Saturday, September 10, 2022

Profile - Othello Strongs


"All women are born evil. Some just realize their potential in life later than others" -  Chad A. Gamble

Name: Othello Thalia Contessa Strongs

Age: 1,035

Title: Queen Of Babylon

Allies: Othello Rojas, Babylon, Madame Violet, Jezebel Of The Underworld, Creep, Academician Of Poison, Demon Warlord Of Lust

Race: Demon (Succubus)

Height: 6'0 (Can change when transforming)

Weight: 119 Pounds (Can change when transforming)

Hair Color: Yellow (Don't you DARE call her hair blonde) with luminescent yellow ends

Eye Color: Scarlet

Skin Color: Dark Brown

Powers: Demonic based abilities, poison specialist, and high level telepath

Allies: Hellin Strongs, Mihoshi Strongs, Orsela Geno, Madame Xi, King Onyx, Koga Yukimaru, Johanna, Chia-hao, Xavian, Lisa-Alice

Likes: Her daughters, sex with men, her pet perentie, poison tasting, snake wine, mind reading, King Onyx, her father, the color purple (not the movie), revealing clothing, nail care

Dislikes: Failure, sarcasm at her expense, things or people she deems ugly, her sisters, her mother, watermelons, mongoose, Johanna

Back Story

Early Life

Born Othello Thalia Contessa Strongs, she is the youngest child of battle hardened succubus, Hellina Strongs, and Reptilian Demon, Cervantes Rocha. Along with her elder sisters, Margarita and Euryale, Othello lived a relatively normal life as a demon in the Underworld. While her childhood was far from terrible, Othello didn't like her mother's strict ways and even worse, how frequently she made her daughter train in vigorous combat whenever she wasn't on a mission for The Demon Warlord, Leviathan; which unlike her sisters, made Othello very distant from her mother. Othello; however, worshipped the ground her father walked on because of how gentle he was towards her. Whenever he could, Cervantes would persuade Hellina into letting him spend time with Othello while she focused her time on training their elder daughters. Othello enjoyed plentiful fun activities with her father while traveling to different places in the Underworld. Cervantes kept his secret promise to his wife to train Othello to manipulate poison and ascertained that she possessed telepathic abilities as did he. Since their daughter didn't take too well to being trained in a rough manner. So while Othello enjoyed quality time with her father, he also made sure that she became a proficient manipulator of poison and unlocked her telepathic skills. He began to teach her to hone her talents, although Othello was years away from being as skilled in using her mental powers as her father. Centuries passed and Othello and her sisters grew into beautiful and strong demons. However, Othello would soon experience her first heartbreak as a big war broke loose within the Underworld. 

Both her parents and sisters enlisted to fight for Leviathan's Kingdom. Othello chose to stay home, believing herself too beautiful to be on a battlefield, much to her mother's dismay. The 87th Underworld War lasted over 7 years, and many demons lost their lives. Although both her sisters managed to survive the gruesome war, unfortunately their mother and father weren't so lucky. Angered that Othello wasn't fighting alongside her family. Margarita and Euryale kicked her out of the house. Hurt by the loss of her father and now without a home, Othello remembered a conversation she had with her father many years ago: if she didn't follow their family's footsteps and become an assassin for higher ranking demons then she should become an escort. He told her if she chose to go that route to travel to Esolam and seek out a succubus named Iszat Cresswell. Havin no other option, Othello decided to use what money she had and journey from her hometown of Shenol to Esolam. Upon finally meeting the famed succubus, Madam Iszat, Othello was dazzled by her astounding beauty. Madam Iszat knew that Othello  would become her most prized girl and would bring in upscale clientele.

