Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Rodrigo Seval Skill Set

 Rodrigo Seval

Skill Set

Skill Set Explanation


Ki Stock: Rodrigo has a special meter where he is able to use certain attacks depending on how much stock he possesses. Thus in order to use his stock as necessary. Rodrigo is able to gather ki energy around him in order to fill up his stock 

Special Attacks

Quick Thrust - A speedy but short distance closed fist strike

Nature Palm (During Quick Thrust & costs 2 Ki stocks from Rodrigo's meter) Rodrigo follows up his closed fist attack using is other hand to strike his opponent with a nature infused energy punch

Flora Blast: Rodrigo shoots out a blast of solar energy from his palm

Flora Beam (Costs 3 Ki stocks from Rodrigo's meter) Rodrigo unleashes a powerful solar energy beam from his palms against his opponent

Double Kick: Rodrigo performs a karate style double kick

Extra Hit (During Double Kick & costs 1 Ki stock from Rodrigo's meter) Rodrigo follows up with an extra kick that knocks his opponent down to the ground

Ki Theft (Command Grab): Rodrigo grabs his opponent and absorbs ki energy from them before pushing them down to the ground. The Ki energy Rodrigo absorbs is used to fill up his meter


Nature Roar: Rodrigo performs a swift strike that stuns the foe if successful. Rodrigo then unleashes a gigantic wave of solar energy to strike his opponent multiple times

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