard 

Likes: Family, money, his mother's apple & berry pie, bubble baths, training, victory

Dislikes: Long missions, red meat, Codye getting upset with him when he takes hour to respond to her text, overly aggressive men, losing


Nevin is a young half-human and half-Saiga type beasterian. He was born and raised in Scotland alongside his adopted fully human sister, Codye. Nevin was raised on a farm by his human father, Adam, and Saiga mother, Lourdes. Living a relatively normal life, at the age of ten, Nevin began being taught fire magic by his father, Adam, in order to protect both himself and the farm. Adam wields light blue flames. Nevin would gain the abilities to wield violet/purple colored flames. By the time Nevin was sixteen years old, he became proficient in the use of his purple fire magic. 

Upon reaching adulthood, Nevin was given a choice to remain with his family and help his father maintain the farm or find his own path in life. While Nevin loved his family and country dearly, ever since he was thirteen, he wanted to someday reside in the country of Mayland. Shortly after bidding his family farewell, Nevin caught a ferry out of Scotland that took him to England before catching a flight taking him to Mayland. Settling in the state of Ariso, one of the seventy-five states of Mayland, Nevin got a job working in a local factory, which he only took to make ends meet. In reality, Nevin wanted to become a fighter, but he remembered Codye's scolding that he needed to make a solid living before venturing off to do something as dangerous as being a fighter. A few months later, Nevin learned about an underground fighting tournament taking place in Rogue Town, a few states away from Ariso. Despite his adult responsibilities, Nevin had been honing his skills preparing for the day he could put his fiery powers to use. Now with this upcoming tournament taking place in Rogue Town, Nevin finally had an outlet to show off his abilities. 

A few days later, Nevin arrived in Rogue Town and he would take part in the Underground Fighting Tournament alongside several other fighters. Surprisingly, he befriended a man named Addison Reed, who wielded green colored flames and used wrestling techniques. Despite becoming fast friends, both men promised each other that they would do their very best to win, even if they ended up fighting against each other. Both Nevin and Addison reached the semi-finals before being eliminated from the tournament by their respective opponent. While neither man enjoyed losing, they were beyond glad to have met and started their friendship. Despite their time in the tournament coming to a close, neither one was ready to go his separate way. Fortunately, shortly after, they met a gorgeous Native woman by the name of Mona. Together the three of them formed TEAM PASSION FRUIT, operating as a three person guild that battled various evils that endangered Mayland and the rest of the Mortal Realm.


Nevin is half-Saiga because his mother is a Saiga-Tye Beasterian. Nevin's features from his beasterian blood are his horns on his forehead and tail.

Nevin is a pollotarian.

Nevin's attire is inspired by a male stripper. Of course, only his front is visible but his behind area is covered.

Nevin and Addison are two of my many LGBTQ characters existing for FORBIDDEN/Onyxeverse. Nevin is gay while Addison is bisexual.

Nevin was originally going to be a demon, but I changed my mind after his initial concept and made him half-human and half-beasterian.


"You want a cremated face or a broken spine? Take your pick!" - Addison Reed

Name: Addison Raheem Reed

Age: 26

Country: Mayland 

Height: 6'3”

Weight: 199 Pounds

Hair Color: None (Addison is bald-headed)

Eye Color: Dark brown but turns green when he activates his powers

Skin Color: Medium Brown

Powers: Addison wields green colored flames he inherited from his ancestors and is capable of performing various wrestling techniques.

Allies: Nevin, Mona, Setback, Hellin Strongs, Orsela Geno, Scylla Baros, Trevyn Aliyu, August Starfinder, Lea Stallard

Likes: His family, train rides, exercising, painting, collecting sunglasses, seafood sandwiches, his custom overalls

Dislikes: Villainous individuals, losing, difficult missions, nutmeg


Addison Reed is a sage who manipulates green colored flames and is well versed in wrestling techniques and currently serves as a member of TEAM PASSION FRUIT alongside Mona and his best friend, Nevin. He was born and raised in the Prospect Park section of  Brooklyn, New York alongside his two elder sisters, Crystal and Tamar. At the age of five, Addison discovered he could manipulate green colored flames, which he inherited from his ancestors. He realized he was a type of individual known as a Natural. Addison was taught to hone his magic by his grandfather with help from his mother. Meanwhile, Addison's father taught him and his sisters various wrestling techniques since he was a professional wrestler for a living. 

After graduating high school, Addison worked as a trainer at a gym located in downtown Manhattan. When he wasn't helping others, Addison focused on his own strengths and improving his skills. While satisfied with his current life, Addison desired an outlet to show off his skills. He didn't want to be a professional wrestler like his father despite his love for wrestling. Addison eventually found an outlet to display his magical prowess. He learned about an upcoming Underground Fighting Tournament taking place in Rogue Town from his friend and casual sex buddy, Josephine Conner. 

Addison took time away from work to prepare for the upcoming tournament in Rogue Town. He arrived at the tournament venue a few days later. Addison was ecstatic by the amount of competition that awaited him. He even formed a friendship with one of the competitors named Nevin Silvers, who hailed from Scotland. Although the two men became fast friends, they both vowed to give the tournament their very all, even if they ended up fighting each other. Addison, along with Nevin, reached the semi-finals of the tournament before both were defeated by their respective opponent. While understandably disappointed that they lost their fights, thus unable to win the tournament, the two men were beyond thrilled to have befriended each other and didn't wish to part ways. Fortunately, they met a beautiful Native woman named Mona, who was looking for individuals who wanted to fight alongside her against the many evils that plagued the Mortal Realm. Not only was Addison smitten by the woman's serene presence, Addison, as well as Nevin, felt obligated to join Mona on her crusade against evil. Thus, the three of them formed TEAM PASSION FRUIT.


Addison Reed is inspired by the character Clark Still from The King of Fighters series.

Addison Reed was originally going to have lightning-based powers, but I decided to give him fire-based powers instead.

Addison shares being a Natural alongside characters like Da-Xia, Eaton, Lea Stallard, and many others.

Addison is one of my many LGBTQ characters for FORBIDDEN. Addison is bisexual.

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