Working as an escort, Othello had the luxury of sleeping with many wealthy and high-ranking male demons. She even slept with a few Demon Warlords during those years. One day Othello was requested to accompany a Grim Reaper by the name of Maximillion Knox to an important event. Upon meeting him, Othello sensed how powerful he was to the point where it both aroused and terrified her. Knox; however, was not attracted to Othello. He only brought her along because the event required a plus one. It didn't hurt that Othello was drop dead gorgeous and would take a lot of eyes off him. During the event Knox couldn't help but feel anger towards her. Not due to anything she did, but he could sense her potential and was furious that she wasted it being a high-class prostitute. After the event Othello attempted to make out with the Grim Reaper, but he shrugged off her advances quickly and quite harshly. Angry and confused Othello attempted to attack him, but found herself easily overpowered by the Grim Reaper. He held his scythe to her throat as he belittled her. Fearful that Knox was going to kill her, Othello unwittingly unleashed a psychic assault on his mind. The psychic assault caused him great pain, but not enough to knock him out. Knox mercilessly grabbed her by the neck, but stopped himself from taking her life. Instead her commanded her to follow him back to Madam Iszat's manor as he made her promise to not bring up this situation with her benefactor. Othello reluctantly agreed and followed the Grim Reaper back to her home. Surprisingly, Knox would continue seeing Othello when she wasn't busy entertaining a client. The two often spent time talking about life and the various struggles in the Underworld as a new war had begun. The war would keep Knox away from her for quite some time. Before that happened, the Grim Reaper had convinced Othello to create a Soul Bond that allowed them to find each other no matter where the other was at. 

Life for Othello was rather normal. She did miss being able to talk to Knox because he was the only man who appreciated her for what she had, and that had nothing to do with her body. Still, Othello enjoyed sex and therefore had no problem with her occupation, but whenever she could she would hone her telepathic abilities and teach herself various demonic spells. One day after returning to the manor from seeing a client, Othello was summoned to Madam Iszat;s quarters. The moment she stepped foot in her boss's quarters the unimaginable happened. Iszat wrapped her hands around Othello's waist and tried to force herself on her. Othello, who had no sexual desires towards women, was repulsed by her boss's actions. Enraged, she struck Madam Iszat with a psychic pulse that sent her flying over her desk. Furious that her call girl attacked her, Madam Iszat demanded that Othello leave her manor at once. Othello did just that and stayed at a local hotel. Unsure of what her next move would be, she was shocked to get a call from Madam Iszat, asking her to return to the manor. Heading back to the manor, Othello was able to hear the thoughts of passing by demons as if they were speaking to her. As she reaches the manor her telepathy stops working. Instead of suspecting something bad was about to happen, she simply thought her powers were just acting up. She was unaware that Madam Iszat had plotted her revenge, and placed anti-telepathy runes throughout her manor. Upon arriving at the manor, Othello was ambushed and brutally beaten and raped by three male demons.

Madam Iszat maliciously puffed on a cigar and watched as Othello was violated. Once Madam Iszat felt she suffered enough for her transgressions, she ordered the demons to throw Othello's ravaged and bloody body into a nearby ditch for the Maggot demons to devour. Fortunately, a group of demons found Othello and took her to a hospital. While most demons would heal on their own, because of the horrific trauma she had endured her body couldn't heal as fast as it should've, which put her at grave risk. The next day, barely alive, Othello saw Knox by her bedside. Not in his human form but as the terrifying Grim Reaper. He was beyond furious to see what happened to his friend. He knew by her bruises what was done to her and who was responsible. Knox then vowed to avenge his friend before leaving. To his surprise, Othello grabbed his bone hands, which let him know that she just wanted him to stay by her side. Her regenerative abilities started to kick into high gear. Othello made a full recovery five minutes later. Knox and her then left the hospital and decided to start a life together. Something dark had awoken within Othello after that horrifying night. She not only wanted to get revenge someday, but Othello also desired to gain such a status within the Underworld that would give her the power to instill in other the indelible fear she felt on that tragic night.

