Sunday, November 27, 2022

Profile - Jude & Caden


"Anyone who makes Caden uncomfortable is someone I strongly dislike... so fuck off!" - Jude 

"No cursing, Uncle" - Caden  

Art by Nico_Artoo

Name: Jude Batista & Caden Batista

Age: Jude (28) Caden (3)

Country: Dominican Republic (currently resides in Mayland)

Hair Color: Jude (Tawny) Caden (Strawberry Blonde)

Eye Color: Jude and Caden's eye colors are teal

Skin Color: Jude (Dark Brown) Caden (French Vanilla)

Powers: Thanks to Caden, Jude is able to channel demonic darkness-based powers and use them against adversaries. Jude relies solely on Caden's demonic powers in order to fight since he has ZERO training in magic or any other form of combat.

Allies: NONE! Jude trusts no one around Caden

Likes: Jude - His nephew, proof reading articles, editing, cooking, sewing, exercising at home

Caden - His uncle, cookies, chicken nuggets, cereal, cartoons, going to the park, toy cars

Dislikes: Jude - The past, individuals who aren't close associates, heavy drinkers, loud music, grammatical errors, Caden when he's fussy

Caden - When Jude puts him on time out, nap time, gospel music (finds it boring), bath time


Born and raised in the Dominican Republic, Jude lived a relatively normal life and avoided those with magic because he's had a dislike for magic ever since childhood. After college, Jude worked as an editor for a local newspaper and enjoyed his uneventful life. It all changed when he received a phone call from his sister, Delilah. Upon visiting his sister, Jude was shocked that not only was his sister pregnant, but Delilah was minutes away from giving birth to her half-demon child. Delilah revealed to Jude that she had unprotected sex with a demon she met in Martinique. Jude assisted Delilah in giving birth to her baby. Upon the baby exiting his sister's womb, Jude felt an unexplained but instant connection with his nephew. Jude then cleaned up and lay his nephew down on the couch before discussing the situation with his sister. After a long talk, Jude decided to stay the night to go with his sister and nephew to the local hospital in the morning. While Jude rested in bed, Delilah began plotting the murder of her newborn baby. Knowing that despite being part-demon, it took over a month before a demon's regenerative abilities were properly active and even longer for that of a half-demon, Delilah planned on beheading her baby and lying to Jude that her infant attempted to kill her.

Just as Delilah was about to make her move and kill her baby, Jude awoke and was horrified to witness his sister holding a knife above his nephew's body. Instinctively, Jude charged at his older sister and the two began to wrestle for control of the knife. Accidentally, Jude had slit his sister's throat just as his nephew awoke from his sleep. While mortified for having unintentionally murdered his sister, Jude turned his attention to his nephew. Fearing that if he explained what happened to the authorities that they wouldn't believe him and he would go to prison, Jude did his best to get rid of the evidence of his sister's murder  before taking Caden with him. Caden, the name he gave his nephew, and Jude left DR. Fortunately, there was a demon dressed in purple with unique yellow hair who was aware of the situation and made Delilah's death look like a suicide.

Jude and Caden moved to Mayland, where he started a new life with his half-demon (Cambion) nephew. Because of the unique bond Jude developed with Caden, Jude ended up gaining an evil eye tattoo right beneath his clavicle as well as obtaining darkness-based powers. Jude uses his newfound abilities to protect Caden from danger until he's old enough to protect himself.


Jude and Caden were inspired by the real life Onyxe Blade and my nephew, Aisyn Zade Emerson-Gonzalez.

The duo were created during my ongoing coping process after the tragic and unfair passing of my real life nephew.

Prior to the creation of Unloyal and Untrue, who are also inspired by myself and my nephew, Jude and Caden were going to be the only characters inspired by us. However, at the time, I kind of abandoned the idea of Jude and Caden and they were almost not going to be a part of the FORBIDDEN/ONYXEVERSE, but I held onto them and eventually made something of them.

Thus while Jude is not an Onyx/Onyxe alternate in the typical sense, Jude can be considered an adjacent Onyx type character

A good example of Jude being an Onyx/Onyxe adjacent would be similar but not exactly how the Alter Ego class from the FGO (Fate Grand Order) series are to various other characters. Of course, Jude is very much his own individual.

Jude was also partially created for my desire to have a Dominican character along with Caden.

Despite his powers, Jude is NOT a Darken nor a Demon. His powers are directly from his nephew, Caden, who is still too young to fight on his own thus channels his immense powers through his uncle whenever they encounter danger.

Jude also takes minor inspiration from my mother, Gilda Celestin, through his love of writing and editing.

Caden's sweet demeanor is very much like my deceased nephew.

Jude is a gay man, but after the incident with his sister, Jude had made the personal decision to forgo a love life in order to ensure a good future for Caden. Jude developed severe trust issues and doesn't trust a soul around Caden.

Jude speaks both Spanish and English fluently and also speaks some Creole.

Caden speaks mostly Spanish, but obviously picked up on some English by hearing his uncle speak.

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