Saturday, September 3, 2022

A Lonely Carnival

 A Lovely Carnival 


by Onyxe Blade

On a quiet Sunday night, a young man dressed in risque pink attire hung out alone in an amusement park. This individual was none other than Mayland's current ruler, the 135th King, Onyx Carnival. Normally, the King would either be hanging out in his room, out on an adventure, or spending time with his lover, Sung Jin. Tonight, the King was alone as he reflected on his thoughts as of late. With everything that was going on in his life, along with his ongoing issues with his ally and rival, Hellin Strongs, the heaviest thing on his mind was the anniversary of his foster father's, Tobirama Senju, death. Onyx remembered when he was only four-years-old, he and Tobirama watched Saturday morning cartoons together. Onyx also remembered the character named Jolly Elisa who had heterochromia with one of her eyes being blue and the other sea green. Onyx had wanted eyes just like hers since he at the time had the typical red eyes of a demon. Thanks to the encouragement of his father, Onyx had managed to change his eye color from red to one being blue and the other sea green. Onyx recalled that despite people often giving him a rough time for being half-demon growing up, Tobirama's love for him never wavered. Tobirama taught Onyx the ways of the world along with training him to be more than proficient in hand-to-hand combat. Even after reaching adulthood, Onyx continued to happily live with his father for many years as they were closer than any father and son could ever imagine. Sadly, that all came to an end when the ruler of Mayland before him, Queen Ida, had his father assassinated. While riding on a carousel, Onyx used a quick spell to activate the ride before laying his head and upper body on the electronic horse. While tears rolled down his face the King fell off to sleep as he dreamed a dream he had many times before; one filled with great sadness and pain.

Covered in the blood of his father's assailant, the half-demon, Onyx Carnival, rushed over to his dying father, Tobirama Senju. Tears rolled down his face as Onyx begged his adoptive father not to die. Alas, the injuries he sustained in battle were too great. Onyx held onto his adoptive father for the few moments they had left together. Tobirama told Onyx how proud he was to be his father and that he was so lucky to find Onyx on his doorstep so many years earlier. He was thankful to the parents that left their child on his doorstep to raise as his own. Tobirama reminded Onyx of everything he taught him from childhood to adulthood, and that no matter how cruel the world becomes, never stop being a kind person and helping others as often as possible. His father then asked Onyx to use his telepathy on him to learn the truth behind his father's fatal attack. Upon using his telepathy, Onyx discovered that Tobirama was a former assassin who was an ally of Mayland's then ruler, Queen Ida. Unbeknownst to him at the time, Queen Ida had wanted Tobirama to become her righthand man and gave him many years to serve by her side, but he declined every offer. Eventually, Queen Ida had enough of his defiance and sent a multitude of assassins to kill him and his son, if necessary. While Tobirama managed to stop most of the assassins, one of them got the best of him. That assassin would end up being defeated and killed by Onyx. Despite learning about his father's less than stellar past, the half-demon's love for his foster father never diminished and he would always be thankful for the love Tobirama had shown him over the years. 

Onyx kissed his father's forehead as he passed away, sobbing while still holding his father in his arms. A woman dressed in funeral attire then appeared. Instead of wearing typical black, the woman dressed in purple and the outfit had a sexual appeal to it. That was to be expected from Babylon's Queen, Othello Strongs. The Queen stared at the crying young man holding his deceased father with a look of pity and a hint of annoyance. Othello then walked over to Onyx and placed her left hand on his head and began communicating with him via telepathy.

Othello: Tobirama is dead, Onyx dearie. Holding him in your arms and crying isn't going to bring him back to life.

Onyx: Why did my father have to die? He was no threat to Ida, yet she had him killed because he wanted to live a normal life. I want to make her pay for sending her assassins to kill him! I'm going to make her suffer if it's the last fucking thing I do! Othello... SHE HAD MY FATHER MURDERED! I'LL NEVER FORGIVE HER!

Othello: And you shouldn't, but you know it would be unwise to just simply go and kill Ida. Bad enough the reputation of demons in the Mortal Realm is still bathing in dogshit despite how relations have changed between demons and non-demons over the centuries. Demons are still a very hated race and half-demons, like yourself, aren't seen in a much better light. However, it's been ten years, so it's about time a certain someone has to fight to defend her throne.

Onyx: The Devilry Combat Tournament?

Othello: Precisely, my dear sweet Onyx. It's the law of this land that whenever ten years pass, Mayland's current ruler must host a tournament full of potential replacements to their throne, and the challenger that outlasts the others gets a shot at removing the current King or Queen off of their throne... permanently!

Onyx: But that tournament is for those born from the Mortal Realm only. Besides, never in the history of Mayland rulers has there ever been a half-demon, like myself, or any demons for that matter. Lastly, I do not desire to become ruler of Mayland anyways.

Othello: But you desire revenge, right? Unless you would rather use illegal methods to deal with Queen Ida? Of course, if you fail to assassinate her, not only would you be executed, but life for demons and half-breeds, like yourself, would become even harder in this realm. Do you really want that for our kind? Furthermore, are you not a citizen of this realm? You were birthed by a mortal mother in a church located in Arundel, one of the seventy States in Mayland. Therefore, you have as much right to enter the Devilry Combat Tournament as the rest of the beings of this realm.

Onyx: Can't argue with facts. IF I do enter the tournament, defeat all the other competitors, and fight Ida, what happens if I end up defeating her? I do not want to become Mayland's 135th ruler.

Othello: But you want to avenge your father? Well, if you're okay with Tobirama being unjustly murdered then I guess you shouldn't enter the tournament. Bury your father and enjoy the satisfaction of him being nothing more than a memory. However, something tells me if the situation were reversed, Tobirama wouldn't hesitate to avenge you. That man loved you like you were his own from the very day he found you on his doorsteps. Don't let your father's death be in vain, Onyx Carnival! Worry about what happens after you've killed Ida. Don't be selfish and use your powers to exact vengeance upon the woman who murdered the only family you've ever known.

Onyx:...Okay... I'll enter the tournament and exact my father's... no, MY REVENGE! First I would like to give my father a proper burial and, of course, ask you for some quick training before I start my journey to the Royal Lands.

Othello: Now that's the spirit! I'll be more than happy to teach you a few tricks along with the Seduction Spells, and to improve your telepathic abilities. Now, let's put an end to our private telepathic chat and bury your father. Then we'll begin your training before your journey to the Royal Lands.

Onyx buried his beloved foster father, Tobirama Senju, whom he spent many happy years with only to lose him in such a tragic way. Onyx then trained with Queen Othello in preparation for the Devilry Combat Tournament. While traveling to compete in the tournament, Onyx met a demon man named James Del Soto, who was being pursued by assassins. After slaying the demons who attempted to kill James, the two became fast friends as they traveled together to the Royal Lands. Onyx then entered the tournament with James entering alongside him in order to increase Onyx's chances to battle Mayland's current ruler, Queen Ida. Defeating many strong opponents along the way, Onyx eventually had a battle to the death with Queen Ida. Defeating the sadistic Queen and avenging his deceased father, Onyx ended up becoming the 135th King of Mayland, and the rest is history.

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