Breaking The Only Man's Heart Who Ever Truly Loved Her

Over the next few centuries Othello and Knox became lovers, and lived a relatively normal life for demons. Knox was the provider as they agreed upon, going on various missions to keep money in their home. However, Othello, now highly proficient in the use of her telepathic powers, often ventured out of the house and manipulated weaker demons into giving her various valuables such as expensive dresses, jewelry, and whatever demonic arts they had knowledge of that she could later teach herself. Each passing day, while her love for Knox was genuine, she became more dissatisfied with her ordinary life and wanted to become a woman of high status. That opportunity would soon present itself, but at the cost of losing the one man who was ever true to her. The Demon Lord Diablo Rojas, the current King Of Babylon, was hosting a pageant in search for the perfect bride. Despite being in a relationship with Knox (who was away on a mission for Lady Johanna, the ruler of Satan's landing), Othello decided to enter the pageant in hopes of being chosen as Diablo's bride. 

The contest began simple enough. Othello easily passed the initial challenges and made it to the finals. The only woman standing her way was a demon by the name of Vivi, whose beauty rivaled Othello's, and who Diablo himself expected to win the whole thing. The last contest was a fight to the finish, and the demoness left standing would be Diablo's bride. Although Vivi was no slouch, nothing could prepare her for the devastation Othello had in store. Using all the powerful spells she'd learned over the many decades and the relentless battle style Knox had taught her, Othello had not only overwhelmed Vivi but had killed her without a second thought. Disappointed that Vivi was dead, Diablo was nonetheless satisfied that a beautiful demon like Othello would become his bride. The two married shortly after the conclusion of the contest. Othello quickly abandoned Knox. He meant nothing to her now. Finally, she was a woman of status, and would reap nearly the same benefits as her husband, being the newly crowned Queen of Babylon.

A few weeks later, Knox confronted her while Diablo was away at a conference with his fellow Demon Lords. Knox was beyond angry that the love of his life would go behind his back and marry another demon. Instead of showing remorse, Othello scolded her former boyfriend and told him he meant nothing and he was just a stepping stone until something better came along. Knox was so enraged that he again placed his scythe to Othello's neck, but Othello was now stronger than she ever was before. Othello struck Knox with a powerful psychic bolt that caused him more pain than he ever felt. She then threatened to have him hunted down like a dog if she ever saw him again

Shortly afterwards, Othello gave birth to her first child. A daughter she named Mihoshi Yemaya Strongs-Royas. This made Diablo furious because he wanted his firstborn to be a boy. This caused him to physically lash out at Othello. While most women in Othello's position would have ran away from their abusive husband, she knew that it was better to stay with him because being the Queen of Babylon guaranteed that she and her daughter would have a better station in life than going it on their own. Besides, Othello never truly loved Diablo; especially after he became increasingly abusive to her and even Mihoshi. On top of that, there was his infidelity, which wouldn't have bothered her if she was allowed to fuck other demons. Othello knew if she dared cheated on Diablo, not only would he have killed her but Mihoshi as well. So, she plotted to remove her husband from power. One day while she and Mihoshi returned home from an event hosted by Johanna, Othello mysteriously became pregnant with a baby that was not made with Diablo. The miraculous baby within her, unlike Mihoshi, caused her unimaginable pain as its presence grew stronger. Initially, Othello didn't know how this happened to her but her psychic abilities increased as well. She saw that her former lover, Knox had impregnated a mortal Holy Woman named Rosemary. Because Knox' baby had unearthly powers from conception, the pregnancy threatened the life of the mortal mother. Knox had magically transported some of the baby's essence inside through their Soul Bond. He'd hoped this would save his wife from dying. Despite the pain Othello felt, she knew that if she managed to give birth to this child that the payoff would be tremendously in her favor... and she was right.

Rosemary did give birth to her child, Onyx, but the Holy Woman died in childbirth. Her death caused Knox unspeakable grief. Othello, on the other hand, successfully gave birth to her second child, Hellina "Hellin" Sandra Lee Strongs. A child that was simultaneously her biological baby and the other half of the newly born Onyx. Diablo knew that his wife didn't cheat on him. He was furious that not only was she somehow impregnated and forced to give birth, but that it was another fucking girl. Unlike Mihoshi, who was his blood, Hellin meant nothing to him and he had intended to have the child killed. Othello, having sensed her husband's intentions, knew that she had to start preparing to assassinate him. Not only was Hellin her daughter, but she both physically and mentally felt how powerful Hellin would become, and she refused to let a soon-to-be dead King take away her greatest asset. Diablo tolerated Hellin for a few years and subjected her to the same abuse as her mother and older sister. Diablo prepared to have Hellin kidnapped one day when Othello was asleep. However, he underestimated how connected Othello was to Hellin, and that his little plan would work to her advantage. One night after sleeping with his wife, Diablo forced Othello to drink a serum that had properties to put a demon into a heavy paralyzing sleep. Believing that the serum had done its job, he ordered two of his men to accompany him as he went to take Hellin out of the room, making sure not to awaken Mihoshi. Bringing Hellin to his secret hideout, Diablo planned to absorb Hellin's life force because he, too, felt the child's power and wanted it for himself. 

Right before Diablo made his move, his guards attacked him from behind. Before he could react they mercilessly tore away at hime with their fangs. Able to fight them off, Diablo angrily grabs hold of them and rips them both in half. Diablo realized something was off. He knew his guards would never just attack him for no reason, let alone so savagely. Stepping out of the shadows, Othello appeared, which shocked Diablo to his core. Diablo now realized that Othello had countered the effects of the serum and had tracked him down. Diablo knew Othello used her telepathy to overtake his men's minds. Although still recovering from his injuries, he charged at her. She easily sidestepped her husband and transformed her right hand into a mulga snake and struck Diablo in one of his open wounds. Despite his best efforts to fight the poison it proved too much for him. Diablo died within seconds. Othello then ran over and retrieved Hellin, thankful that her daughter was safe. She then sent a telepathc S.O.S. to the reaming guards of Babylon, and pretended to be heartbroken over Diablo's death. Thanks to how his death appeared that his guards had turned on him, not a soul suspected Othello. And if they did, she would just kill them. Now with her husband out of the picture, she alone was Babylon's sole ruler. All hail Queen Othello of Babylon...

Othello Really is The Underworld's IT GIRL

Othello, now the exclusive ruler of Babylon, made some nice changes for herself and her daughters, Mihoshi and Hellin. She eventually adopted a demon girl named Orsela Geno, who also served the Babylon Kingdom; just with more privileges compared to the other servants. She played an influential role in Onyx's life, who was still unaware of his true origins. (Knox abandoned Onyx on the doorsteps of his eventual foster father Tobirama Senju after the death of his mother, Rosemary. Many years later, Onyx would avenge his foster father's death. His foster father had been killed by Mayland's Ruler, Queen Ida. Onyx would kill Queen Ida and become Mayland's next ruler and has been in power since). In addition, Othello exacted her revenge on her former employer, Madam Iszat, along with the three demons who'd raped her many centuries ago. Along with becoming Queen, Othello would also gain her husband's former title, The Demon Warlord of Lust and had the powers to prove her worthiness of such a title, much to the dismay of her fellow Demon Lords, especially Johanna. Now finally in the position of power she always desired, Othello made certain that she'd maintain that power for numerous centuries to come, with her daughter working alongside her


1 - Othello's creation is influenced by several things especially the bible story of Babylon

2- Othello has a snake motif and thus her obsession with poison and poisonous things

3- Othello is immune to all forms of poison

4- Othello's theme color is purple which is a color that represents royalty and lust

5- Othello's physical appearance is influenced by actress Vanessa Williams

6- Othello is one of the most beautiful women to exist in the FORBIDDEN/Onyxeverse

7- Othello's hate for mongoose is due to the actual rivalry between mongoose and snakes

8- Othello enjoys the heterosexual male gaze and often behaves sexually around them regardless of their relationship status

9- Othello does not particularly care for other women with the exception of her daughter and Madame Xi whom she considers a friend

10- Othello's favorite song is "Sex Shooter" by Apollonia Six

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